"Guess What everybody..."

This year, I won't be singing the above Christmas Carol!
Cos' I simply must extend my stay here in Japan. 
Yup, continue to work I simply must!
Oh well...spending Christmas in a foreign land isn't really so bad.
Tokyo is actually an amazing place to be during this festive season~
I spent late afternoon in this place:
[ errr-errr...what work right?!! ]
Lurrrrve... the evergreencoveredrooftop kiosks at Roponggi Hills in Tokyo !
~much more attractive than the usual snow I thought.
" Will you be home this Christmas with your loved ones? "
Oh dear... I miss home suddenly! ~sob-sobs*



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohh how cute!! I love how different countries celebrate Chrstimas! It's always something new & exciting!! Good luck with work! I'll be traveling for X-mas all day but eventually I'll get home. =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  3. Beautiful! I love those photos and you are so right! Not too shabby! :)


  4. That's kinda fun to spend a christmas in a new country, but it would be hard cause its so different!! I hope its really fun and an experience you won't forget!

  5. Awesome!

    I wouldn't mind spending the holiday in another land! ;o)

  6. this is really neat! diff places do it differently

  7. Ah, a little bit sad for you Lenore
    but it will be interesting.

  8. The evergreens are cute! Oh well if you must you must! Enjoy dear Lenore!

  9. Oh my dear, you are having fabulous adventures and I must say my own (unexpected) week of worktravel (and being an internet orphan) was nothing near as exciting! Thanks for sharing all this and I am sending homey vibes to you far, far away!

  10. Yes. On Christmas Eve we have 18+ family members over for food and gift-giving.

    I read The Night Before Christmas to all and then hand out the gifts with help from the children.

    On Christmas Day we go to a sister-in-laws house for celebration!

    Peace and Love be with you! xo

  11. Hey L. We will spend a moment to think of you in glamorous tokyo this xmas morning. Promise.

  12. So exciting, darling Lenore! Love these picks!


  13. "Aah when you're big in Japan-tonight...
    Big in Japan-be-tight...
    Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue
    Big in Japan-alright,
    (blah, blah, unimportant weird lyrics)
    Things are easy when you're big in Japan
    Oh when you're big in Japan."

    Thought I'd quote you some Alphaville lyrics to cheer you up :-)

  14. Wow! I think they go even more all-out that some places in the states! Looks beautiful!

  15. it looks like the good old usa, which kind of bums me out, but at least it will feel homey!

  16. Very beautiful place! Your Christmas may not be the same without your family, but you always seem to make the most, and see the beauty in everything and anywhere! Chin up our little elf!

  17. I'm sorry you won't be home....I hope you will at least be amongst friends! Merry Christmas!!

  18. Oh Lenore! This will be the Christmas to remember! And don't forget about your new man! Be safe and have fun.

  19. How many people can say they spent a Christmas in Tokyo-not many! I so envy you:-). I love experiencing different cultures. I know you might miss home though...Beautiful pics! Keep 'em coming! XX

  20. You guys are the sweetest!!
    Thank you everyone...
    Glad to share my experience with you


  21. Christmas in Japan sounds lovely!
    I'm not going home this year for christmas either, but sure it will be fun nonetheless!

  22. Wow, looks just as festive as anywhere in the US! But don't work too hard, ok? I know how you creative types are ;)

  23. Such great photos...I wanna go! The holidays are going to be wonderful...home with visiting family!

  24. Lovely, lovely! You have such an eye for a good shot! I think it's exotic and exciting that you are in Japan for Christmas!! XOXO's

  25. how fun! love the green roof tops as well. have a good and sweet 'out of town' xmas :)
