Non Fried Donuts :

It's much healthier than the deep fried version I think.
errr...who's counting calories, right?!
Anyone owns this Sunbeam donut maker at home?
[ now on sale for $39.99 available here]
Brief History on Donut or Doughnut : It has a disputed history, but certainly an interesting one! Supposedly came to Manhattan N.Y (then, the New Amsterdam) under the Dutch name of "olykoeks" or "oily cakes". In early colonial times, US. Dutch immigrants discovered fried cake. So, the 'story' goes, a cow kicked a pot full of boiling oil over some cake mix, thus inventing the golden brown delight. Around 1847, Elizabeth Gregory, a New England ship captain's mother, made a deep-fried dough that used her son's spice cargo of nutmeg, cinnamon, and lemon rind. She made the deep fried cakes for her son and his crew so they could store the pastry on long voyages...and to help ward off scurvy and colds. Mrs. Gregory put hazel nuts or walnuts in the center, where the dough might not cook through, and called them doughnuts.~[source]


  1. Quite an interesting history!

  2. Who ever invented that donut machine is a genius. Give that person a raise.

  3. Yum. I want this machine! Stonewall Kitchen has a doughnut baking pan, but they encourage one to buy their doughnut mix of course (at $9 a box).

    Thanks for sharing the history of my favorite guilty pleasure!

  4. Don't mention this! I love non-fried-donuts but I have to stay away from these for the sake of my shape.

  5. yummy!!! i'm not a calorie counter myself, but when you *feel* like you're eating healthier, it's definitely a good thing (:

  6. I saw that machine just the other day at Target! Way too dangerous to have at my house :)

  7. Ohh I've seen these!! I saw them at Bed, Bath & Beyond! I'm hoping no one buys me one because I will HAVE to make these everyday! =) hehe! Pretty good idea tho!

    Melanie's Randomness

  8. Don't have that....but how yummy!!! Oh my, why must you make me crave a donut???

  9. Yummy and interesting! I am craving a donut now. Thanks so much.. I think...

  10. Wait wait... I just thought of an EVEN MORE interesting story. In first grade our teacher said "Who can spell donut?" We all raised our hands and said D-O-N-U-T! She laughed (so annoyingly) and said no. Then I spelled it out as D-O-U-G-H-N-U-T but she did not recognize my awesome spelling abilities and said "Haha... I stumped you guys, didn't I?" No, Mrs. Garcia... I was not stumped and I have been bitter ever since.

  11. Votre blog devient dangereux pour mes hanches ma chère!!!
    Hum! cela me semble si bon pourtant!

  12. Hi! We are so happy to have found you...hm..or that you found us! Your blog is amazing! So many surprises!
    We wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

  13. Interesting....I think I will admire from afar! I can't stop at one! Have a wonderful day!

  14. I have mass cravings now!

  15. But................how do they taste?

  16. me-Planning on getting it Bob,
    we'll find out!
    ~Thank you everyone!!

  17. yummy!! that looks like quite the fun contraption! interesting history as well....

  18. Awesome! I love donuts.

  19. Love that bit of history Lenore!! What a cool little machine, that I really should get for hubby because of his doughnut addiction...but I just know I would eat everythin that came out of it...I love it!

  20. Not a fan of donuts, but fascinating history Lenore!

  21. YUMMY!!! I love donuts but hate the guilt. Perfect solution!

  22. Here here!! counting calories now T.T but how could I ever say no to sugar glazed donuts ._.

  23. I might have to get one of those!

  24. mmmmm...drroooll, donuts. I wonder if you can make boston creams in that thing.

  25. how sweet! and healthy I suppose.
    love it but don't own it. yet.

  26. coolest kitchen contraption ever.
