Oh Baby!

Hope you had a lovely weekend?
The highlight of my weekend was to meet
my friend's baby for the first time ~such a delight!
Let me introduce you to her new little bundle of joy...
...his name is Oliver!
...isn't Oliver such a darling?

I always find it interesting how parents come up with names for their babies.
My friend told me that she had narrowed down to 5 names, and the 
moment she noticed her baby's adorable nose, Oliver it is...just like that!
I'm sure many new parents are experiencing 'baby name dilemma', yes? 
Oh no...not me! I have decided on the name for my future baby (blushed*). 
I'd like Liam for a boy & Lia for a girl.
Liam / Lia Nevermore (say it out loud) ...hmm sounds not bad at all!
Nice name for a baby or a blog! ~hah!
Any thoughts on your favorite baby names?




  1. I'm grateful that mum named me "Shady" because it fits. (LOL) Seriously, my real name is Tom and it was a very common name around 1950 when I was born. In fact, every Tom, Dick and Harry was named Tom! Oliver is a great name for your friend's little boy and he's precious!

    (Lenore Nevermore Knight has a nice ring to it!)

  2. Awww what a precious baby!! I love the name Oliver as well :)

  3. Darling! I have a nephew named Oliver. I love the little footprints snuggie!

    Art by Karena

  4. Picking out names was the hardest.....it's forever! Oliver is a sweet name and oh is he ever sweet...lots of hair!

  5. Oliver and Liam and Lia all are pretty names!

    For the moment I prefer
    Vicky or Antonia or Paul or ???

    ♥ Franka

  6. Oliver and his name are just adorable!!!
    Our criteria for naming kids is, if you can yell their entire name out the back door and not cringe, then you go one step further. Does it sound good with the word Doctor in front of it?

  7. My little nephew is Liam. I love that name! I love the name Jameson.

  8. Oliver est un très joli prénom... Mon gendre se prénomme Olivier.
    Mes 4 enfants, se prénomment Kevin, Yannis-William, Fauve et Daphné.
    Mon petit-fils né chez ma fille Fauve & Olivier se prénomme Nathan.
    Début avril prochain doit naître une petite fille chez mon fils Kevin & son amie Julie. Je ne connais pas encore le futur prénom de cette petite fille... Je dois patienter!
    Les photos de petit bébé, Oliver sont magnifiques.
    Gros bisous

  9. Awh Oliver is just too precious! I always wanted to name a boy Evan or Owen. Could never decide on a girls name though :)

  10. What a great name!

    ♥ sécia

  11. So sweet and precious :) No I don't have any names in mind... I was glad we both knew very soon we wanted to name our puppy Ollie, which we deduced from Olivier.. He looks like an "Ollie"... I guess your friend was so right about picking the right name after actually seeing her baby..

  12. Tom,
    you have a classic name!
    You're funny; haven't heard 'Tom, Dick and Harry'-line for such a long time!

    Limanta; that's such a unique name for sure, luv it!

    I know, right!
    that was exactly what i told the mother!

    Dr Lenorenevermore doesn't sound quite that convincing & reliable! ~hah!

    your kids have beautiful names, I like Daphne very much too!
    BTW i always adore how the French pronounces the word 'bébé!'

    'Ollie' what a cute name for a puppy, perfect!

  13. Awww what a sweetheart!
    And I love that name!


  14. aw...he's beyond cute Lenore!
    Oliver is a fine name!

  15. Good thing I never had girls because I couldn't think of girl names!! I named my oldest Shane Raymond (Raymond was my dear Dad's name), My youngest is Thomas James (James is Hubby's dear departed Dad's name, Thomas is a family name) And Tom..he is Thomas and has never been Tom! One of Shane's friends just had a baby girl named Harlowe..that is really different.

  16. adorable indeed! Exactly like an Oliver :)

  17. such a sweet little oliver. love your baby names, too!

  18. Liam and Lia - very like those two names! What a super sweet heart this little on is!
