errr...please don't laugh~

The sun was shining brightly through my window over the weekend...
perfect opportunity to be shameless!
...stripped naked (birthday suit baby!) & took some shadow-self portraits!
a friend told me earlier, that my shadows resemble aliens...'E.T phone home!'
(,,,don't laugh!)
...this one you may laugh all you want!
"whahaha... flying high marks on silliness right?!"
I really-really had nothing better to do I tell ya'! (Photoshop is FUN*)
Would you be brave enough to take this Airline around the world???
I'm all packed today & ready to catch a looong flight (18 hours!) to Singapore once again.
Dear new readers, I fly to Singapore for work+pleasure quite frequently~
you may click here to read more of my 'Singapore Adventure Posts'
As usual, I shall share my travel photos with all of you when I arrive
in the island of Singapore okie* Promise, no more naked shadowy-self portrait!!!~whahhh*

~Wish me a pleasant flight everyone!
as always~


  1. Have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to enjoy your pics.

  2. You are too funny :) Have an awesome trip!

  3. I want to reserve my seat now as a frequent flyer of Lenorenevermore Airlines... any perks in First Class??

  4. lol they do look like aliensa and yeah would love to take that plane!! have fun in sg! :D

  5. I love your self portrait! And I can't even tell you're nakey.
    True story, my last name happens to be an airline, or a former one back in the day. So my last name used to be plastered over every plane (they were as big as Delta or United). So I very much appreciate your photoshop skills.

  6. Your shadow does leave a bit to the imagination.

  7. Brilliant Lenore - You're a genius coming up with inventive ways to amuse yourself(and us)!
    Safe journey ♥ xxx

  8. Enjoy your trip! I wish I could fly Jaime Airlines..it'd all be first class! :)

  9. creative and fun!

    have a great trip

  10. have a lovely trip, darling! don't forget to share photos! xo

  11. Have a wonderful trip. I'd fly that airline.

  12. have a nice trip! i do like the shadow portraits, so neat!

  13. Have a safe and fun trip, you little alien you!

  14. You are such a riot, have fun, fun fun!!!

    Art by Karena

  15. Lovely shadow shots. so creative! enjoi your flight little lovely!

  16. You'll give all your followers free trips on your airline... right???
    Cool shadow pics!

  17. Safe travels and have a fun time....all work and no play....you know how it goes!

  18. I dint laugh very artistic, fun too!!
    have a safe flight Lenore xoxo

  19. i would definitely take your airline around the world assuming you'll be there and there will be plenty of champagne :)

  20. you really should have your own airline, already. have a safe and restful flight!

  21. AnonymousJune 14, 2010

    ha. I heart you.
    I love your shadow shots.
    Have a wonderful flight.


  22. Singapore encore! I love it when you go to Singapore because then I can pretend I'm going too! Your shadowy self is very pretty - of course!! XOXOs' and safe of trip sweetie!

  23. Your shadow is as I would have expected, that is, lovely.

    I'd become a frequent flyer if you owned an airline. I imagine you'd have the planes decorated in wonderfully unique ways.

    Sing all the way to Singapore, my friend, dance while you're there and then sing again all the way home.

  24. Happy and safe flight...xx

  25. Have a wonderful trip, sweetie. I adore the shadow photos...:)
    Kisses and be safe:)

  26. have you ever read this poem? http://writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/wcw-danse-russe.html

    You're in very good artistic company.

  27. those shadows do conceal your nekkidness quite well..heehee. for some reason i see coat hangers too, the way your arms are folded on top..i dunno..hehe.
    Have a wonderful trip to Singapore, you lucky lady.

  28. Safe travels to you Lenore,and thanks for taking us with you yet again! And yes, I would most certainly fly Lenorenevermore Airlines any time. How posh it would that be!!!

  29. The naked shadow photos are awesome. Don't pretend they're anything less.

    Have a safe flight to Singapore!

  30. I love your shadowy self-portraits, Lenore. Very artistic! Hope you have a good flight and a great arrival in Singapore. Just yesterday someone said to me what a great and exciting place Singapore is. xoxo

  31. P.S. Lenorenevermore Airlines would have to be an airline especially for bloggers, for sure!

  32. Have a great and safe flight, dearest Lenore!

  33. Gorgeous shadow shots dear Lenore... and nothing 'ET' about it!

    Also, so happy you're traveling! No one does a travel post better.

  34. what business meeting did you cancel? So sorry to hear....wow....so much water
