Pondering Today~

Adam & Eve Plates by Piero Fornasetti.

Do we judge others by what they look like, wear, or even where they live...hmmm??? ~This is an interesting project; same two models with different makeup looks/styling

by the team at Reclarkgable.



  1. WOW! this is so cool Lenore!!! I am totally going to go check out this link! thank you for posting!! Hope you are having a nice week!!

  2. Cool project. Although to be honest, I judged it as "two models with different make-up looks/styling."

    But it's still a very cool artistic point.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. amazing, darling! you always find the most unique things! hope you're having a lovely day! xo

  5. I didn't know these photos were of the same two people!!

    As much as I hate it, I do judge people by how they look, act, and so on and so forth.

    At least that's my initial reaction. Then I catch myself and try to rethink my judging instincts.

    Being human is a challenge. Eh? Grr. Yikes.

  6. everyone has first impressions of someone. it's human nature. but even if we do look at the clothes and the looks when we actually get to know the person that's our true idea of them.

  7. For real? I can't believe I didn't realize it was the same couple until you pointed it out. Crazy! Very thought provoking.

  8. i'd be leery of those two in all other their guises!

  9. WOW soooooo neat. love this post! FYI: I posted my next free blog giveaway! SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM

  10. As I used to seeing new people all the time (i.e. potential customers)
    I'm probably less judgemental than most.
    This is a weird looking bunch of specimens, but I think I could conceal my true reaction if they came strolling in.
    Got to sell sell sell :)

  11. i love this, simple concept. HUGE impact!

  12. wow incredible, definitely makes you think!!

  13. we sure do. sometimes i am guilty of doing this, too. shame on me. i am not thrilled when others judge me based on my looks/clothing/car/etc., so i should stop doing that crap, too.

  14. Ohhhh...love the plates and the models!! Such a great concept. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Yay for Fornasetti - but Oh my!!! I really dig those photos of the models - awesome concept and execution!!!! Wow wow - very, very cool find sweetie!! OXOX's P.S. Lovely week to you!

  16. This is so great!!! How creative:)
    What a cool find..kisses and have a great day:)
    LOVE IT!!!!

  17. Clearly, we make conscious and unconscious judgments about others based on what we see. We're only human, and quite frankly, it's not a bad thing. We need to be able to judge books by their covers. The only problem is when we're not able to reassess our judgments based on evidence.

    On another note, I love these photos! The people look so different in all of them!

  18. Wow that's super crazy! And sadly, yes I think we all judge, at least a little bit.

  19. That's so interesting! What fun it would be to change identities for a bit. I've had the same boring hairstyle for years for fear of change. This just might be the ticket!

  20. Interesting project, they really did a good job on them.

  21. AnonymousJune 08, 2010

    I like this project. As much as I try not to judge others, I fail sometimes.


  22. Incredible transformations...interesting idea. I guess as much as we don't want to think that we judge, we probably do. xv

  23. Thanks everyone!
    Let's have some fun & change our identities sometimes, no?


  24. love this. i would adore to do this someday. i wish i had a personal makeup artist and hair stylist. i would sport different looks all the time. love this so much!!!
    the junkie look is nuts.
