Home Sweet Home

~Hello everyone!
I've arrived  safely back home...
Look who was helping me unpack this morning?
"...mommie, did you eat lots of French Fries?
and did you see French Poodles in Paris?? "
" yes & yes my darling!
But you know what...
the poodle was not as pretty as you "
" Ohhh mommie...you so crazy! hehe-hehe..."
" mommie, errr...What is a French Kiss?
And What's for dinner ?! "
Ladies & gentlemen, you know that all my dear pugs can talk right?
it's always so nice to be back home.
Let's continue to enjoy the weekend everyone!


  1. As much as you like to travel my dear one, I bet you can't deny you like coming home to such cute little faces!!!!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful trip and thanks for sharing-as always!

  2. Such cute little mugs- they look happy to have mom home!

  3. Welcome back! Your pug is so much cuter than any French poodle... even if the poodle is wearing Chanel.

  4. welcome home honey! :)

    i hope that cute little face is a sight for sore eyes! :)

  5. Sweet Sweeeet! I love your blog, it always put a smile on my face!

  6. Oh my god, what a squooshy face. I would squoosh that squooshy face with hugs and smooches. Love a pug.

    Welcome home L!

  7. Your sweet pugs are great conversationalists. I may have to get one of my own; so many people I know only want to talk and don't know how to listen!!

    Don't you love being asked questions? I mean that's a true sign that someone cares about what you and your life. The questions about French fries, French poodles, French kisses :), are priceless.

    See how real you made this for me? I'm really convinced that what you've written is pure fact!! And I'm going to stick to it!

    I'm so glad you're safely home and in the good hands of your dear pugsies.

  8. Oh dear Shaddy,
    you are the sweetest!!!

    ~Thank you everyone!

  9. what a wonderful unpacking companion :) Sooo adorable!

  10. Oh My !
    I missed you !
    This post made me laugh so much ! hehe !
    And in the same time... your pictures are so beautiful... as always.
    (by the way... how do you do the symbol "heart" on your signature ?"

  11. Dear Noémie,
    I got the ' ♥ ' via google...easy; just copy & paste darling!
    here= ♥

  12. Pugs are adorable! There is something about them that is not traditionally like championship looking classic dogs, but they're still so darn cute!

  13. Ahh, you woman you - back with the chic LV suitcase and some delicious macarons. Paris treated you well, no? Your sweet, sweet pug must be so happy you're back home. xo

  14. Surely you bought home a lovely treat or two for that sweet lil' face?!?!

  15. My Goodness!! How can you get a better more loyal friend than this little guy.:)
    What a cutie !! :)

  16. by far, the cutest pug I have ever seen! <3 and glad to hear you got home okay!

  17. very cute... nice to have you back home safely... have a nice one!

  18. ahahah how cute, this is so adorable!

  19. Welcome home. I know your sweetie was so happy to see you.

  20. Hahaha so cute! Welcome home! Hope u had a fabulous trip :)

  21. Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed a fantastic trip - I'd love to have cuties like yours greeting me at the door :)

  22. such cuties!! welcome back!

  23. welcome home ... woof!

  24. Lenore,
    You are hysterical. Your babies have the best mommy in the world!!
    PS, happy holidays and happy travels

  25. soooo cute. what a darling face to get home to!!

  26. What a darling - that face - that expression! Bless! :0) I feel like I've got a lot to catch up on - I have been running around like a fly in a bottle lately and have not been able to pop in to your glorious blog! Hope you are well and Japan is not too Brrrr! cold! Looking forward to catching up on all your Paris posts! XOXO's
