~Another Tropical Fruit*

Have you ever tasted Durian before?
It's definitely an acquired taste & smell!
It has a very distinctiveuniquestrong smell~ so much so, this fruit
has been banned in hotels & subways in many parts of Asia!
Must say that I kind of admire its spiky appearance...
almost like the stud cuffs that I bought recently, yes?

Are you adventurous when it comes to food?
Proud to say that I am!
These pancakes are filled with fresh creamy Durian
" sniff-sniff & chomp! "
...hmmmreally hard to describe...
it's not as bad as some people say!
Perhaps the pancake helps to tone down the taste a little bit.
This food stall also sells other kind of sweet Durian desserts!
The aroma, shape and taste of Durian is extraordinary to say the least,
 a delicacy to some and a nuisance to others.
Anywayyy...~please enjoy this video everyone!
from Singapore


  1. Hmm. Makes me want to try it!

    I wonder what other flavors compliment Durian. Your pancake sounds like it did a pretty good job.

    Too bad you can't smuggle one back to the states ;)

    Maybe my local Asian Market will have one. I'll have to keep my eyes out for it.

  2. I've never tried it, but am curious after also seeing it on Anthony Bourdain's show. I am adventurous, also. I'm the one who doesn't get the same thing at a restaurant, even though I know I love it... you never know what the next thing you're going to love is if you don't try new things!

  3. I have always been dying to try it!

  4. Trisha,
    I've seen them in China Town before, but I believe they're packed frozen, minus the beautiful spiky skin!

    yup~ I remember that Anthony Bourdain's episode, he hated durian fruit!

    hope you will, I adore adventurous people like yourself~


  5. i totally remember that anthony bourdain episode! i think i'd try it, definitely in that yummy looking pancake...

  6. You are so brave...not sure I could eat that...

  7. Never tried that, but looks so cool!

  8. I've never tried but considering I don't like fruit, I think I am not adventurous when it comes to new fruit. Other foods I am. Fruit? No.

  9. I am very adventuresome when it comes to new foods! My husband, not so much... I was the one who insisted on blood sausage at the Ireland airport before our flight home. Last chance to try something really unique!? You bet I'll do it!
    That fruit sounds really strange. They definitely don't sell it at the local grocery chains around here or I'd have tried it too.

  10. i want to try it, very curious!

  11. It looks amazing! Yes, I'd be up for a taste! It looks rather lovely in that dumpling.

  12. I never tasted that fruit, Lenore Nevermore, but I would certainly like to try it. Please bring some home to me, yes? :)

  13. "Putrid, wretched, and loved by millions." That is the best quote ever! Is it weird that the video made me really want to try it? :)

  14. All I have to say is :: INTERESTING. Hah! I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to try it but I'm always curious about new-to-me fruits.

  15. I'd love to try to see what all the fuss is about!!

  16. I think I'll pass on the durians. The negative comments have turned me off. I commend you for giving them a try and I love that you like them.

  17. I'd love to try this! Go you for being adventurous with food- I'm trying to be :)

  18. It is very famous in Malaysia!

  19. I've had it...and it kind of disappointed me. But then I guess nothing could ever live up to that kind of hype, could it? :)

  20. Jason,
    in general, almost everything does not live up to hype, i think!

    Thank you everyone!

  21. I don't mind the taste. I have to try a Durian pancake! Thanks for the tip. Little adventures are what make a fullfilling life.

  22. Both certainly taste fine, the pancake and fudge. With the fruit, it's aroma is the only problem for me.

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  23. I've eaten this fruit numerous times but this is the first time I see pancakes and other desserts besides the usual cake. Thank-you for introducing the pancakes to me!!! =D Glad you like durian!

  24. i've never had durian before!

    that's wild that it's actually BANNED in some areas.

    now i want to try it!
