"Good Morning Singapore..."

I'm having my jet lag...
O'well, enjoying my first cup of coffee while reading the local papers.
(...more cups later today I guess!)
Loving the Singapore Straits Times Newspaper here...such a page turner!!!
Here are some of the headliners (can be quite juicy!)
~here you are :
As expected, the flood of course made it to the front page!
It's reported that it was the worst in this country
since 1984 & it happens that I am here to witness it all.
Thank goodness no fatality, but losses likely to be in million$!
other news: sex tape scandal is quite a global thing I guess...even here in Southeast Asia!
That's about USD $10 ~ great deal for hairless armpits huh?!
Soccer/football is HUGE here! (anyway...I adore how colorful the papers here are!)
Just like most countries, the aging population is a big topic...
I can relate as my parents are getting there soon.
errr... more men with balls!
I enjoy reading a success story somehow...
from a cleaner to a star~ being cute always helps!
If I were the judge, I 'd like to sentence the greedy smuggleres...
I would let these tortoises bite the smuggler's nipples off. ~OUCH!!!
( ...so sorry to sound sadistic! But this kind of story really angers me!)
Obituaries continue to somehow remind me of the short cycle of life on earth...
"Don't sweat the small stuff & appreciate every moment in life!'
errr...you agree I hope?
" Bad day anyone??? "
ooohhh...How cute is this!
Excuse me...for your info, I'm not so shallow you know...
I do read the important 'World Politics' section too -speed reading though! ~whahhh*
rain or shine, I shall continue to enjoy this island today!
[wow what's this with the sudden positive attitude? ...could be the flood experience???]
until' then everyone!


  1. I love your Singapore posts! When I first started reading your blog you were there, talking about the news and such. Memories!

    And for real, you are the funniest commentator ever.

  2. I like that jittery cup of coffee so much, that I wish I could have that moving photo, framed and awaiting me at the breakfast table.

  3. Thanks for sharing- cool to see what is "news" over there!

  4. oh dear, I hope the flood doesn't cause too much damage and trouble!

    haha, I had no idea the news about those Indonesian celebs and their sex tape scandal would make it's way to a Singaporean newspaper.

  5. hahahaha can't stop laughing about that 'hair removal' ad there! lol :)


  6. Wow this is so cool ... so much in English too ! Thank you for giving us a peek in the day of your life right now ! XO Lisa

  7. Lisa,
    here in Singapore, most people do speak English, even their schools...I found out, they call it Singlish here; Singapore-English(quite cute isn't it?)

  8. That coffee looks good. My husband will be there next month. I'll ask him to get a tin of "Happy birth day" blended tea from TWG tea company for my present. Can't wait ---oh,oh, can't wait for him to come home of course, the birthday present is the second. Have a nice day!

  9. Love this peek at the paper, Lenore, and I'm with you on the tortoises! Those men are evil!

    xo Gigi

  10. That was a lot of fun. One of my favorites.

  11. Thanks for sharing! So fun and those $10 armpits...well, that sort of makes me squirm a bit. Giggle!

  12. sounds interesting i like his post

  13. goodness...horrible about the flooding. Lord knows we know a thing or two about that around here.

  14. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of Singaporean news! The flood is always sad to hear about.. I wonder how that $10 hair removal works :) it would be so nice to not have to shave !! Have a good time in Singapore!

  15. Love the colorful Singapore news paper! Have a great trip.

  16. Nice post. Love to read abt happenings on the other side of the globe :) Love the cleaner to star headlines! Love rags to riches stories :)

  17. That last pic of the mini car is hilarious! And a big F YOU to the turtle smugglers--what horrid people!

  18. Drinking my coffee right now :)


  19. Very interesting - thanks for taking the time to put this together Lenore.
    I concur with suggested punishment for tortoise smugglers !

  20. That was so cool. I love seeing things from newspapers and magazines from around the world. Hope you are doing well.

  21. I love reading newspapers from other countries!
    and that little bug is so darn cute!

  22. whoa, those are a lot of current events to take in. i'm thankful the flood hasn't claimed any lives and i'm definitely disturbed by the animal smuggling. sigh.

  23. well you read more of the news than I do.

  24. loved this post darling! thanks for sharing news from faraway! xo

  25. Gosh it's all happening over there in Singapore!! Those rare turtles are very interesting looking - I'm glad they don't sell well! XOXO's

  26. Wow, what a crazy thing to witness. I loved looking at all these pictures and reading the captions. I feel like I just took a little trip!

  27. Cool! I love the picture of the cup of coffee at the top.

  28. That mini VW beetle is adorable! For years my city has hosted a big VW fest called "Bugapalooza", and the lady who organizes the whole thing owns my husbands old '72 convertible beetle. He tired of constantly fixing cars, so he stopped driving the old bugs a while ago. But interestingly, they are opening a VW plant in my city this summer, and my husband has an interview next week.
