Weekend is upon us...

This was where I spent my last weekend~
although the winter weather was not the greatest that day, 
I did manage to enjoy the lovely retreat & a bit of pampering!
How I wish I could spend every weekend in such serenity...
(Next week I'll show more pics of the interior space)
What are you guys up to this weekend?
I'm going to help a friend move to a new home.
She needs an extra vehicle+driver to load her belongings...
Hello~that would be me! errr...not super exciting, huh? 
Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to the weekend as always!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!


  1. Hey! This weekend is my birthday so I hope to do something special, eating out and who knows the surprises I'll have...

    Love the place in the photo! Have a nice weekend!:)))

  2. Hey! This weekend is my birthday so I hope to do something special, eating out and who knows the surprises I'll have...

    Love the place in the photo! Have a nice weekend!:)))

  3. Wow that place looks amazing! I'm sure you needed all that relaxation since you've got to help someone move this weekend. That sounds like torture :/

    I'll be driving 20 hours round trip to see one of my best friends for one day. haha! It'll be an adventure for sure :)

  4. Looks like a gorgeous place to spend even in crappy weather! Have a wonderful weekend !

  5. Where is this place...seriously, I want to go!! And helping a friend move is always fun (hard work...but I bet you will laugh tons!). Have a great weekend!

  6. Good luck with your friend moving! This seems like a lovely retreat, clouds and all. have a great weekend!

  7. Have fun! I cannot wait to see the inside. Sounds like a magical place!

  8. Wow. That place looks wonderful even with those dark cloudy grey skies :)

    I'm spending the weekend in Black Butte Oregon with a bunch of friends, antique shopping and playing in the snow :)

    Happy Weekend!


  9. Where did you get that picture of my house, Lenore Nevermore? (LOL) You are a great friend to be giving up your weekend to help somebody move. I hope all goes well. Stay safe!

  10. wow, beautiful...looks like you had an amazing weekend. always nice to be able to get away.


  11. Yay for the weekend!!! Have a lovely one!

  12. Look so lovely~ no snow in sight!
    Have a good one Lenore!!

  13. This weekend I am probably going to do school work. It is so cold outside and snowy but your photo looks warm and relaxing. I am jealous.


  14. Wuhuu! I want to see more of the insides of this amazing building.
    I'm off to start my knitting machine at Central St. Martin's. Ready to join the Missonis :)
    Enjoy your weekend, Lenore!

  15. Your pamper time sounded wonderful !
    Spending my weekend with my fiance ! XO

  16. Ugh moving!

    I have a date planned with my husband :) so excited maybe dinner and a movie. Happy Friday!

  17. This weekend I'll spend some time on ski :-) I love this. Hug

  18. what a lucky girl you are!!!! nice weekend honey!!!!!

  19. I'd be pretty sure I had died and gone to heaven if I were spending a weekend at a place so serene and beautiful. Lucky girl you are! :)

    What a wonderful friend you are to be helping your friend move. Usually friends disappear at moving time.:) She's so fortunate to have you as a friend.

    Big hugs and love to you sweet and beautiful lady!


  20. MMM that place looks lovely!
    I just found your blog and absolutely LOVE it.

  21. breathtaking really! :) WOW!

  22. well you sure are a nice friend to help with a move! wow! i'll be sure to ask for help when i move again. JUST KIDDING! :)

  23. It's so very, very sweet of you to help your friend move. It sounds like lots of work which is a bummer on weekends but she's going to be so appreciative that you won't mind sacrificing a day or two.

    I'm looking forward to more pictures of where you were last weekend. It looks outstanding. I'm all for indulging in massages, facials, etc. You already know that don't you!!!!

  24. That's my neck of the woods! I always wondered, is the sound of 280 a problem there? But I like the Rosewood group hotels, myself.

  25. that place looks incredible!! whoo - i need a good vacation spot like that

  26. This place looks amazing..I cant wait to see more photos:) Happy weekend, darling

  27. Lenore- A move is a fresh, bright start and you are a dear to help a friend.

    This weekend in an hour I am driving to the town dump with my three little ones. It's a beautiful country drive. Then we will look to see if they are still selling sleds or snowtubes in town.


  28. Never mind the cloudy skies, that pool looks awfully inviting. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Susan x

  29. no kidding, I would love to spend any weekend in a place like this. specially if it's sunny :)
    have a great one!

  30. what a beautiful place i hope you have a good weekend in another pretty place!

    stop by sometime<3

  31. what a very beautiful place!! and have a great weekend!!<3

  32. what a very beautiful place!! and have a great weekend!!<3

  33. It looks so gorgeous! I feel envious for you.

  34. Back again! Missed your posts and wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

    XOXO Lola & Nora:)

  35. Wow, what a beautiful place! I can't wait to see more pics.
