Weekend is upon us...

It's been a stressful & looong...week at work!
I'm so ready to pack up, slam the office door & leave my work behind...
(I'm such a drama Queen like that!)
What are you up to this weekend?
I'm planning to escape...& enjoy a really good movie!
Praises keep coming for the fine performance from my favorite 
Colin Firth, with the legendary Geoffrey Rush in The King's Speech.
Has anyone watched this film yet?  
It's about King George VI whom lacks the confidence in being 
a competent King due to his stuttering problem. 
With all my "errr-errr...and errr...", I simply must watch this film, yes? 
Looking forward to watch it & be inspired~ utterly!
errr...plus, British accent is always such a turn ON!
" Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone! "


  1. You can't go wrong with that movie choice, Lenore. I haven't seen it yet myself but it's on my must see list. Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend!

  2. I still haven't seen that movie, but I hear it's great.

  3. I love him but what are up with all his pores?

    No really, I do love him!

  4. Dancing Branflake,
    haha...you're so observant!
    No Photoshop!!

  5. i DO love Colin Firth....can faint!!!!!! have to see this movie asap....

  6. I heard this movie is amazing!

  7. haven't watched it either, Collin was so good in Single Man, great actor!
    Great weekend!

  8. I haven't seen that film! but I sure will, now I have something to do over the weekend! Thanks Lenore!

  9. Wooo...I thought I was the only one who have not seen it!

  10. I'm so naughty. I don't watch many movies. I know, I know, I'm a freak. I'm just to dumb to realize what I'm missing in life. I get in my ruts and can't see up over the edge.

    I hope you get lots of good rest after your rough week. And do enjoy the movie. I'd love to hear what you think of it. If you like it perhaps I'll climb out of my rut and watch it myself.

    Love and hugs.

  11. Had planned to see it this week - couldn't get a ticket!
    All women love Colin I think.
    He'll always be Mr. Darcy though
    Enjoy your weekend.

  12. No plans.
    Maybe Susan and I will go see it.
    Or Black Swan.
    Very cold weekend predicted.
    I would like to walk to the park down the street, though, and take some pictures; I must wear my hat!

  13. It is a wonderful movie! Enjoy. Staying in as it is going to be minus double digits here

  14. I saw it a while back and quite liked it. It's all about the performances really.

  15. I really need to see that film.
    Poor old George.

  16. Helloooo Lenore ~ I have not seen, I must see and I too have heard nothing but wonderful praises. You'll love and I hope you get to relax, unwind and recharge.

    Happy weekend my dear xo xo

  17. haven't watched it. have a fabulous weekend! hug

  18. I need to see it, I guess! Sounds so great!

    Have a lovely weekend, darling Lenore!


  19. LOVED that movie! Can't wait to hear what you think of it. Have a great weekend!

  20. Hope you've been having a great weekend! I've been dying to see that movie but haven't found the time yet...

  21. Can't get away from the King's Speech here in the UK... But anything with Colin Firth is watchable to me. Hope you had a WOOOOOONDERFUL weekend (killing 2 bottles of expensive champagne ;) xo

  22. Thank you everyone!
    The film was not bad at all, the set was gorgeousss...
    I was admiring the lovely wallpaper!


  23. i've never seen it...another one on my looong list to watch!!! it's getting tooo loong. not enough time in a day.

  24. I haven't seen it yet but all my pals who have are RAVING about it - I think it won't disappoint!

  25. I have heard amazing things about this movie! Cannot wait to see it!
    Happy monday dear!

  26. A fabulous film - I just went to see it last weekend. I hope you're having a lovely vacation with your family. :)
