Christmas Window Display

Printemps has certainly outdone themselves with their Noël Rêves d’Évasion!
 Elegant & whimsical windows of the Printemps Paris flagship store pay homage 
to Chanel & the genius creative director Karl LagerfeldStorefront windows displaying 
animated puppet dolls: miniature Lagerfelds, flight attendants (including a Chanel Airplane!) 
& dancing ballerinas were all made in rue Cambon Chanel workshops...

" Ouch! help...I've fallen & I can't get up! "
My-my-my...aren't they adorable?
I was smiling ear to ear while taking these pics, and so were all 
the passers-by who were drawn to view the whimsical window display!
greetings from Paris


  1. It makes me happy to know that you're smiling, Lenore Nevermore. This whimsical display reminds me of Pan-Am, a wonderful and nostalgic television series that's on the bubble and not expected to return next season.


  2. Oh no, Shady! I thought the show had a high rating?! I need to catch up on the entertainment news...

  3. Wow really nice window displays! When I lived in Germany they really out did themselves too I could never really capture the beauty in pictures...yours turned out great! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Wow! Little Karls, Pan Ams, and Ballerinas? What a wonderful magical display! I would be smiling ear to ear also. Lovely post yet again!

  5. Too pretty! NO ONE does that around here anymore. Too many malls....

  6. That is so awesome! I love the little Karls.:)

  7. I love window displays! Too bad stores don't get into it like they used to. :(

  8. Loved these beautiful window displays. I have been a lover of window displays all my life ... I sure miss them and hate they are becoming more rare.

    Thank you for sharing these! ♥

  9. i love the karl lagerfeld dolls and the one with the rollers. so great. enjoy your weekend!

  10. the baby karl lagerfelds are too cute! i want one!


  11. Thank you so much for sharing the Parisian sights. Gotta love those window displays! More, more, more please.

  12. I love how Chanel doesn't take themselves to seriously!!

  13. wish that i were one of those dolls. mu dog, too. would be more glamourous than our real lives. x

  14. They are incredible displays and it is alas a dying art. Bergdorfs windows this year are amazing as always. But these are so creative, but I must admit, the puppets are giving me the chills....a liitle creepy. I see them leaving the windows at night, causing all kinds of mischief and mayhem! Lock your door tight at night dear Lenore,lol!

  15. Cindy,
    you're very observant!
    My sister left her house with a hair roller still on her hair before..oops!

    whahaha...you watched too much 'Toy Story' huh? Thanks, I shall use padlocks on my door & window!

    ~Thank you so much everyone!

  16. What a dreamy quality these windows have! So cute and so chic at the same time!

  17. Absolutely delightful windows! The gentle whimsy and humour here is gorgeous!
