Here I go again~catching another long flight today...

Shall arrive in Japan in about eighteen hours...
can't wait to hang around with the locals there!
" ogenki desuka? eigo o hanasemasuka? "
(" how are you? errr...can you speak English? ")
still trying my best to pick up a little Japanese language.
First thing first though,
I must improve & be fluent in my own English ~LOL*
" Anyone bilingual or multi-lingual out there? "
PS: I think this month, Lenorenevermore has officially become 
a travel blog! ~hello-hello-Hello Kitty me!! 



  1. Have Fun!!! You are certainly a World Traveler. You should consider yourself very lucky!!
    Have a Wonderful Time in Japan. Enjoy the Engrish!!! It always makes me giggle, the translations to English doesn't always work out out. lol.
    Take Care and Safe Travels...

  2. its s non stop trip fro you darling! Be safe xoxo

  3. Love the photos!!! Have a nice trip and a wonderful time!!!You can drop by my blog and read my posts related to Japan for some tips if you feel like it!!

    I am looking forward to your own photos! Hugs!

  4. Ohh how fantastic:) I love Tokyo...My best friend is from there:) Kisses and have a safe flight,sweetie

    Ps: I am hosting a charming scarf GIVEAWAY today, just in time for cozy Christmas!

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love Tokyo! Its my second home xx

  6. Ohh Have a wonderful and safe trip!! You are soo lucky to travel so much!! Good luck picking up Japanese. I know a lil bit in alot of languages like the basics, "Hello, Goodbye, I love you, & Where is the bathroom!" hehe. =) Happy Travels!!

    Melanie's Randomness

  7. Wow! You're definitely a globe trotter! Have fun! XX

  8. oh wow, you are so LUCKY! i would love to visit japan and aren't those little ladies & gents so lovely. safe travels!

  9. Girl friend! You are going to see my people! I am so excited and cannot wait to see all the wonderful photos. I speak English and French (kind of). I tried to learn Japanese but once they started doing all the characters I think I mentally stopped trying to learn.

  10. Wow you get to travel a lot!! That is so awesome!

  11. Traveling does make the soul so weary ~ hope it's safe at least.

  12. So exciting!! Safe travels and I love your photos!

  13. My, my, so you are here!!! This time which cities are you going to visit? How long are you going to stay here? Any chance to visit westward from Tokyo such as Kyoto or Osaka? Little chance to stoy by at Nagoya where I live ---sob,sob. Anyway this week it'll be very very cold throught the country. Take care!
    Did you take these photos? It's the Children's Festival especially wishing their happiness at their ages of 7, 5, 3 years old. It's one of the biggest family events with children.

  14. Is there room in your suitcase for me?

  15. I guess German wouldn't be of much help here, Lenore... Wishing you a good flight. Bet you look as lovely as these kids when travelling! xoxo

  16. Your travelling is making me SO jealous.

  17. Do you ever stay in one place?

  18. Safe Travel, I hope your Babies forgive you for all this away time!

  19. Dear Photojoy,
    Unfortunately, I won't be around your neighborhood this time!

    ~Thank you everyone!!

  20. Soo Nihon ni ikimasu ka? Tanoshime ni ite kudasai! Nihon wa boku no ichiban suki no kuni! 1981 ni boku wa nihon ni sundemashita!

    Some serious jetlag happening for you soon!

  21. Oh my god, I am so envious I could die! You are such a globetrotter :)

  22. Thank you so much for your kind words! Forgive me for not being to able to reply at the moment guys!

    much love & be well!

  23. I am always mixing up portuguese and english. now dying to learn some french!
