Fasten Your Seatbelt...

Did you watch Pan Am premiere episode 
over the weekend?
This new Fall TV show has certainly done quite a brilliant job in 
recreating the Golden Age of Travel! Centered around 
the iconic 1960s Pan American World Airways, this period drama has 
everything from romance, betrayal, with a dash of espionage, and of course
great destinations. I bet the plot lines will get even sexier & juicier next week!
I'm looking forward to watch the upcoming episodes. 
Plus, all the fashion+style from that glamorous era ~Retro Fa-Bu-Lousss... 

-Pics via .DoobiBrainJetsetter & Dailmail 


  1. I hope we get it over here, loving the fashions.

  2. Think this show could be really inspirational for fashion!

  3. I watched Pan-Am and loved it, Lenore Nevermore! It's got style and pizzazz, an attractive, exciting and likable cast, and it does an excellent job of recapturing the essence of the early 60s. The Playboy Club is another nostalgia series that I'm watching along with Mad Men. I hope they keep making more retro shows!

  4. ok I didnt know about it but now im intrigued and want to see more more more!

  5. I'm curious, but I already have too much on my tv itinerary.

  6. No I didn't watch it but I'm going to find it on HULA and watch ...I do love all the shows from this era.

  7. And the old PanAm travel bags are becoming, yet again, in full fashion!
    I you are interested in the subject you should read this Post:
    Everything in his blog (Savoir Faire) is worth reading too. (Just in case you didn't know it)

  8. I got to admit, the '60's look way cooler than the '80's. And Christina Ricci is always pretty!

  9. Did you ever watch Gilmore Girls? Did you see the episode where Rory buys the PanAm bag for her mom? After that I basically fell in love with that era. Super chic!

  10. I am so tempted to add it to my Tivo. If nothing else just for the costumes!! They are gorgeous. It reminds me of Catch Me If You Can so I'm totally curious about the show. Good to know you liked it.

    - Sarah

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  12. Shady,
    you're retro fab, so is your blog!

    Yes, David Toms has amazing posts, adore him as well!

    yup~ she's all grown up~ remember her as a girl in Tim Burton's Adams Family?!

    Dancing Brandflake,
    I didn't follow those series. But I do see Pan Am bags on ebay & flea markets~ collectible!. I won't be surprised this coming Halloween, there would be people dressed in Pan Am uniforms...

    you're absolutely right, can't believe that film was based on a true story, amazing huh?

    ~Thanks everyone!

  13. Yes, I'm sooo looking forward to this premeire! I want one of those bags too, Kelly Ripa just got one.


  14. I can't wait for this in England!!!

  15. Sadly I did not. But I remember flying Pan Am... Ah, the good times!

  16. I am very looking forward to this show - I hear it's very good like Mad Men! Quite excited actually!

  17. I did so want to see this as you know how much of an aviation fan I am, however miss it I did! Definitely watching next Sunday!

  18. I watched it and adored it. I hope it keeps being as good as it deserves to be!

  19. drat I missed it!
    I really just want to see it for the visuals...I'm sadly, just that shallow :)

  20. En France, nous n'avons pas ça!
    Gros bisous.

  21. Pan am passed all expectations. i loved it. the music was perfection. adore this post. I'd love if you'd check out of my latest Lauren Conrad inspired outfit post. I took the pictures in front of her old house on the Hills. So pretty.Love to hear what you think.Thanks love. xoxo


  22. we enjoyed pan am, a lot. playboy club, not so much - corny!

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  24. I read about this - am curious to know when it's showing in the UK, if anyone knows? Sx

  25. Yesss! I love Pan Am - it's so stylish! xxxx
