Vintage Photo:

Excuse me, do you know who she is? errr...me neither!
But I do adore her fashion; looking very much '2012', isn't it?
Plus, her 'yoga-like-pose' to show off her fabulous cocktail ring!
I did try to pose like her in front of the mirror (blushed).
Well...not so easy to do I tell ya! 
I guess I'm not as flexible lately...a.k.a as stiff as a board!
Go ahead try it for yourself, but do not strain yourself pretty please...
If you can do it easily, I'd be truly impressed~ that's all!
p.s: i need a good+long Swedish massage i think...


-Photographer: Unknown


  1. I love that photo!! Whoever she is, or was, she looks simply lovely. Don't tell anyone but I actually have a massage scheduled for this Friday and I can't wait. I rarely indulge so it'll be a treat. Now it's your turn to schedule one for yourself. Go ahead, Lenore. Just Do It! Okay?

  2. Cheryl,
    Oh good for you!
    I really need to do the same...
    It's a pain in the neck(pun intended), has to do with too much time on the uncomfortable office chair i think?!

  3. Truly lovely photo! I just love vintage black and whites. You're so right that that outfit is even 2012. Amazing.

    ♥ sécia

  4. If I had such a beautiful ring and I imagining with a beautiful aquamarine I will certainly try that pose ;)

  5. oh my! beautiful photo {and pose}... that's why pilates it's worth it! ... I'm not sweating in vain, haha! xo

  6. Lizzet,
    oooh...aquamarine is my birth stone!
    Luv Santa Maria aquamarine fm Brazil, Gorgeousness!

    I should try pilates/yoga, but I think prefer massage...
    Can you tell, I'm just plain lazy~hah!

  7. Great photo, I love old black and white photos

    She is very glamorous, and I can actually do that pose now that I have been doing yoga hard core the past 2 months,
    It's so relaxing, I am totally and complletely addicted to yoga

  8. Urgh, My shoulders are so stiff. I could never do that pose. I also could never be so fabulous. Oh dear.. I was so born in the wrong era.

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they lined up the lines from the bodice to the sleeves! What precision!
    And yes... I did just try it in the mirror. I guess I need some Special K. A lot of it.

  10. I could totally do with a lovely long Swedish massage as well. And I can do the pose, but don't look as elegant as she does.

  11. Couldn't strike that pose.
    Tried it.
    Arms too short.
    Well that's my excuse.

  12. Jan,
    good try at least...A+ for effort!

    ~Thank you everyone!

  13. Curiously convoluted pose - love it!
