who is going to fill in the shoes..."

... There are neither Republican nor Democrat banners on my front lawn, just a pair of orange pumpkins & simple harvest decoration… bumper stickers on my car, NO thank you! But can LENORENEVERMORE talk a little politics today besides the frivolous things in life that dominate 99percent of this blog here… This election year is a true defining moment of recent US history indeed... it shows us how far this country had come and heading towards. Within our lifetime, it had gone from segregation to an African-American man running as a prime candidate for the presidency. Yes, race is still a sensitive issue…. There is the occasional ugliness of course... But I don't think any comparable nation has made so much progress in so little time….America is after all still a young country….a reminder that African-Americans were only allowed to vote back in the sixties… And despite the trenchant and sometimes belligerent tone of this election, I'm confident that we shall continue to come together...and hopefully vote & elect the right president. At times, I found myself almost like in the middle of a ‘civil war’ though and had to pick a side…The colors of red, white and blue are so far apart… The people in this nation are so far apart…I hear the war, financial crisis, joblessness, health care, faith, education, environment... discussed and debated with charged emotions…
As the ticker-thingie runs along the bottom of the television news screen, questions do run through my minds. What’s our role in this election? What would the future hold for this nation? For the past weeks or so, I was quite heavy-handed by the importance… can be quite overwhelming but really exciting time! ...then a big Ding-ding-ding! Yes, I remembered that this is my blog and I can do what I want… So here it is, “red- white- blue color theme” ! It's abundantly and visually and literally clear by now that I am not really into politics and most of you aren't fooled by my interest either. When I think about it, I don't really hate politics... I just prefer visual delights… call me shallow… at least I am honest, unlike most politicians… " GOD BLESS AMERICA "


  1. You can be into politics or not, it doesn't matter. Just be you!

  2. I am an Australian and I totally agree with this statement "But I don't think any comparable nation has made so much progress in so little time".

    I will not state my political views here, and I am not an American so I guess my say doesn't matter either :P But I know who I would vote for if I was American. Australians seem to be more concerned with the upcoming US election than the Australian one!

    (Side note love the white and red striped maxi skirt, how cute!)

  3. I sometimes feel like I'M about tovote for the president, the amount it has been in our media recently... God knows what it must be like for you lot across the pond!
    Thanks for the comment :) It did snow here last week, we didn't know what to do! We're not used to snow! None of my shoes are appropriate and I slipped over :(

  4. I want to fill those shoes :]
    But they'd look extra chic on me if I had an Obama mask to match.

  5. I can't believe it's only two days away. I'll be staying up late Tuesday night!

  6. I am 100% with you on the visual vs. conversation. Go red, white, and blue! These next few days will sure prove to be interesting...either way.

  7. i wish i could fill in the shoes, they look amazing haha!

  8. I want to wear those shoes ;)

  9. Thanks for your comment on my shoes! Neither red, white, nor blue...

    In the UK we keep getting fashion editorials about the the sartorial habits of US politicians. Not sure how I feel about that - is it a fun celebration of the frivolous wrappings of politics or is it a demeaning approach that equates women purely with looks rather than serious issues? Can't make up my mind!

  10. Those shoes.........mmmmmmmm!

    The world has gone nuts over this election......

  11. as i scrolled down~ and before i read your amazing words~ i got a great image planted in mind of obama prancing in those stunning heels~ thank-you for making my monday!
    x ashley

  12. i feel changes coming! changes heading in the right direction hopefully. we'll see what happens on election day for the US! haha. us Australians seem pretty worked up for the election too and it's not even our own!

    haha and i love your blue white and red theme going on. :D

  13. I will be glad when all the art I make stop looking like it's a comment on politics the minute after I make it. Frankly, I hope the candidate who appears to have more health and energy wins, cause the next president has quite a job of work ahead. The concomitant of having made so much progress in such a short time is that we have also done, quite possibly, the most harm of any nation in such a short time.

  14. Love your post on this! I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of America's progress. I think that's a feeling in the air--I just posted about it myself before I found your blog!

    I love those shoes, too!

  15. those louboutins are AMAZING.

    and i'll be up late tomorrow night for sure.

  16. Lovely post and lovely shoes :) I just wish we could have an election...prime minister that came to power without an election, and even then Tony Blair came to power with 39% of the country voting him in...

  17. I'm not from the USA but I'd say GO OBAMA as well ☺

  18. I agree with Melissa, LOL..

  19. can you believe it's tomorrow love??? Wow!!! Your pictures make me even more excited!!!! xo

  20. Hopefully I will fill THOSE shoes, but if Obama doesn't win I am totally leaving the country!

    Happy Monday, Lenore :)


  21. I've been trying not to be anxious throughout all the campaigns, but I can't keep it in check any longer: It's going to be a heck of a ride tomorrow.

  22. whoever, everyone should vote tomorrow.

  23. Oh voting...just can't wait till the results are in!

  24. i'm from Canada but seriously the i probably know the presidential platforms of obama and mccain better than i know the party platforms for canada! hahaha.

  25. I've already voted, yes. :) I cannot believe Christmas is almost here. I love dressing up the tree and wrapping up the gifts for my family. What do you want this year?

    ♥/ fashion chalet

  26. Good post ;)!

    voting just gives one a sense of empowerment.

    Red white striped skirt is cool!
    ...and those shoes...m...m...m


  27. Love the colour combination of red, white and blue.

    And you're showing such amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    As for politics, just be you, you don't want to know, you don't want to show, doesn't matter, people must respect your wish, after all it's YOUR blog.

    Love and blessings dear


  28. THOSE HEELS!!!!!

    i could die, they're right up my alley

    Obama '08!

  29. you make voting chic...OBAMA!!!!!!!!!

  30. obama '08 :)

    great post! & sanrio luxe does sell hello kitty items...just even more expensive & high end, haha

    La C

  31. I say go go go Obama, and I agree with Couture Carrie, if Obama doesn't claim victory it's time for me to say See Ya! I luv the shoes!

  32. Gorgeous pics! We can all and always do with a little prettiness in our lives and you do it so well! LOVE those shoes...

  33. i feel as though i should care more. i would like to be more educated on the issues and candidates and such, but i just don't think i'm passionate enough about politics. i realize that it's important, but i feel like i don't really have control over those types of things, so i don't stress about it. sounds bad, but that's just how it is, i suppose.

  34. I don't see any shallowness here, Lenore. Sorry that I couldn't feature your lovely gift with the outfits. I was planning on a separate post. :)

    I'm hoping for a change in America because hate or not, America still leads the world.

  35. Nicely written. ;)Whoever fills in the shoes will not make everyone happy, but I just hope it's the right person. I'm voting ballot is in the mail and the anticipation is making me antsy!

  36. Wonderful post..wear your red white and blue tomorrow. Thank you so much for the comment.

  37. I want the shoes and for Obama to win.

  38. Yeah I hope Obama gets it!!

  39. I hope Obama will win!!!!

  40. GREAT POST! i'm so nervous!!

  41. Political opinions aside, some either understand it or they don't... and some either care or they don't. But aptly said, this is a "Defining moment of recent US history indeed."


  42. OBAMA!!! I dearly wish it would be him! Love those 2 colours; BUT red AND BLUE. doesnt go; I dont know why but I ABSOLUTELY LOATH. that combination:S

  43. Ah I was too young at our most recent election. :( But I cant wait for the next one so I can vote!

  44. great post! I think Obama should win! America need a change!

    Have a nice day!

  45. A great set of photos there! I'm not into Politics either (and I have a Masters in IR!!)

  46. I'm wearing red, white, and blue today!

  47. Your honesty is so wonderful to see and no-one shall begrudge you for that! I'm not really into politics myself but I just can't seem to escape this American election because EVERYONE is airing it EVERYWHERE! In Wellington (the capital on NZ) a congregation of travelling Americans have been rooting for their presidential candidate in various venues around town and the election over there has eclipsed our own back here (which is going to be held on Saturday)!

    I hope the right candidate wins whomever that may be :D

  48. those blue shoes are to die for! Go Democrats! Go Obama!!
