Moss Collector...Hello that's me!

Haven't shared my personal photos with all of you
for quite awhile now...I think today is the perfect Day!
remember when I mentioned that I wanted to
collect moss in the countryside? Well, here are moments
captured on that weekend-day! ~take a look...

Have you ever climbed a tree?
Well... I was high up there collecting some moss!
The good thing was I did not fall nor break any bones...
[important note: do not wear high heels!!!]

Back on the ground, I gathered more of
nature glorious nature...
[Some of the best things in life are FREE indeed!]

was trying to gather & create something from nature.
You can see one of my assistants busy sniffing away...
Well, that's Miss Nia, one of my 5 Pugs. I named her 'Nia'
cos' when she was a puppy, she had a hernia ~thus NIA!
errr...it's a simple sweet true story, really!!

" Voila!!! ~done! "
It's my own version of a Japanese Zen Garden...
miniature style of course~

I displayed it by the kitchen window...
& later decided to move it to the dining table~

...enjoying the view of the mini garden
while sipping a hot cup of green tea...
" ~OOOMmmmmm.... "

Must say it's always nice to bring
a little bit of the outdoor - indoor...

This solid Indonesian Teak wood table is
one of my favorite piece in my humble home~
confession time: whenever I'm stressed out, I like to
polish this wood! 'Polishing away' all my problems...
~well it works! I feel so much better afterwards...errr-errr???

~Well everyone,
That's just a mini slice of my weekend in the country!
It's Friday...finally! ~WooHoo!!
May I say; I am very-very-VERY Excited!!!
(no 'ZEN' moment for now!)
" Peace! "
...weekend here we come~XOXO*


  1. I love it.
    Zen and the art of teak polishing...

  2. wow!! seriously? this is so awesome!!! will you make me one?

  3. lovely! i love nature collecting walks!

  4. wow, i never thought moss could be so artistic and visually pleasing! fantastic new DIY zen garden, and 5 pugs?! i looove pugs and that sounds like the cutest bunch ever :)

    have a great weekend miss!

  5. lovely! that's such a unique way to use the moss

    and come check out my blog today, there is a surprise for you!

  6. please share more often! :) Love them

  7. THanks for sharing! Great post! I love Ur Bottega V. bag. :)

  8. I love moss! It reminds me of fairies in the woods. Like, moss is the home of little creature or something. I don't know. Nevermind. Peace!

  9. Oh snap, that is so cool, I'm going to have to try and make one.

  10. So serene...I could never make something like that. Beautiful!

  11. oh gosh, its so pretty!! awesome work dear friend!

  12. Girl, that bag is stunning. Ummm... if you don't want it anymore ;-)

    Happy Weekend Dear! Have a great one.

  13. Moss is so lovely!
    Have a gorgeous weekend, darling!


  14. You made moss look so wonderful! I love the first pola of that purse. You have excellent taste!

    have a wonderful weekend!

  15. I think... that you and I would get along brilliantly. Moss? Amazing.

  16. i love moss and re-locating it from the woods (botanical garden, shhhh...) to our terrarium now and then. your display is wonderful as is nia's naming story. enjoy your weekend!

  17. You put that together beautifully. I'm inspired by your talent. You gathered nature's bounty and arranged it in a fashion that makes so happy.

    That's something to be proud of.

  18. Thank you for all your kind words everyone! ~SWEET*

  19. Love the bag.

  20. I applaud your ladder climbing efforts (that's where I would've been ... down on the ground applauding)
    Worth it though - moss looks beautiful.
    Lovely weekend Lenore. xxx

  21. I don't get to be in nature much so thank you for sharing with us your pretty photos :) I like your mini zen garden, it would look good in life size too! I'm excited for the weekend too.. hope you have funn!

  22. How quaint! Bringing nature indoors is such a wonderful experience!

    Say hi to Miss Nia for me :)

  23. love it! Inspires me. There's a lot of moss around here, that's for sure.

  24. As always, it is such a joy visiting your blog, dear friend ;-)

  25. How great of you, Lenore, to share a bit more of YOU with US! Love moss too and love you and your darling table and pugs and all! and did I mention the purse??????? I adore braided leather!!! I have not climbed a tree in a while - "note to self": Lenore is on to something here...!! oxox

  26. Lovely!! Yes, definitely don't wear the heels during the tree climbing :)

    Wonderful Weekend Wishes to you!!
    xoxo Laura

  27. Beautiful photos! Spring has sprung!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  28. A girl after my own heart ... love that velvety green stuff ! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ! xoxo

  29. lovely... and i am so happy to have found your blog. have a great weekend xx

  30. Oh, you picked up mosses from a tree! What a professional collector! It's great to know you enjoy Bonsai. I don't know how to but I know how to sweep mosses. haha Have a nice weekend. You know something? My laptop was broken! I've got to get a new one soon. By the way, did you get "iPad"?

  31. That is so cool! I think that mini zen garden is so sweet and the proportions and arrangement show great flare and chutzpah - like everything you do! :0) Love that your peeps helped too - very important! I always feel when Harry is watching me when I sweep the yard or am doing some gardening he is thinking "one day I will do that too" and he's watching in order to figure out how it's done!

    Hope you have / are having a wonderful weekend sweetie! XOXO's

  32. hope you're having a nice weekend... really like these photos and your styling...

  33. Heck honey climbing trees...you did great...love your set of photo's. Totally loved your assistant's paws in shot...I think I read right that was FIVE pugs!!

    Love your table too,
    ps pleased you felt like dancing to the music, I love that song.

  34. you did an excellent job:D this moss decoration look so very zen :) love the photos. and Nia has a wonderful name :) have a lovely sunday)

  35. beautiful! ive never ever thought of collecting moss before! but that's an amazing centrepiece :)

  36. Wow! Thst's so cool! I just started planting moss in my spare dishes after sorting out my back garden and noticing how beautiful it is - all shapes and virulent shades of green...:)

  37. Moss away, Lenore! I love you Zen garden and tree climbing used to be one of my favourite activities (don't know if I can still get up there, but have to try). Wishing you a lovely Sunday. xox

  38. Wow, it's just gorgeous. Fabulous job lady!

  39. I have become such an avid plant collector in my adulthood, but I must say I've never considered decorating with moss...until now. You, my dear, are an inspiration!

  40. these are just amazing Lenore...wowee...the mini zen garden and the photos!!! what a productive project, so pretty and very zenlike!!

  41. I'm now feeling so very relaxed...zzzz

    You are way to clever and creative & I adore your craftiness. Thank goodness no broken bones were part of this project. Hope you had a lovely, countryside weekend Lenorenevermore?!

    Hugs xoxo

  42. Lenore that is gorgeous, I feel my blood pressure lowering by just looking at it...so tranquil and beautiful. Can you please come over and make me one. I love your table too, the wood is incredible. I just dropped a wood table on my bare foot and can barely walk...I should always wear heels it is the only time I don't get hurt..I am very accident prone.

  43. Lenore this is beautiful! Now I want one too! You're so clever and talented my dear. It sounds like you had a super weekend.

    The table is amazing...love it!

  44. these are all so beautiful and it sound like nature fun!

  45. I love your moss creation! I've been seriously wanting some for my house, too. I just need to figure out where I can display it...
