
Hello Everyone! 
~Hope you had a wonderful Holiday weekend?
Our business client was kind enough to invite us to a lovely
and scrumptious Christmas Brunch here in Tokyo. 
So very gracious of them!
Let's face it, so hard to keep a healthy diet during the Holidays, right?
The amount of entertaining we had to do lately, plus
all my travelling schedules for the past one month...
(Paris-Milan-now Tokyo) gaining weight is quite inevitable! 
Definitely takes much longer for me now, to put on & zip my skinny jeans! LOL!
To my own surprise, I braved the cold & decided to go jogging this morning.
Have I told you how much I hate-hate exercising?!!
Confession : 
errr-errr...it was more like sashaying 
a.k.a leisurely strolling down the blocks from my hotel!
,,,But guess who I met along the way???
I wasn't the only one who're trying to keep in shape today...
pretty sure these adorable doggies burnt more calories than i did!
" Do you gain weight during the Holidays? "
Please say you do, so I can feel better ~whahaha...



  1. hahaha yes I agree it's completely useless to try and count calories during the holiday season :)
    Wow it sounds like you've been traveling quite a bit :)

  2. I've gained about 4 lbs... I'm sure it will drop off as soon as I get over my sugar binge after New Years... I hope...

  3. and everything was a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. Yes, I did! But I sure enjoyed myself in the process.

    You're amazing.

  5. McVal,
    I think I've gained more than you ...yup, in all the wrong places as usual!

    camera couldn't handle the shaking...told you, I was jogging!!
    (ehem-ehem, wink*)

    Thank you guys~

  6. Adorable doggies!


  7. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :) That cake does look good though lol

  8. I love these photos Lenore. You have a way with your photography that I just love.
    Oh yes, I gain weight during the holidays, but let's not even go there...

  9. Oh yes! I definitely need a moment of detox to get back in the groove. I think I'm in denial though. Sigh. No worries- it's the holidays!

    Lovely photos! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who brings a camera while "jogging".

  10. Ont-ils eu eux aussi un réveillon gastronomique, ces toutous ?

  11. I've pretty much been eating Godiva chocolates and homemade fudge for every meal since last Thursday. If I haven't gained weight, it'll be the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER.

  12. Have I gained weight? That's a understatement sister! Between the dinners, cock-a-tails,cookies and spiked egg nog, I'm afriad to break the scale!!!!!

  13. I TOTALLY do, Lenore. You have no idea... my lunch consisted of turkey, cookies, leftover veggies, gravade lax, and Oh look, there's also some delicious curry in the fridge. HOW can we keep our figure this way?!? Wishing you wonderful end-of-the-year days! xoxo

  14. Thank goodness for leggings thats what I have to say!

    I love the blury puppy pics :)

  15. oh darling, I hated to exercise, especially to run or walk, but now I'm completely in love with gym, not running or walking, but aerobics, salsa classes, body pump... I work out every day. I even turn grumpy if I miss one class! you have to try it! xo

  16. Hi, Lenore! Like most people I eat more during the holidays and usually gain a pound or two. The important thing is to keep up your regular exercise program. It might be hard. It might be way inconvenient, but if you skip exercise during the holidays AND eat more you gain weight faster and it's harder to take it off later. I am a dog lover and I appreciated seeing those pictures of doggies out for a brisk walk. Have a wonderful day, my new friend!

  17. ugh! I'm staying away from the bathroom scale at the moment... I think I had a wee bit too much during the holidays... need to get back to the gym and I too HATE exercising!

  18. I'm back to enjoy your post again.

  19. Caroline,
    Salsa classes sound so fun!

    you are always so sweet!

    Thank you everyone, glad I'm not alone here!

  20. My hat's off to ya lady. I've evaded exercise since Friday. HA! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  21. I just had two pieces of candy, which I do not do very often. :) I always gain about 3 lbs during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it comes off pretty easy, I go back to my normal eating patterns immediately come New Year's Day. Luckily, it makes me feel nauseas if I eat very much sweet stuff, though I do like it I can't eat much of it. I should be on the treadmill or bike right now.:) Maybe tomorrow. haha.

    Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Enjoy the week... Happy New Year to you, sweetie.

  22. oh heavens yes! i just have to give up and say- put all my tight clothing away and let myself just enjoy the food! when the holidays are over i will be back on my regular schedule again! esp if i were you and on this wonderful trip!

  23. Would you just look at those pooches - so smartly dressed! Gorgeous! Wow - you are good jogging - I do the walking thing. I wouldn't fret about weight - I too pop on a bit but you know - it was fun to do! :0)

  24. The dogs are really cute! I also ate a lot over Xmas and have put on weight too. Hope to start exercising in the new year. Hope you had a great Xmas and wishing you a Happy New Year!

  25. Just look at all of those adorable little pups! How well trained (and well dressed) they are!
