Jane Austen

From this very table Jane Austen wrote...
The revised manuscripts of Sense and Sensibility & Pride and Prejudice
later went to be published in 1811 & 1813. From this table too came
Mansfield Park, Emma & Persuasion...
For those who find beauty & inspiration from Jane Austen's classic novels
How amazing is this!
The entire book has been 'compressed' to a single sheet of quality paper!
This favorite classic book/poster available framed or unframed HERE*
...excuse me, are you also a fan?
I adore Jane Austen not only for all her romantic conventionality,
but also for her irreverence & the 'bitchiness' of her wit!

A visit to Jane Austen's House Museum in Chawton

Jane Austen died in 1817, and in 1845 the table was given to a manservant.
Today, back in its old home and 'speaks' to every visitor of the modesty of genius!
I would lurrrve a chance to make a pilgrimage to this very room one day...
P.S. This year the museum celebrates the 200 years anniversary of Sense and Sensibility. 


  1. I've been to Chawton and saw her house! It was awesome. We did a little Jane Austen tour of England. :)

  2. LOVE LVOE LOVE that book! Especially when she introduced the zombies into a newer version... But really, in that version I couldn't get past the 5th chapter. Too much gore.
    I hope you get a chance to visit her home!

  3. i'd love to go too! Emma is my favorite.

  4. Oh goodness! I LOVE HER! My heart is beating faster just thinking about Mr. Darcey. That print is magnificent. Persuasion is one of my favorites.

  5. Love Jane Austen!
    Very cool post, darling!


  6. How fabulous that those masterpieces were written from that tiny table! It's so beautiful and poetic just sitting there in that photo--I just love that image!

    Now you have inspired me to visit one day too!

    xo Mary Jo

  7. Great post. Reminding me of my visit to Chawton in July. Beautiful pictures!

  8. Oh my goodness I'd love to go visit too. I'm such a sucker for that kind of stuff. Could you imagine writing on that table? It looks kind of uncomfortable lol. I'd rather be in bed with a laptop hahaha. Poor Jane.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Id love to see her house...this is sooo intereseing, thanks for sharing Sweets!

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  11. How interesting! If you haven't seen this film, you have too now:

  12. Sarah,
    Ha-ha...so easy to take the convenience of electricity/technology for granted, huh?

    Yes i have, beautiful film! The art direction is gorgeousss...

  13. I have chills!!! This is all so awesome! Love Jane Austen. And I love that print of the entire book. It's incredible :) xoxo

  14. That poster is amazing! I love her work...such a strong woman she was!

  15. three cheers for senorita austen!

    and that table is awesome. i am glad it made its way back home. :)

  16. Wow what an amazing poster, love it.
    thank you for the linkback :)

  17. such a little table for such influential work. Love it!

  18. Pride and prejudice is one of my fav books!! I love love love seeing this!! Thank you :) <3

  19. Very special - she wrote fabulous stories which are worth a re-read every now and again!
