EeecK!...from glamourous Glitzy BAGs
to plastic moldy lunch BAGs...
"...is the world really coming to an end??? "
Well...told ya' -I'm always curious, pensive and full of contradictionsss... Welcome to LENORENEVERMORE darlings! ~Life is all about the 'high&low'sss afterall...


.... Suffering the 'injustice' of having your lunch sandwiches stolen? You know…the world is getting more DANGEROUS…bad-bad people not only stealing our money but also our sandwiches!!! Protect our lunches from those inconsiderate co-workers, roommates, even school bullies! Trap them with mouse traps, heavy duty pad locks or…save the troubles by getting these clever-witty Anti-Theft Lunch Bags… This might be the easier solution?! Sandwich plastic bags that have green nasty splotches PRINTED on both sides, making our fresh food looks MOLDY & spoiled. Protect your lunch…& your investments darlings- the world is NOT a safe place anymore! Anyway, isn’t this a wicked-clever idea? How about some NEW Moldy Tupperware containers next??? Hmmm…LENORENEVERMORE is craving for some royaltie$ from the 'new' tupperware sales? ~Hee*
~Any CREATIVE-witty IDEA you've seen lately ??? please...do share*
PURCHASE them HERE - 25 bags per box US$ 10 - FANTASTIC!!!= 5% of purchases will be donated to Freedom from Hunger .


  1. How interesting! I think I would like have one of these to make my family and friends stunned! Is that a real reason why this bag came into the market?

  2. the mould bag is fantastic!

    where i work, all the pen thieves are starting to annoy me. so for easter, my colleague got me a pen disguised as a lipstick. so far, no one has dared to touch it.

  3. I saw these in a friend's post a few month ago and thought these were hilarious and brilliant!
    Although where I work someone doesn't steal lunch as much as he gets over zealous about cleaning the fridge...therefore I think thsi would back fire :)

  4. Those are definitely perfect for where I work..What is with people stealing lunches anyways?? Well...I suppose hunger is the main reason but geez..get your own food. I've gone starving at work before for this very reason.
    moldy tupperware would be excellent too!!

  5. hmmm genius, but i would be scared that someone would throw them out thinking it was old!

  6. I think I could store all my cassette tapes in these too.
    Or it might light a fire under that diet I never seem to start.

  7. Ehhe! LOL! What a good idea! :D


  8. I LOOOooooove this! So funny!

  9. this will keep those fuckers away from my food!!!

  10. Diana, that's a good point you made!...errr never thought about it...there goes my royalties idea...sob-sob. But again it's all about the novelty & also for a good cause too! sob-sob! ;)

  11. miriam, it's a good thing that ALL the lipstick thieves are in jail now...pen & food thieves should be next no?!! ;)

  12. sueper, are you saying that this is going to be the next BIG diet thingie??? I should buy their stocks now??? ;)

  13. drollgirl, I'm surprised you are not a sailor instead of a blogger my dear... keep it G rated will you...LOL ;)

  14. clorivak, Thank you for supporting the NEW idea & believing in moi...I'm a real genius aren't I & you are my new BFF darling! ;)

  15. So funny!

    Loving the banner too, L!


  16. Aren't those bags a hoot?

  17. hahaa! those are hilarious. i don't know if i could eat my sandwich out of there. it's not the most appetizing thing to look at.

    in response to your comment on my blog - i totally agree with you. i just thought these men were the "real" kind, i guess. apparently not.

  18. I want it very funny and a great idea!!

  19. I haven't seen anything nearly as creative or witty lately! I'd love to have been a fly on the wall of this A-ha! moment to see how it came about...

  20. I saw an ad for these bags and couldn't understand why anyone would be advertising a moldy sandwich for bags. Then I really listened and realized what the advert was about. Pretty neat...no creative ideas here!!

  21. that is quite funny. i know my food will be safe at least.

  22. that is the funniest idea - very clever, i like it!!

  23. My thoughts went from 'ewwww' to 'wowww' What an original idea.

  24. Gross! Ewwwwww....

    I love it!

  25. Hmmmm.... very interesting... I would stay clear of those...YIKES!

  26. Funny! Gross, but clever.

  27. I love that idea. It's funny because the laundry room is in the basement and there weren't enough washers and my boyfriend was like, 'let's just leave the clothes down there' and I was like, 'no way.' I don't trust anyone (maybe that is the New Yorker in me).

  28. woah i was totally fooled!

  29. Haha! This is such a clever idea! I would never hadve thought of that! And from the picture it looks so real!!
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

  30. These are so funny. I don't pack a lunch or work in an office, but if I did, I might get some!

  31. smart and funny.. hahahahah. it would be great if i have one too.. hahahah nice post. very entertaining

    ps: visit my blog too (:

  32. That is a good anti-theft lunch idea... some kids do like to steal other kids' lunches... imagine the BULLY opening the sack and seeing that... good problem solving solution... LOL
    BTW... LOVE the bunnies in your last post... HILARIOUS!

  33. Haha, this is great..they should create 'moldy boyfriend' wrapping, and maybe 'diseased ipod case'. But really, when you were a kid how often did other kids steal the sammies? It was always the one thing in your lunchbox that you DID want to eat that went missing. Sulks.

  34. very funny idea!!!!!

  35. Ha! That is nasty, but effective :)

  36. Ahahaha this is so hilarious!! XD I totally love it. It does remind me of the time I sank my teeth into a loaf of delicious looking raisin bread, only to realize it had mould on the opposite side -____-

  37. What a great idea! Still, it won't prevent the thefts of items in sealed packaging like yogurts, applesauces etc. I suppose fake expiration dates are in order for that one.


  38. this is awesome!!!! AND...I love your blog!
