The sun briefly reappeared...

As usual around this time of the year,
the sun has been playing hide & seek on all of us here in Paris.
The fog & rain are expected to come back this week.
I may need to get a bigger umbrella perhaps...
Excuse me, how is the weather in your zipcode?
greetings from Paris!
greetings from Paris


  1. It's warm and sunny over here with a bit of fog in the mornings and evenings. Perfect if you ask me.

    Love these photos!

  2. I'm just a bit more South than you, just at the other side of the French border with Spain, and the weather is a little cold but nice and sunny!

  3. It's hot hot hot in the Shady, Lenore Nevermore! Afternoons have been in the 80s but a cool front is now sweeping through which promises to lower the daytime high to the 70s. Glad to hear from you, dear friend!

  4. Cold! I keep scanning through your pics looking for those hotties you've been stalking... No such luck.
    I'm still jealous anyway.

  5. McVal,
    hah~ you cracked me up! I think the waiter in the pic here is quite an eye candy, no?

  6. Cooolllld and windy. But hey it's winter in Iowa what else should I expect ;)

  7. we're having a beautiful day today, after lots of cloudy and windy days... but nothing compares to Paris, darling... I'm so jealous! enjoy! xo

  8. So so hot in Brisbane, I would love a cool day! Mimi xx

  9. Always so nice to know that you guys are coming from all over the world; very united nations!
    ~Cheers Everyone!
