SATC 2 reviews~

Hi Everyone!
I watched 'Sex And The City 2' over the weekend.
Unfortunately, did not feel the lOVe at all! Am I alone here?!
I guess not! Here are the meanest...errr perhaps the
funniest things written by professional movie critics about the film:

~"Are we done yet? Second 'Sex' flick hits a new Manolo with drab four.." -Kyle Smith's New York Post

~"The film is an epic eyesore." -David Edelstein's New York Magazine

~"Admittedly, the horny blonde, the cougar of the franchise's female quartet, does her libidinous best, but, having warded off cancer and now battling the encircling demons of menopause, the odds and those damned hot flashes are decidedly against her." - a star an a half -Rick Groen's Globe and Mail

~"The contrived gaiety takes camp to new levels." -Claudia Puig's USA Today review

~"...Frankly, I cannot stomach another moment of the simpering, mincing, hair-tossing, eyelash-batting little-girl shtick she's been pulling ever since she emerged, with considerably more verve and charm, as a high-colonic Malibu Barbie opposite Steve Martin in L.A. Story." -Ella Taylor's Village Voicer

~"Amy Odell, of nymag.com's [fashion blog] The Cut, accompanied me to the screening and was kind enough to whisper that a particular dress of Carrie's cost 50 grand. But what's the point of spending that much when the cinematographer, John Thomas, lights Sarah Jessica Parker to bring out the leatheriness of her skin?" -David Edelstein's New York Magazine

~"...This deadly, brainless exercise in pointless tedium is dedicated to the screeching audacity of delusional self-importance that convinces these people the whole world is waiting desperately to watch two hours and 25 minutes of platform heels, fake orgasms and preposterous clothes." -Rex Reed's New York Observer

~"[Liza Minelli's] version [of "All The Single Ladies"] is in no way superior to the one in "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel," and it is somehow both the high point of "Sex and the City 2" and a grim harbinger of what is to come. The number starts out campy, affectionate and self-aware, but at some point turns desperate, grating and a little sad." -A.O. Scott's New York Times

~"The characters of "Sex and the City 2" are flyweight bubbleheads living in a world which rarely requires three sentences in a row. Their defining quality is consuming things." -Roger Ebert's Chicago Sun-Times

~"SUCKS IN THE CITY" - The headline of Kyle Smith's New York Post

I'm not a movie critic, but watching SATC2 was like eating 4 whole sticks of rich butter!
Don't get me wrong I like butter, but too much buttermakeswanttopukeBADly!
Seriously, I'd rather watch reruns of 'The Golden Girls' on tv!
~yesss...Lurrrve them, still!
-Graphic print via the Love Shop, The Golden Girls photo via


  1. What can I say, I already gave the first one a miss (I did watch it on TV later which confirmed my decision not to have bothered in the first place). I've read a few reviews about SATC2 and they all fit into your assembly. Oh well, there was a good series once...

  2. They should have ended the series fabulously with the last movie. SATC2 was just gaudy & cheesy! Disappointed!!

  3. I haven't seen SATC2 yet! I want to so bad though. I didn't think this movie looked as good as the first one though. I'm not even really sure what it's about. All I know is, I hope Carrie doesn't get with Aidan!

  4. Everyone should have let it die with the series finale. It was fabulous. Better to go out on a high note than to put out this crap.

  5. I saw it Wednesday and I enjoyed it. I know a lot of critics hated it, but I think a lot of them seemed to miss the point (IMO, of course). Some parts could have bee better, some of the dialogue was a bit cheesy, the Aidan thing was flop, but overall I liked it.

  6. i never got into the series but that was because Miranda looked way to similar to my English teacher at the time....freaked me out.

  7. I havn't seen it yet myself, but I agree with Tracie. Sometimes a good thing should be left untounched before it gets ruined. The first movie was so -so, but when it was over I thought to myself will this be it? They did wrap it up after all, the wedding. Now I think they are just goung to create clowns and girls we will care less about. Lovin the weekend though!!!

  8. That's too bad. I don't watch SATC, but I guess they thought they could pull off what they did with the first film.

  9. I did enjoy it, I thought it was fun which is pretty much all, I never expected a superb film just some fun time :) But yeah of course I get the critics, it's not a critics film I guess just like Carrie's book in the movie ;)

  10. Classic photo of the Golden Girls!!!

  11. Laura,
    I know...so very golden I must say~

  12. So glad you stopped by my blog:) A new follower of yours!
    I am glad I am not the only one who is not a Sex and the City fan...overhyped, overdone.
    Laughed through those quotes!

  13. Bwahahahahahahahaha! I love the shot of the Golden Girls. Awesomely hilarious!

  14. "sucks in the city" made me laugh! I still haven't seen it. It's disappointing that it's getting so many bad reviews. I think I'm only in it for the costumes anyway. Can't wait to see Miranda's wardrobe. They seem to be dressing her better these days.

  15. wow that movie review is hilarious! That's unfortunate to hear tho...I was excited to see that film! Maybe I will think twice about going now hahahaa

  16. I haven't watched it yet though I will still do despite the bad reviews. I was laughing at the critics comments. xoxo

  17. I'm really out in left field regarding anything to do with Sex and the City. I've never, ever watched it on TV or at the theater.

    I'm feeling like the lone ranger here but I'm used to feeling that way. I seem to do the opposite of what most other people are doing.

    Grrr...brrrr....yikes and sheesh!!

  18. Oh no! I was going to see this on Tuesday..."sucks in the city" LOL...maybe I will see something else :(

  19. Never got into it (like quite a few of your readers it would seem)
    Golden Girls though ... now you're talking.

  20. oh bummer, I was hoping the negative comments were not true. We had girls night out Friday and our dinner/drinks ended way too late to catch the movie, I'm kinda glad we missed it! I'll wait and watch it at home and throw a party so if its bad I won't care :)
    I love the Golden Girls, so funny!

  21. Ow wow wow wow wow!!! Those reviews! Sucks in the City (giggle!). I had heard some grumbles in the jungle about this movie but now it is official - if you don't like it then no way am I seeing it. I did read one review which said that it was rediculous to put them in Dubai because New York is one of the main reasons we watch it! I heartily agree! XOXO's P.S. Fornasetti!!! Bien sur! Thank you!

  22. Am I the only woman out there that hasn't seen it yet ? Perhaps I'm better home with another Housewives of NY re run... uh huh, I think so !
    Thanks for the heads up ! XO Lisa

  23. HATERRRR!!!

    hahaha. i watched it and thought it was just okay, not horrible. but then i never agree with the masses.

  24. hahaha Banana,
    I'm a lover & & a hater...

  25. scott is relieved i won't be dragging him to see it ;)!

  26. I saw it this weekend too and was terribly disappointed. Will write a bit about it soon.

  27. No, I don't think I'm going to see this one. Maybe on DVD...


    illustrating a post about SATC II with a photo of the Golden Girls is Genius.
