Both My Parents' Birthdays Are Coming Up...

Is it so wrong to get these pillows for my father for his Birthday?
My mom as always, has not been paying enough attention to him...
especially in the bed room department!!
Some of you may know that my parents do not have the
 healthiest relationship in the world(sobs*)...dysfunctional is more like it!
Their birthdays are just one day apart~ 13th & 14th November.
Let me go on looking for my mom's birthday gift as well.
Perhaps the same shop may sell the same pillows...
in 'Male Hunky' version!?

Are your parents still together & not 'killing' each other?
[ sorry...I'm always so nosy like that! ]
-'Sexy Pin Up Pillows' available HERE 


  1. Beautiful!!!


  2. Still together, making each other miserable ;). Nah, they're "ok-happy", not "happy-happy", but "ok-happy"... :D

  3. Gah! Both of your parents are Scorpios? (I'm a Scorpio, too, this is why I say "Gah!"). :) I think those pillows would make a sweet gift for anyone.

    My parents stayed together until my mom passed away. My father never remarried or dated for that matter. I grew up watching the fairytale.

  4. Gorgeous pillows....love them all:)

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  5. Some nice pillows and a few attractive lips to kiss, whether or cloth, if used to sleep with excitement.

  6. Excellent story in pictures. By the way, I know the blog of Inge and always has been a pleasure to exchange comments, like you.

  7. maybe they need a gift certificate to a romantic something! dinner, brunch, picnic basket with sensual fruit, good cheese and champagne or time off to have a date together somehow.

    tho i do love the idea of getting them sex icon pillows for both sexes :)

  8. I bet your father would love those curiously cute pin-up pillows! My Dad's a Marilyn Monroe fan...

  9. I think your Dad would like them - your Mother - not so much.
    Are there any 'normal' families?
    I have my doubts.
    Focus on yourself LNM (how was your date?)

  10. My parents were married for nearly fifty-two years when my Mom passed away.
    They made each other miserably happy and happily miserable, as most relationships go.

  11. you totally should, those are so cool :) don't worry my parents are dysfunctional too :)

  12. A Very Happy Birthday to both of your parents!
    Gorgeous pillows I think your father will love to have them!
    My parents were married for thirty four years and then my father passed away though there are difference in opinion and small disagreement but that act to rejuvenate the relationship rather than making it dry and for last ten years I have seen my Mom remembering him every now and then, it seems that his physical absence can't able to create a vacuum in her emotional world where she is tied strongly with him! Now that's for me is a true love never spoken in words!
    Don't look at what kind of relationship your parents share that is there private world, but you just love them at your fullest and see how it fill your world with rainbow colors!
    Love Always

  13. My parent's are still together...and highly dysfunctional. They have stayed together through just about everything that would split a couple apart. They have been married 37 loooongg years! But I love them. And I've learned what NOT to do in my life so they've taught me well :) lol! The pillows are super cool. Now Pops can rest his head on beautiful women. lol!! Happy days!

  14. I think you should get your mum the equivalent pillows with men! :) I like the idea of also treating them to a nice meal out together.

    My parents were together for 30+ years, then my dad suddenly passed away. I always thought there was a lot of emotional turbulence in their relationship & wished otherwise - but I guess children aren't always privy to the most private dynamics in their parents' world (those dynamics often established long before we were even a twinkle in any eye :)). My mum (and all of us of course) miss our dad dearly, and I can see now how strong their bond was to each other.
    (As the poster above said), you love 'em to the fullest, which I've no doubt you do! :) I love these cheeky pillows, a sweet-cheek gift on a happy day.

  15. Ohh you so should got for one of those pillows for your dad! He will love it...I love them too
    Happy Tuesday,sweetie

  16. Thank you for sharing your stories guys! So sorry to hear that some of you have lost your parents~


  17. My parents are together, but only by the grace of God... She drives him crazy with her ideas and plans and he drives her crazy by not carrying them out... Lots of grumbling at the old homestead.

  18. Ha! Maybe a nice weekend away would be a better gift. Or not!
    My parents are definitely not together. But very happy.

  19. your dad would love those pillows darling! xo

  20. Mine have both passed away. When they were alive, I'd have to say they tolerated each other. Being around them was quite uncomfortable at times, especially when they were both talking to me at the same time. Who, may I ask, was I supposed to give my attention to?

    They were very responsible parents but far from loving to each other and to my four brothers and me. They mellowed with age but when we needed nurturing, we were left to flounder.

    Good grief. It seems you opened a can of worms by asking an innocent question. When I look at the big picture, compared to a lot of children, we were blessed.

    Have a splendid day, my friend!!!

  21. My parents had the same birthday. So weird. It didn't bode well. HA!

  22. OMG these pillows are amazing. Great find! Thanks darling :) xo

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Kristin,
    Oh my...how weird is that!

  25. these are saucy and amazingly cool pillows!!!

    my parents bicker but get along great otherwise. i don't think they would ever part.

  26. Yes, thank goodness....30 years and counting. They have the same fight patterns with the same things always setting them off, but luckily they have peaceful seas between the fight storms coz of the lurve :-)

    Sorry to hear your parents are dysfunctionally relational :-/

  27. Love these!
    My parents were also born but two days apart, same year.
