As cute as a

in this case the more the merrier!
...Oh simply so beautiful!
Can you spot the word 'play' among the branches?
hmmm...color blind test for all of us!
Lisa Jordan certainly has amazing vintage button collection!
To view more of her projects here & her shop here.
I really ought to search for those spare buttons in my drawers now!
a lot of activities were going on outside my country house 
over the weekend! ~take a look :
Around this time of the year, the gardeners are always busy pruning 
the overgrown trees on the property.

It's always so fun to watch them climbing all over the trees.
All the tree branches were later shredded and collected for the compost pile.
The rich compost will go back to the ground soil next spring! 
The matured Oak tree next to the house is looking so much better now.
...and so is the view from my desk!
Glorious autumn sunset in the countryside...

-Photos LilfishStudios & Lenorenevermore


  1. What a beautiful view and sunset! Ugh I need a desk....well and a view too. Haha.

  2. Gorgeous post, darling!
    Love the buttons and the last pic!


  3. Can't spot a thing in those button branches.
    Should I be worried do you think?

  4. Jan,
    hah! I promise, there's one word spelled out! errr...hope you're not color-blind?!

  5. Buttons - golly I just realised that that is the one thing I have never collected...hmmmm. Your oak is beautiful! Big trees require a bit of TLC over the years, don't they? They almost become like family members! I wonder if you ever climbed this beauty as a wee thing...? :0)

  6. I want more picture of your awesome country house- and your man with them! hahahahahaha!

  7. I didn't see the word "play," Lenore Nevermore, I saw the word "Pan-Am." :) Keep your pugs back away from that wood chipper! Thanks for the fascinating pictures and have a special day and evening, dear friend!

  8. love button art!! Gorgeous pictures of your country place.

  9. Sam,
    it's illegal to chop down matured Oak trees in this part of the world now...it's a good thing I suppose.

    haha...so hilarious you are!
    The pugs are always afraid of the loud noise.

  10. Oh, what a beautiful countryside!
    I think I read the play word in paler greens :-)

  11. Oh Lenore, I just love that last picture! You really know how to capture a moment!!!

  12. The button creations are so unique. I love your country home views and the gorgeous photos out the windows.

  13. The light in that last photo....wow! Really beautiful!!

    That button tree is so much fun, but now I fear for my vision! I saw the word "day". YIKES!!

  14. Vous avez une splendide vue dégagée devant votre atelier...
    Je conserve beaucoup de boutons, je possède également tout ceux que ma grand-mère détenait... je pourrais faire une forêt entière!... (sourire).
    gros bisous

  15. I spotted the word 'play' - AND the hunky lumberjack in your photo. Lovely post Sxox

  16. stunning photographs! * a star for you again ! take care;-)

  17. Susan,
    perhaps you're the only one who spotted it? hah!
    Thank you everyone!

  18. your country house looks quite amazing and so do those buttons!
