Want vs Need

I went shopping right after work,
...in search of a special gift for my dear sister. 
I was so tempted to buy this comfy+cozy chenille bathrobe for myself! 
Just wait a minute here missy...for myself ??!
How is that each time I go shopping for a gift for someone, I usually 
would end up buying things for myself? ~Am I alone here?? 
This bathrobe isn't really my sister's style at all.
So I gently put it back, clicked this photo for posterity & slowly walked away...
"oooh...bye-bye polka dots pom-pom comfy chenille robe...
I want you, but I don't really need you right now..."
Well, I'm planning+trying to take charge of my bad shopping habit!
Let's see how it will go this year...errr-errr???
PS: Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes for my dear sister yesterday.
Appreciate them so much ~certainly made her day more special!


  1. Good luck with that shopping thing...but good for you ;)

  2. Ohh yes I do that too...I always end up getting something for myself too..How is that? hahah
    Kisses and hugs, darling
    Have a great one

    Ps: I am hosting a great home decor GIVEAWAY today, so please join in :)

  3. I suppose I am a typical man in that I hate shopping. When I go into a store my goal is to shop as quickly and efficiently as possible with no lingering, no looking, no trying things on. 99% of the time I leave with only the item or items that were on my list.

  4. Good luck, Honey!


  5. Ummm... I hate to tell you this but if it's 24 hours and you still want it, it automatically goes into the need category. Actually, for me it's 20 minutes but to each her own.

    And I'm so glad she liked the comments. That makes me happy.

  6. I am not a fan of shopping, but, without fail, I cannot begin my Christmas shopping any year without first buying myself a little something.

  7. Looks like I need to master the art of want vs. need. I get into this trouble a lot too.

  8. Au moins vous vous serez fait plaisir... cela fait du bien !

  9. Au moins vous vous serez fait plaisir... cela fait du bien !

  10. I used to shop like that, now I only get what I need!! I have purged my soul and house! Ha!

    Art by Karena

  11. dang! I missed that post yesterday! Happy birthday to your sister.
    Lovely robe! Too bad she doesn't live with you, because then you could give it to her and then just use it all the time...

  12. I am the same exact way 2 for me and 1 for you.. :) I think if you love it and are going to use it- buy it. I have a robe I just love and wear everyday.

  13. I'm so guilty of doing this too. I have to resist this year totally!

    Melanie's Randomness

  14. um good luck with that...i have the same problem! ;)

  15. I believe the Wants and the Needs are interchangeable on any day.

    I hold the item, especially food items..a bag of coffee vs. Yerba Mate, I hold it, hug close to my heart center, and stand still but loose.

    If my body (not me) leans of falls forward, it is saying..."Yes".
    Leaning back, is a big..."No".

    Try it for your own Self.


  16. Happens to Miss Janey all the time...

  17. I'm so there! Group hug!

  18. I'm right there with you! I told myself no shopping until February at least!

  19. Oh my goodness - it's so beautiful - I bet it feels lovely on too. Very elegant to lounge around the house in. You are very good to resist! XOXO's

  20. NOOOOO, you're not alone! And I'm also getting rid of my bad shopping habit this year [wink, wink, nudge, nudge]... There's always a dotted bathrobe waiting for you - though this one is luuuvly! xoxo

  21. Not to make things worse, but I LOVE that bathrobe. As in covet. As in inspired:).

  22. it does look really cosy and warm!

  23. I totally do the same thing! Or I buy something intended for someone else and end up keeping it hehe. I have to get my shopping for clothes under control too - not allowed to buy any new clothes until I lose 10 lbs I've decided! Love your cute new header btw!

  24. oh, all the time, I tell you :< it's the endless battle of want vs. need, most of the time I use want = need :I not good!!

  25. good job! the act of controlling ourselves when something is really needed is no easy task :)
