TMI ~but Do You Know?

" I could talk on the phone, watch TV, ...plus
pluck my eyebrows at the same time! "
[ I'm dangerous like that !!! ]
but...later on, I looked at the mirror & discovered that
I looked more like an abstract Picasso! ~whahhh...+sobs*

~For those who find it tough to juggle more than a couple things at once, don’t despair. The brain is actually set up to manage two tasks, & not more, a new study suggests! That’s because, when faced with two tasks, a part of the brain known as the medial pre-frontal cortex divides so that half of the region focuses on one task & the other half on the other task. This division of labor allows a person to keep track of two tasks pretty readily, but if you throw in a third, things get a bit muddled. “What really the results show is that we can readily divide tasking. We can cook & at the same time talk on the phone, and switch back and forth between these two activities,” said study researcher Etienne Koechlin of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France. “However, we cannot multitask with more than two tasks.” [published in the Journal Science. »source Live Science*]

" errr...are you good ( dangerous! ) at multi-tasking ??? "
-Photo by Pedro Dimitrow for Panasonic Ads Campaign


  1. I can walk and chew gum at the same time!
    I know!
    Don't hate!

  2. Great info! Somethings I can multitask but most things I cannot!

  3. Multitasking will be the death of me!
    I'd show this to my manager if I thought he'd take the slightest bit of notice (yes HE - haven't noticed him managing more than one task at a time)
    Ooh sorry - whinge whinge whine

    How was your Monday ?

  4. I can do that rub belly pat head thing but when I have like 5 different people asking me to hang out in one night my brain shuts down. I try to multi-task but yeahhh I feel burnt after. I think I agree with the 2 things. I've totally tried to pluck my eyebrows while watching TV in the mirror & then talking on speaker phone...well let's just say I had to draw in some of my eyebrow for a week. hehe. =P

  5. oh darling, I must disagree with this study... we women are so capable of multi-tasking! otherwise, wait to have just two kids and you'll know what I'm talking about! haha!
    hope you have a great day! xo

  6. Finally! The scientific end to the idea of multi-tasking. I can't do more than 2 things anyway, e.g. yawning and making coffee; driving and singing...

  7. I'm ok with 2. 3 and I get a little wobbly.

  8. I used to be a good multi-tasker now I have gotten my life done to the essentials so I don't need to do more than one or two things at once.

  9. you're right! there are actually numerous studies that say that multi-tasking is pretty much impossible as far as focusing goes. i am NOT good at focusing on more than one thing at a time. i find that when i try to do too much at once, i make lots of mistakes.

  10. Two is definitely my limit. More than that and things get downright scary! lol.

  11. lol! love this post!! PRO!!!

  12. Excellent. I heard about that. Also, that, and while young people seem to be able to multi-task more now, the things they do lack quality. Which is why I am studiously ignoring my kids while I type and drink coffee. Two things at a time, only.

  13. I am the Queen! But not right now. All my attention is on you :)

  14. I can multitask with just about everything. Except cooking. I totally have to focus if I cook or bake. :)

  15. woo, that's awesome to know that im not lazy after all! haha. juggling tasks is just not really my thing, im a perfectionist so i need to have significant time management and that usually requires only doing 2 things at a time. great pics btw!

    have a fabulous rest of your week miss :)

  16. Stanford ran a research study and found multi tasking is totally impossible! :)

  17. I don't believe it. I can multi-task...may not do a perfect job with all tasks but i do get'er done! Haha.

  18. Dancing Branflake Caroline & Bananas,
    you guys are super talented!

  19. I used to be better in college at multitasking... for some reason these days i get distracted and bounce from 1 thing to another!

  20. Often, I'm just plain dangerous. I can be doing one thing and knock a glass of wine over or run into the cupboard door or turn a corner too sharp and hit my shoulder or...the list is endless.

  21. My middle name is multi-tasking!

    Thanks for your "ever-more" sweet comments today :) Do you realize we have been "chatting" with each other every day for over a year now???

    Wow... You're the best!
    xoxo Laura

  22. I keep changing the profile pic... crazy! can't decide :)

  23. Love the dog picture!! Hope your week is going well!

  24. I'm pretty good at multi-tasking, but I thinkt here's some truth in the two tasks theory. If you want to do something properly you probably shouldn't do more than two at once, otherwise you'll only end up doing all tasks in a somewhat mediocre manner.

    That eyebrow plucking is a dangerous thing! Thankfully they grow back ;-)

  25. I have my limits for multitasking and at the end of a long day at work I'm pretty snappy if I have to talk and do something else at the same time.Interesting though! In Aus I think they've decided we can't multitask as it's illegal to talk on your mobile and drive a car at the same time...

  26. "I'm dangerous like that" too funny darling.

  27. looks like Dubuffet paintings.....

  28. well i'm so glad to read this...because i just had to stop and slow down....i couldn't manage the 7x7x7x7 things i was doing at once.8/
