Movie Poster

I finally went to see Black Swan today,
mainly due to all the hypes from all the fashion magazines...
You see, I'm a fan of the Rodarte sisters who designed the film costume!
anyhooo...this is not an official movie review, but surprisingly I like it! 
This psychological thriller had the ability to captivate me with 
every details from beginning to the end...
I really had to decompress myself after watching it ~two words; Very INTENSE!!
Do you know there are other movie posters being printed besides the 
creepy one shown above? Mostly for its international release though...
These movie posters were created by the British design studio LaBoca.
They're inspired by the Polish and Czech posters of the 60s-70s, 
and as well as ballet advertisements of the early 20th century.
~much more attractive than Natalie Portman's creepy eyes, yes? 
Yup, particularly this graphic design, my favorite!
lurrrve...how the multiple dancing arms create the shape of the swan's feathers.
Her eye and the swan's are identical, and also that feather hairpiece~oh!
' Has anyone watched the movie yet? ' 


  1. I loved seeing these alternative posters. Definitely more attractive than Natalie Portman's creepy eyes (:

    Hopefully, I can see Black Swan this week. Intense is good, almost always.... :D


  2. I'm hoping to arrange a datenight with the mrs. so we can go see this. I like the poster I guess you could call the second to last one?

  3. These posters are fantastic. What drama!

  4. Intense Drama Carol,
    my heart was racing!!

  5. Wow I like the other ones better especially the last one you posted alone. Yeah intense is the PERFECT word for that movie!! But it was very good. I understand now all the hype!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  6. I haven't seen the film yet, Lenore, but it's definitely on my must see list. I agree that your favorite alt. poster is much more artistically pleasing than the first. I love movie poster art and have a gallery of framed classic horror movie posters including Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven. The poster contains the following tagline: "Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!" Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Does any of this sound the least bit familiar, Lenore? (LOL)

  7. Shady,
    ...I had to memorize them in school!
    So glad school days are all over I tell ya'!

  8. i have it on my list to go watch!!
    It looks intense in the trailers online.

    I had a good chuckle when I was in Los Angeles and people were upset by taking their young daughters to see the movie and it wasn't all pretty ballet and sing song like.
    Hello, people in the preview she has RED eyes!! and description of psychological thriller.......

    I am glad you like it, makes me want to go even more. maybe this next weekend!!

  9. Happy New Year Dahling!

    This film is on my short-list of must-sees this month!

    And oh how I love the movie posters ~ such an artistic expression in their own right. Reminds me of the old days when movie posters were drawn / painted by hand. We live near the Lucas Films in SF, and all the walls within the complex are graced with vintage movie posters. It is stunning!

  10. I adore the top right one! Seriously in love! And it is so much better than the Natalie Portman one. And I love them also because it reminds me of Metropolis.

  11. Hey!!! I adore the alternative posters!!!!Thanks for sharing! I just love this kind of prints!!

    About the movie, pretty intense as you say, but thinking about it later I think I liked it...It's different...

    Big hugs!!

  12. i can not wait to see this movie! :)

  13. I watched it and was a little surprised at the naughty level, but I do adore a good ballerina movie. :)

  14. I cant wait for the launch in the UK at the end of the month. High expectations!

  15. Not, yet..but I cant wait to see it. I love posters and those are so cool:) Happy Monday,sweetie

  16. Can't wait to see the movie!

    I LOVE the lower right hand poster.

  17. I haven't watch the film yet, only trailers.

    But aaaaaa, those posters are lovely.

  18. I agree : very intense! Have a wonderful new week!

  19. I want to see it! I didn't realize that was Natalie Portman in that first pic. Creepy!

  20. Yes, i saw the film and loved Natalie's performance! Yes, it is very intense and it held my attention from beginning to end. The posters are pretty cool too! XX

  21. The LaBoca posters are so much better! They're on a completely different level.

    I'm not really sure how I feel about the movie. The first time I watched it was on the computer where it would pause for a while and then play...so of course I didn't really enjoy it. I think I need to drag my bum to the theater.

  22. wow those posters are amazing!! love them so much more...and i finally got to see it this weekend as well! so good and yes SO INTENSE!!!

  23. Thank you everyone~
    a very 'disturbed' Ballerina can be quite entertaining, huh?


  24. I saw the movie last week and really enjoyed it! It's definitely intense but very beautiful in a wierd way as well. I love the above posters too! Very vintage-looking

  25. I NEED to see this movie. I'm actually surprised I haven't already. I love Natalie Portman, and the trailer alone had me excited. Also, did you see Jim Carrey's version on SNL on Saturday?

  26. I have not seen the movie...yet. Oh but I want too!!! Awesome posters!

  27. WOW great posters! Few days ago I saw this film...just perfect... maybe for the Oscar statues? :)


  28. I haven't seen the movie, but I am crazy about the posters too! Wow!

  29. I really like that last one, as well. I've been debating whether or not I will see this in the theater. I don't want to get super freaked out.

  30. Seems to be a consensus on the alternative posters LNM - quite right too - they're brilliant.

    p.s admiring your restraint on the bathrobe it does look very cosy indeed.

  31. I checked the trailer. Wow, it looked like very intense but now I feel like watching it. Did Natalie Portman did her dancing for real? If so, it's great.

  32. I haven't yet but will soon.
    these posters are indeed amazing. way more pleasant ;)

  33. Wow wow! Those other posters are so retro I adore them! I think we have the top one of the photo - I always think when I see it - how did they manage to get that pretty Natalie Portman looking so sinister and unattractive?

    I am actually really looking forward to seeing it - now even more so as you have recommended it and I'll be paying close attention to the costumes!! Thank you! XOXO's

  34. i'm more inclined to give up my quest for perfection after seeing the movie that's for sure!

  35. i like the older posters in red and black best, the natalie portman poster is scary ._. when I was a kid I used to believe that I can get sore eyes just by looking at the eyes of the person who has it :))
