What to do when I can't sleep at night?

errr...redecorate my home sweet home ??!!
my place is such a mess at the moment...gathering things from the attic
to redecorate my book shelves... You see, I'm planning to mix some
objects to be displayed together with my book collection~
...you know, make it all look cozier + lovelier!

...this is how it's been arranged & displayed at the moment,
for wayyy too long I must say ~quite blehhh!
Simply need a change and Jazz it UP a little!
That's what I intend to accomplish this coming weekend~
[excuse me, are we there yet Saturday??? ~quickly, can't wait!]
~some inspirations found :

" Quite challenging I think, how to display our Booksss...
yup~ without looking like a Law Office! "

...any suggestions, dear creative people out there?


  1. you will have to show us the result :) xoxo

  2. I love book shelves filled with books... the more the better :)

  3. Oh you're gonna have so much fun with this Lenore. I can't wait to see the result! And I can't wait to hear suggestions because I have the exact same problem.

  4. I love the look of knickknacks and frames with books! Good luck :)

  5. Once you get started, you'll do a fabulous job. I don't think you need anybody's help, just play with your possessions and put them where they tell you they want to sit. Yes, listen closely and you'll hear their voices.

    Dang, I sound crazy. Oh well, the cat's out of the bag now. Let the fun begin!!

  6. Oh, I do that, too. (Mostly during the day though.) The only disadvantage is I need to clean things away when I take out a book. But when I see these beautiful pictures I think it's worth the effort.

  7. oh, you've lotsa books!! fictional ones? now im curious!! :D and Im sure the end result will be great, please show us soon :D

  8. Saving Capulet,

    mostly Design & Art books...
    alright~a few sleazy novels thrown in there! (blush-blush*)

  9. I like the mix of books and knickknacks, and some of those photos are quite the inspiration.

  10. I recently just rearranged my bookshelf after much fussing but I feel like a proud momma now that i have it just right Good luck!

  11. Have fun with that idea Lenore - although I like it the way it is.

  12. I like the idea of mixing books and collectibles plus pictures. Good luck makes for more fun than watching late night TV.

  13. Is it weird that I really enjoy arranging bookshelves? Sounds like you have a fun little project :)

  14. I think your bookcase is marvelous as is! :)

  15. You are far more ambitious than me when I can't sleep at night. I end up watching 24 and staying up even later!

  16. Jan & Melissa Blake,
    thank you!
    Looking at the same look for years...got me thinking for some minor changes! You know~ a 'mini face-lift*

  17. Mix it up, nicely with objects de art, works of small art, etc, keep the lines clean and it won't feel messy to you!

    Art by Karena

  18. Ooooooh I love books, darling L!

    Gorgeous post!


  19. oh my goodness! that's what you do when you can't sleep? I get so upset when I can't sleep that I can't think of anything! can't wait to see the changes! have a nice day, darling! xo

  20. Books and videos DO always seem cluttered and book shelves always seem to attract other things not meant for display.

  21. Haha! My books totally look like a law office (my husband is a law student). I have too many books. I still haven't unpacked them all and I've lived here for a year.

  22. your home always looks so inviting! i just want to sit there forever! :D

  23. I adore the "organized chaos" look!

    Some knick knacks here, some books over there, a few picture frames scattered through out...keeps it interesting while allowing you to showcase all of your treasures!

  24. Arranging bookshelves is my FAVORITE part of decorating! Hope you're going to show us after photos of the fabulous magic you make, Lenore! xoxo

  25. Love your inspirations!!! And I agree little knick knacks amongst books give it a cozier feel. I am not a natural at it though...This makes me think i need more trinkets. I have enough books.....never enough, I mean. ;) My husband and I are nuts with the book collecting..nuts.

  26. I LOVE your gorgeous white library, hon! I'm quite certain I would LOVE your whole house. Not to mention your closet :)

    Hope you get some good rest tonight.


  27. fun! let us know how it goes!

  28. That last photo is fantastic. I'm a book hoarder and always looking for ways to integrate them into my larger scheme of decor.


    All this is Grace and Charm

  29. When you are done, would you like to come do my place?


  30. Oooh, I love combining trinkets with books.... definitely adds more character! Adore the first and last example especially!

  31. Love your inspiration! You will have to let us know hot it goes. Have fun!

  32. I adore that black bookcase - I've never seen that sort of thing before - interesting! It's amazing what a difference just rearranging the books within a bookcase can make on the feel of a room. I think you're going to have fun doing that sweetie! XOXO's (tomorrow's Saturday - yipeee!)

  33. i love me some books! and the examples you have for presentation for our glorious book storage issues are SUPERB!!!!

  34. Oooh, I just love this idea! I can't wait to see what you do. I'm awesome with collecting books, but collecting other things to put on the bookshelves with the books -- I'm completely clueless.

  35. Thank you for coming and commenting on my blog!!!love yours, is so inspirational!!wish you food luci for you diy weekend!yesterday I diy my outdoor chairs and I'm so proud of them!;)

  36. I adore books!! Your bookshelf is beautiful!! It will be AMAZING! ..and Lenore YOU are the incredibly creative one!!!

  37. Inspiring shelves, very rich in color and texture. Is that a white Barcelona chair that I spy in your home? Aside from Eames, they are my second favorite chair! I'm a little envious (and even more in love with your style). Have a fantastic weekend, girlie! XO, Marsi

  38. Oh, I forgot that you asked for suggestions! Need coffee before I'm required to think, tee-hee. Your bookshelves are beautiful just as they are, but if you're looking for a change, I've always heard from designers that you should place some vertical books, some stacked horizontally, interspersed with art-type objects (sculpture, figures, serving pieces, etc). And the negative (empty) space is important in order to "give the eye a break" or some such thing. However, then you won't have as much room for will of your lovely books!

  39. Lenore, I adore your bookshelves as they are, but I completely understand needing to change things up a bit. I guess you can add some gorgeous pieces from travels etc. You are super creative and I just know whatever you do will look fab. I have to work on the white bookcases in my studio too! I have black Bcases going up a staircase and they are my favorite, very very chic, I used complete control there and edited them. I also have red lacquer in my office and now they are cluttered with tons of books...need to work on that one day too. I also have some white bookcases that are just filled with books and nothing else and I like that look too... I am going to do a post on them one day, when there is time :)
    Have a restful, beautiful and creative weekend

  40. books are the soul of a room
    (I'm paraphrasing someone I know)
    Aaaaanyway, love love love that black room!
