Weekend is upon us...

hmmm...one or two piece swimsuit today?
It's a sunny Saturday afternoon here in Singapore timezone,
and I'm ready to slather up some SPF 1000 today!
errr... excuse me stranger, are you blogging over there ??? "
Enjoy Your Weekend Everyone!
...wherever you are!


  1. Oh... I'm so jealous Lenore! Here is Philadelphia it is rain, rain and more rain! Oh well, at least I was able to wear my new rainboots and splash in some puddles. And I so want the boys pink swim suit! Although he isn't bad either, and he is probaly reading Lenorenevermore!!!!

  2. Two! I don't know about you, but one pieces fit me funny.... long torso, I guess.

    Hope you're enjoying the warmth and sunshine. It's been sunny here in Portland, Oregon.... but only in the upper 50's. So we've got sunshine but no warmth.

    Dang. That boy has some nice muscular thighs ^_^

    <3 blogging :D

    Happy weekend, Lenore!

  3. I'm glad to know that you guys are so observant! Rarely I see guys in tight Speedo, huh?

  4. Hello handsome! :) LOL... I say bikini! have a great weekend!

  5. Looks lovely and is what I hope for during my vacation week! :-)

  6. Haha! I love the pink towel to go with it. Classic!

  7. What an empty, inviting pool. Is it because it's very early in the morning? As an amateur all-places swimmer I always wonder about water scenarios:-)

  8. Pet,
    water scenarios...I like that!
    You're right, taken earlier during my morning stroll!

  9. nice view ;). enjoy your weekend!

  10. Im sorry did you say something I was lost in that beautiful eye candy!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Oh, that's one enticing pool! You're lucky the temps over there are hot enough for a swim. It's pretty warm here, but the water isn't. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  12. I was hoping to see a self pic showing us which swimsuit you chose, Lenore! :) It's getting hotter here in Florida requiring the air conditioner to run all day and all night! Have a safe and happy weekend, my dear friend!

  13. This sounds like a nice weekend. =) I love your pictures!

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful stroll. Be happy and safe in your travels.

  15. omg! WElcome to Singapore!!! How r u enjoying yourself??? If you interested I culd bring u for awesome food anytime!

  16. 2 piece! get that belly tan! and is that dude for real?? i thought it was a topless woman for a minute! hahahaaaa

  17. Yay- for laying by the pool!!!

  18. Gah! So jealous that you're roasting your limbs in the hot sun when here in SF it's barely 60 degrees (AND windy, mind you). Have fun, I don't think it matter whether you wear a one or two piece, as long as you're wearing sunscreen ;)

  19. I hope your friend tore himself away from his laptop to apply the sunscreen to the places you couldn't reach!!

    I've always thought it crazy that we mustn't be seen in our underwear but no matter what our swimsuit covers, it's alright to wear it proudly.

    Enjoy it all, Lenore!!!

  20. Careful, it rains like clockwork every afternoon in Singapore! Is he blogging?

  21. So true,David!
    It was raining cats & dogs later in the evening~

    Thank you everyone!

  22. You're a good photojournalist! I'm always thinking how you can take nice shots like this guy! Have a nice holiday.

  23. Where have I been?? I love your blog...it's so dang *CUTE*!! Thanks for stopping by 24C so that I could meet you. Have a great time in Singapore Lenore (kinda rhymes - great spy name)...and watch out for those blogging, pink toweled, speedo wearing strangers...I hear they can be quite dangerous! ;)
    xo Jessica

  24. So fun, my dear! :D


  25. Well... mine is just ending!! :(
    Hope yours is being fantastic!!

    Blessings, sweet heart

  26. Hey I tagged you for a Kreativ Blogger Award! If you would like to take part you just have to list ten blogs you like and ten facts about yourself. Love your blog :) I haven't had one of these and wanted to tag you as I've been reading your blog for so long!

  27. Oh my goodness me! You have all the luck sweetie! When I go to a pool it's always full of screaming toddlers and exercise fanatics! XOXO's

  28. Great blog ;)
    We also had good weather (Netherlands) ^^
    He is blogging?? :)

  29. I trust you enjoyed the weekend and the sunny weather. I adore that pool - makes me want to be poolside now;-)

  30. I trust you enjoyed the weekend and the sunny weather. I adore that pool - makes me want to be poolside now;-)

  31. Hope you had a great weekend by the pool!

  32. wow these pictures make me super jealous! i miss my swimming pool! xo


  33. Haha - I hope you asked him that question!?!? ;)
