Weekend is upon us...

( photo taken from my last Tokyo trip ) 
Hello everyone...
I'm sure you've heard about the devastating earthquake & tsunami which 
hit Japan yesterday. As some of you know, I have friends & colleagues in that country.
 Hoping that they are all doing fine... I have not heard anything back from them so far.
Our thoughts & prayers go out to all the people affected by this disaster.
' Have a safe Weekend! ' 


  1. It's so sad what happened, I've been keeping a close eye on the situation and hoping that everything is going to be okay.

    Have a good weekend.

  2. it really is terrible; such a sad thing to wake up to. hope all of your loved ones are safe!

  3. Soon after I got word of this disaster I thought about you, Lenore. I hope as you do that all of your Japanese colleagues made it through alright. Is it just my imagination or is seismic activity on the rise around the globe? Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Lenore!

  4. One of my best friends from high school lives in Japan. I've been worried about her and her family all day.

  5. Après que la terre ait tremblé, nous sommes là à trembler pour l'ensemble de la population qui a été touchée par cette catastrophe...
    Ce soir j'allumerai une petite bougie et j'aurai une pensée particulière pour tous...
    Bisous et bon weekend à vous en espérant que très vitre vous soyez rassurée.

  6. Sunny & Star,
    Hope you'll be hearing from them very soon...

    ~Thank you so much everyone!

  7. That is so terrible! I'm praying for your friends. From what I heard the cell phones were down all night and this morning in Japan so hopefully that's why you haven't heard yet.

  8. Have a good one as well and hope your friends are OK!

  9. Oh my. I hope they are all okay. I am afraid to read the news. It sounds so horrible.

  10. It is very sad and I am sending them all my prayers. I'm having a little giveaway to celebrate Spring. If you haven't already entered, please swing by! Kori xoxo


  11. Hope you hear from your friends soon.

  12. I'm so glad you were not there and I hope and prayer your friends and their families are safe. Its just so heart breaking. Praying for all of Japan.

  13. Frau,
    so true!
    I have a scheduled flight to Tokyo for the end of this month!
    We'll see how it'd go...

  14. I hope you hear from your friends... I have people there, also. My nanny from when I was a child, and family friends. My heart hurts for the entire country right now.

    Take care.

  15. oh darling I hope everyone is ok, its devastating

  16. Oh Lenore, when I heard the news and saw the pictures this morning I couldn't believe it. I hope all your friends and colleagues are fine and you manage to make contact soon. xoxo

  17. Devastating.
    Hope you hear from your friends soon.

  18. Terrible terrible...first poor New Zealand and now Japan...Yes, thoughts and prayers sent to Japan and your colleagues and friends...

  19. It's absolutely terrifying. The footage of the tsunamis is something I won't soon forget, especially since it could happen in California too!

    Thank God the Japanese have such an advanced earthquake preparedness system, or things could have been a lot worse.

  20. It is just a terrible, terrible thing Lenore! I hope you get word form your loved ones from there. I think at times we take Mother Nature for granted. Kisses to you.

  21. I know it's just such a tragedy! I can't get over it.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweetie xoxo

  22. I feel blessed that you're safe and sound at home!! Praise the Lord for that...I pray that your colleagues are out of harms way as well!

  23. I will be thinking and praying for your friends as well. My sister-in-law lived in Japan for part of her childhood and is wondering how her friends are as well.


  24. I'm praying for the best. It's so horrible.

  25. I'm thinking of everyone in Japan too ... I hope you hear back from your friends and colleagues very soon.

  26. Oh that is horrible! What happened is just too sad for words and to have friends or relatives in the area must be really frightening!

    Will keep my fingers crossed that they are all safe and let us know if you hear anything!


  27. still haven't heard from them...sigh

    For those who's been following the updates, check out these images=


  28. Yes, hard to think about anything else! Poor people! Am sending my love!

  29. Oh dear I hope your friends and colleagues are okay!!!! Sending over some prayers!

  30. That has gotta be so scary to not know where they are!! Or haven't heard from them. Praying that you do very soon!! xoxo

  31. My heart goes out to everyone in Japan. It is so sad. I hope by now you heard from yoru friends and colleagues. I feel so helpless- I have been thinking of doing something with my Etsy site to give back. xo
