Weekend is upon us...

...and it's going to be a wet one!
How is the weather in your zipcode?
Here, we're expecting record setting rainfall for the next 3 days!
(very strange weather pattern this year)
I'm trying my best to turn my sad face around by trying 
new recipes in my kitchen this weekend...yup, indoor it is for me!
I'd like to share a few of my favorite Food Blogs with all of you.
So here you are...and be prepared to drool~ 
They have such gorgeous mouthwatering food photography!
kiss my spatula la tartine gourmande sprouted kitchen 
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Hopefully a delicious one as well!



  1. Where are you, Lenore Nevermore, in the Amazon rain forest? (LOL) I'm in Florida and we're bone dry and hot as blazes. Send me some liquid sunshine, okay? Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend!

  2. it's freezing cold here, darling. perfect for yummy recipes. hope you have a delish weekend! xo

  3. I also adore cannelle-vanille. Her photos are always so amazing.

    Happy eating!

  4. Rainy all week now finally sunshine!! I hope all weekend!

    Come and enter my amazing $250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter!

    Art by Karena

  5. Lucky me was out on the street when THE FLOOD came. (see my latest post) Umbrella didn't help much. Before we had 3 days of heat and humidity that I could hardly stand anymore...

  6. nice- have a good weekend- dry as a bone in the desert.

  7. Kohakou,
    oh NO!...my house got flooded a couple of years ago! Traumatic!

  8. It is way to hot in here and I can't stand it!
    Happy weekend!

  9. Happy weekend, Lenore! It's going to be nice here... 70's I think! It was so hot earlier this week, but yesterday and today are sunny, windy, but around mid-70's, so I'm happy!

    I hope to see what you make this weekend!! ;-)

  10. Shari,
    yes, I'll click on my camera & hope to share!
    ~Enjoy the nice weather everyone!

  11. It can rain Monday thur Thursday but why must it always rain on the weekends! Have fun in the kitchen!

  12. Here in the UK, it's boiling! And I'm working all weekend :( Typical

  13. Lenore- Beautiful weather hear after a muggy spell in Albany, NY!

    Here's another food blog for you: semiweeklyeats.blogspot.com, my fave.

    Have a great weekend!


  14. rain?! rain?! no way! i hope your weekend includes sunshine and a few light sprinkles! and LOADS of fun. :)

  15. Rain or shine... Happy Weekend, Lenore! We've had the dryest spring in 100 years. Lots of sun, cold winds and no rain whatsoever. And I thought I'd moved to a damp, wet country... xo

  16. It's kind of normal over here (for the time of year) showers forecast (again) over the weekend.
    They don't always get it right though, do they?
    Enjoy your weekend anyway!

  17. Have fun in the kitchen!
    Here, ist's going to be a sunny oven.

  18. Sunny and beautiful!

    By the way have you seen this photo foodie blog? OMG!!!


    Loving this photo today...looks like a rainy night in Paris.

  19. So wait, are you in my neck of the woods? I always thought you lived in NYC, but we are also expecting record rain. I, for one, am ready for SUMMER!

  20. I am going to check them out! I am at a loss to know what to cook this weekend!

  21. My distant zip code has sun on Saturday but rain all day Sunday... silly Amsterdam.

  22. Well yes, rainy weather offers the perfect excuse to stay indoors and do some cooking.

    The weather in my part of the world is a little on the cool side, but the days are bright and clear ... I really should get out and about, but will probably end up pottering about at home. :)

    PS. Sorry I've been so slack with my visits to your lovely blog ... things have been too busy and I've had to shake off a bit of blah negativity first ... I've missed you. xx

  23. Have a blessed and lovely weekend, dear.


  24. I'm so sorry about the rain in your area.

    We had 90 degrees here today. I was outside all day working in the yard as I'm compelled to do lately. What the heck, it's good exercise and the fresh air and putzing around the yard is lovely.

    I hope you get a chance to enjoy the outdoors some time real soon.

  25. Tracey,
    apology is not necessary,thank you for being so nice!

    Loretta & Caroline,
    Thank you so much for sharing the links! They are gorgeous!!

    XO* to all~

  26. Curious weather here in London too. Warm and windy and most unusual. Lovely lip licking links - Sx

  27. The rain, the rain...it's actually stopped here for the moment, which is nice. I hope you had a productive time indoors! Thank you for all of the links; I'm definitely going to check them out:) xx

  28. It has been a beautiful weekend. Really uplifting.

  29. Hope you had a great weekend :)))

    LOVE minnja

