Weekend is upon us...

Hello Everyone...
Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend?
Besides cleaning my house from top to bottom (booo-unexciting!),
 Mr Guy has asked me to join him to go swimming at his club!
He is an avid swimmer, he can swim laps after laps, nonstop for
about 45 mins (show-off!). Anyone a good swimmer out there?
I think I would just like to enjoy splish-splashing the chlorinated water 
by the pool side! Perhaps enjoying a cold glass of beer mixed 
with ginger ale...that would be nice too ~Cheers!
" I wonder where I can get one of those sexy splashy tails, Toys 'r' Us ...hmmm? "
Have a FUN-tastic Weekend Everyone!
...and thank you so much for all your lovely comments this week!
-Photos: swimsuit fashion by ©Hilary Walker for Frankie Magz & mermaid found via ElrodsGoesDisney


  1. You are the best! Such a sweet heart. My only plan is to go out for sushi.

  2. Oh, well, you sound like you have a really NICE weekend planned! I'm not a great swimmer, but I love the water! I love floating on my back and looking up at the sky. Problem is I usually bump into someone! haha

    The gallery opening is tomorrow night, so we're going to that. Hope my books sell out! (fingers crossed, eee!)

    Sunday I am getting an hour & a half MASSAGE!!! Mmm. Can't wait!

    love you, doll! xoxox

  3. sweet, I can see you with one of these :) cute!

  4. Love these pics. It's my birthday but I have no plans. Sad huh. Oh well. I will celebrate after this busy month is over. Enjoy the pool!

  5. No concrete plans as of yet, but I hope to read, walk in the woods and do something fun;-)
    Enjoy your weekend.xx

  6. Fun! I'm not into swimming for exercise but cooling off and enjoy a cold one by is too fun! Have a wonderful time!

  7. What fabulous maillots!
    Love the mermaids, too!

    Have a fantastic weekend, darling L!


  8. Bring the one piece suits back, please!

    And those tails make my skin crawl. Too confining!

  9. Oh my gosh I would have KILLED to get a fin like that when I was 7 years old. I seriously think that from age 7 - 9 I swam with my legs together like a mermaid lol

    - Sarah

  10. CharlotteJune 10, 2011

    Have a fab weekend and enjoy your date!! I'm going to listen to jazz this weekend, "jazz rally" in Düsseldorf:)

  11. Hope you have fun at the pool! I love to swim - it's the best workout ever. But lounging poolside ain't bad either...

  12. note to self, learn to swim.

  13. enjoy your weekend, love! I'll be staying in to catch up with my sleep deprived body xD

  14. margaritas are on my brain :)
    have a fun time at the pool. !

  15. we may go swimming at a friend's pool as well. i got a new bathing suit that has some lovely rouching around the tummy and it was actually affordable:)

  16. As you will probably remember I like swimming to the little island in front of my house. My eldest son (10) is really excited that we are going together for the first time this year. We made half an attempt last weekend. It is coming soon!

  17. I adore swimming and I do an hour 5 times a week. That is pretty much all the workout I do and somehow it really relaxes me too..hahah..Have a great weekend, sweetie. Love those photos! Muah

  18. :) I think I saw those tail pants at Walmart. But it might have been on a customer...
    Have a wet and wild weekend!

  19. Happy Weekend, chica!

  20. Oh my gees, I want a mermaid tail, do you think it is functional as a giant flipper?? I likes swimming in a swimming pool :)

  21. We're just chilling for the weekend, which will include the in-laws pool. that glass of Beer with ginger ale sounds heavenly.

  22. Well, i'm basking in my new freedom since today was my students' last day and school is on summer break. I think i'll be catching up on some house cleaning too:-)

  23. Have a good weekend. I enjoyed your blog today. You have a new follower!

  24. Thank you, Ashley!

    I'm so impressed!
    You must have strong set of lungs!

    haha...have you click on 'peopleofwalmart.tumblr.com' site?
    it's hilarious!!

    You should try it!
    The drink is called 'Shandy'; beer mixed with carbonated lemonade, but i like mine with ginger ale!

    ~Enjoy your weekend everyone!

  25. Haha ... I think splashing by the side of the pool sounds pretty good to me (as does your beverage of choice). Can I join you? ;)

    Though all those swimsuit images are making me feel cold (winter has finally hit in Australia and it's been particularly chilly so far). Not that I'm complaining because I love the cold.

    Enjoy the weekend! (I'll be doing some cleaning too).

  26. My plans drop by cleaning my home and finishing the renovations I'm doing..... so....not so funny :S

    I love to swim, I used to go to the pool every day, but now it closed and I have no place but the sea... and I have lots of sea around... lol

    Wish you're having a nice weekend

    Keep safe and be happy darling

  27. Ah! Those mermaids! I'm actually attempting to draw a couple of those today! So that's what I'm doing - that and staying in the warm dry house and out of the windy, rainy, cold outside! Have a lovely one sweetie! XOXO's

  28. I really like this post! First look is fabulous!!! :D



  29. I do love to swim, the baths I go to are always too full, I'm always sharing a lane with someone who is too fast or too slow with me and I can never get into a routine :(

  30. beautiful pictures!!! have a sweet weekend!!! xxxx

  31. oops! It's already over, isnt' it? How'd that happen?

    But it actually was a pretty nice weekend...chocolate cake, swimming in lovely pool...mexican food.
    Hope yours was as lovely (I suspect it was :)
