" I promise to stock up more candies next year..."

O'dear...shame on me!
I was such a bad neighbor last night !!!
"Please don't hate me kids...
please pretty pleaseeeeeee..."

I think they hated me...(sobs*)
There was an extra large turn out at my front door.
...errr perhaps there's a baby boom in my neighborhood?!
" I'm sorry Superboy! "
(boooh...I felt more like a Zero instead of a Hero!)
I saw the disappointments in their adorable faces
 when I told them the bad news...
Now you know why I simply had to put up that SIGN outside my front door!
These girls really cracked me up! 
They were actually busy flossing their teeth!!!
(too much candies girls?!) 
 simply too cuuuuuute! I almost kidnapped her!
Well,,,just like to inform all of you that I survived
another FUN Halloween Night & still recovering from the festivity!
Did you have FUN last night?


  1. Leaving a note was a really nice touch! Lets hope that you are not blacklisted next year!

  2. so funny!
    Don't feel too bad, it happened to me too!

  3. :( indeed!!!
    I almost cleaned up my kitchen pantry...but instant noodle packages & canned soup are simply just not the same, aren't they?

  4. Tooth flossing on a trick or treat?
    What is the world coming to?
    As you know, it's mostly a low key event over here - no candy required!

  5. oh ha ha, exactly the same happened to me! no candies at home! let's try to remember next year, shall we? ;) xo

  6. well shame on me.. I even forgot it was Halloween last night... oops.

    I'm sure the kiddies can forgive you :)

  7. Saddest sign ever! All these kids are so stinkin cute! Great photos and I am happy you had a happy Halloween!

  8. Awwww...it happens to everyone sometime.....the kiddos looked super cute!

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  9. awww greedy kids taking all your sweeties!

  10. Oh my goodness, I had to chuckle with major glee because I did this not too long ago (mmm, ok, maybe recently!) - and I felt sooo bad (I even gave those little kids all my Lindt truffles cause that's all I had one hour into it - I'm sure they couldn't appreciate it!)...the kids are adorable - in the future, I'll be better too I hope :)

  11. what fun!! i wish some of those kiddos came our way...i have SOOOOO much candy left over!!

  12. Nice to have you back!:-). I always run out because i am a bit heavy handed when i hand out the candies. I also always feel bad too... XX

  13. ahh i just love halloween :) and the children look so adorable! the little girls flossing their teeth cracked me up xD strict parents maybe? :P glad ou had a good night! <33

  14. aw, what adorable photos! we didn't get any kids call at our house; suits me..I get the chocolate!

  15. We helped our friends (who just bought a house) hand out candy... and they ran out TWICE. So both times my boy and I ran to Target, bought about 300 more pieces of candy... and then watched as they ran out AGAIN.

    Good lord, I had no idea...

  16. Happened to me too!! I was so ashamed i just turned off the lights and pretended to not be home!!

    P.S. Glad your back, missed you tons!

  17. flossing their teeth ... too funny. oh well, he who hesitates is lost and that goes for cute trick or treaters ;)!

  18. So happy that you had a great Halloween...We run out of candy as well:(
    Have a great day,sweetie

  19. omigoodness these were adorable/hilarious photos you took.

  20. Awww! The little bumblebee one in the green and red stipes - the one you wnted to kidnap!! So sweet!

    Halloween was HUGE here in my 'hood this year - all of a sudden - just like that it is suddenly the top of the pops it seems!

  21. Oh Lenore, I was just simlpy bushed! I had a whole 11 kids!!! And the funny part was I was getting into drag for the night, so each time another child came to the door, I was that much more a diva! Love the photos you took, and is that your light up jack in the window? I have the same one!!!!

  22. We ran out last night too! I swear there were carloads of kids being dropped off. The good thing is we ran out of candy early so we could run over to our neighborhood party sooner. xo

  23. I wish I'd run out. If there's candy in the house, it talks to me! And guess what, I listen and then talk back with my mouth full of fun-size Snickers bars.

  24. that kid as harry potter was adorable!!!

  25. The flossing is really funny! Forget candy floss... welcome to the 21st century x

  26. Fun pics, darling!
    I love Halloween!


  27. waaaaww i totally gushed when I saw the cutest harry potter!

  28. We ran out of candy too! The county next to us treated on Sat. night and our county did Sunday. I'm pretty sure we got both counties! Whoops!
