" Kids these days..." {oh dear, I sound like my grandpapa!)

How cool are these kids, all dressed up in All Saints!
[terms borrowed from my nephews & nieces,,,super COOL!]
...twinkle-twinkle little ROCK Stars!
Do you have All Saints store near your zipcode?
We have one that just opened here not too long ago...
The shop design is as cool as these mini models!
The next time I visit the store, I'll make sure to bring my spy-camera!
[for those who aren't familiar with this brand, they do carry adult sizes as well]


  1. Vraiment trognons les vêtements pour enfant...
    gros bisous

  2. The kids around here are boring boring. No skinny jeans on the youngun' around here.
    and no All Saints.

  3. Alas I don't have one close...these are so great!

  4. Wow, I feel really out of style and kinda old. They definitely look cute =)

    - Sarah

  5. How cute! Tiny models. There is an All Saints near me but it's not really my taste, my bf is always buying stuff there though!

  6. I LOVE All Saints! I have a bit of their menswear. Had no idea they made kids wear!!! And I agree with you. Their stores are neat and cool, and in my store, we carry their clothing and have one of their shops, complete with all the very cool fixturing! I was overjoyed, as I could use my handy dandy discount!!!!

  7. Super cute outfits :D

  8. Maddie,
    I adore the many vintage sewing machines on the window display...apparently they have them in all the stores around the world, sort of their 'signature'!

  9. Chic clothes for little people! The clothes are adult-esque and fashionable but still manage to look totally appropriate for the size and age of the models. Very good! :0)

  10. Oh what spunky kids! Why wasn't I cool like that?!

  11. The kids here are more preppy than rockstar, but they're still kind of cute. ;-)

    Love the style these kid models have, though... very LA, right? Little hipsters, lol!

    I don't know about you, but I was pretty cool in high school, NOT cool in elementary school. At ALL. hahaha (I wore matching outfits with my mom, which she sewed or crocheted!)

  12. Shari,
    matching outfits with your mom?
    How cute is that!!

  13. they are sure to be the future supermodels.

  14. Oh man wouldn't it be embarrassing if your little ones were cooler than you so soon in life :P
