*My Last Blog Post for 2010*

" parental " ~ 2010 by Lenorenevermore
...and also my last artwork done for this year!
Hello everyone!
~Ready or not the New Year is finally (almost) here!
I'm signing off a bit earlier to get ready to fly home soon.
Hope you've enjoyed all my Tokyo posts lately...
promise to share more photos when I get home-sweet-home*
Isn't this a fabulous cover for the January 2011 Town & Country?
Simply Lurrrve...the top hat worn with the gorgeous Oscar de la Renta gown. 
Notice this latest issue features 'Pastry Tour of Paris'? Yum~ I'm getting a copy!
and now, it's time for some inspiring tunes :
I wanted the very traditional 'Auld Lang Syne' for this post
...but instead 
I've chosen the great Stevie Wonder earlier songs for you to enjoy.
Such lovely lyrics for the New Year, yes?
He was only thirteen years old when he sang them~ such a talent!
Notice the 'Happy' in all the song titles?
And of course Mr Wonder-ful himself!
" Have a WONDERful 2011 and
HAPPY New Year Everyone !!! "
(my-my-my...I'm so corny as ever & proud of it!)



  1. Have a wonderful and happy New Year too!!! Love the new design and I am eager to listen to these tunes!!!

    See you in 2011!!!

  2. Happy New Year! Safe travels!! See ya in 2011

  3. You are an exciting new friend, Lenore Nevermore, and your blog is informative and artistic. I wish you a very happy new year, dear Lenore. Hurry back!

  4. Love your new header and the Town and Country dress. Beautiful! Happy New Year.

  5. Happy New Year my friend! May the new year be brighter and more adventerous. xo

  6. Gorgeous post, darling!
    Happy 2011!


  7. That is the sweetest header I have ever seen! Oh my goodness I am in love!!!

    And travel safe, my friend!

  8. I'm glad to know you're now ready for flying back sweet home. How many time you made me excited having you here and feeling you closer on the same archipelago for this past week. Thank you for sharing stories and photos. I think you know about Tokyo much better than I do.
    Take care and have a pleasant flight back home.

  9. Love the song choices :) Happy New Year!

  10. Vos ballons... pour vous envoler encore plus haut... cette année...
    Tous mes voeux. Bisous

  11. Wishing you all the best!
    ~Cheers everyone!!

  12. I still can't believe the year is almost over with! I'm ready for 2011 though.

    I love your banner at the top of your blog. So cute! =)

  13. Happy new year!!
    Have a safe trip home.

  14. Wow! He did have such a great voice at such a young age. Still does!
    I was wondering when you were headed home...
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  15. HAPPY 2011, Lenore! Please show as more of your amazing art work in the next year - I love it so!

  16. That IS a wonderful T&C cover! Happy New Year!

  17. Sweetie, thanks so much for your note on the Ooh La Frou Frou blog and for your comments & support this year! Just love all of the wonderful girlfriends I've made! And YES I LOVE that cover of Town and Country ... what a smashing New Year's Eve outfit that would be with the top hat the perfect accessory!! There will be a new Ooh La Frou Frou post on Monday! Look forward to a new year with my fab blogger buds ~ kisses!

  18. A blessed New Year, darling, full of great things.

    Much Love

  19. Ready or not indeed!
    But hey at least I'm ready :)
    2010 has been a great year!
    I love your taste in music!


  20. Happy New year to you! Cheers to a wonderful year ahead.

  21. First off Lenore, have a very safe trip back! Second, love the ballons! And lastly, I wish you all the happiness and peace and jet setting travels yet to come!!!! Have a very Happy New Year!

  22. Sending you oooodles of delight and blissfulness {is that a word?}..for 2011 my sweet friend..AND oh I DO love that cover...now that is pure bliss!!!! HUgs.xoxox

  23. Oh I love that green gown. She looks like she's wearing a cake. And I agree, the top hat was the perfect touch.

  24. Love Stevie, didn't know he started that young.
    Show more of your arts in 2011, lenore! Happy New Year!!

  25. Happy New year love the picture on top.

  26. Thank you guys! I'm packing my suitcases.. wooHoo!! Can't wait to be home!

    XO as always*

  27. happy early new year 2011 to you :)
    nice to know your blog just before 2010 closes off :)

    bisous xx
    glisters and blisters

  28. oh my gosh i love that print w/ the balloons! do you sell it??? :) PS: I just posted my next FREE BLOG GIVEAWAY! :) SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM

  29. Corny you're not LNM.
    Happy New Year!

  30. Love those balloon photos!! Happy New Year :)

  31. Your artwork is gorgeous! Happy new year :)

  32. Happy Happy New Year to you sweetie! Thank you for your beautiful blog and thank you for the lovely comments you leave on mine! May 2011 be filled with everything your heart desires! Sam. XOXO's P.S. Artwork = So nice!! More please! :0)

  33. Happy Happy New Year to you sweetie! Thank you for your beautiful blog and thank you for the lovely comments you leave on mine! May 2011 be filled with everything your heart desires! Sam. XOXO's P.S. Artwork = So nice!! More please! :0)

  34. Happy Happy New Year to you sweetie! Thank you for your beautiful blog and thank you for the lovely comments you leave on mine! May 2011 be filled with everything your heart desires! Sam. XOXO's P.S. Artwork = So nice!! More please! :0)

  35. Wishing you a wonderfully uplifting and happily curious New Year! Susan xoox

  36. Such creativity. I adore the new design. Happy New Year. May 2011 be sweetened with laughter and love;-)

  37. Looks beautiful! :)
    ALso Happy New Year!

  38. Happy new year darling girl!

  39. Happy New year my dear...and tks for sharing on this amazing blog!!!!! Best wishes!!!!!

  40. I truly adore your art and you have been such an inspiration!! Thank you so much!

    Happy New Years!

    Art by Karena

  41. oh wow! those art works are truly captivating! I love the concept and the vintage colors <3 and happy new year lenore! I wish you all the best for this year <3

  42. Love the Stevie Wonder song! And I love all the photos you have here. Happy New Year! Bring on 2011!

  43. great post! love it all :) your talented work, the amazing dress and the fabulous tune.
    happy new year to you and yours! wishing all lovely things your way.

  44. oh how i do love your take on things! the way you look at things is quite refreshing. great songs, indeed. happy new yeahhhh, darlin dear.

  45. Happy 2011 dear Lenore!!♥

    I love your artwork and also that Town&Country cover! Such a gorgeous green gown...

    Looking forward to reading more of you in this NEW year!xoxo

  46. Happy 2011 Lenore!!!
    May this new year full of blessings xoxo

  47. Its so beautiful:) I love your blog and I cant wait to read it this year. Happy New Year, darling
    Hugs and kisses

    Ps: are you still in Tokyo?

  48. Happy new year! Hope you got home safely. And I love that green dress with the top hat!

  49. really nice one!! like it a lot! thnx for sharing!
