Glitzy LOVE*

" hope everyone had a FUN+joyful Easter
long weekend..."

My family had a somewhat joyful one...considering that the matriarch of the family a.k.a mommie dearest is still recovering... the 'Penicillin Cocktail' (as she prefers to call it!) seems to be working... CHEERS + Hallelujah indeed!

.... Judith Leiber is synonymous with elegance and the high sparkling bling-bling glamour…(still thinking of you mom…be healed soon!...mom adores sparkly things a little too much sometimes, JL’s creations she odoresss!). Leiber’s handbag creations and minaudières are part of the permanent design collections at The Victoria & Albert Museum in London, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, The Houston Museum of Fine Arts and the Los Angeles Museum of Art... Simply love my museum visits! Anyone into museums too???

~Her ARTFUL handbags also have been graced and carried by royalties... okay even those Hollywood ‘royalties’ …Even the coolest Bjork for goodness sake! Born in 1921 in Budapest, Word War II interrupted her original plans to attend Kings College in London to study chemistry, and at age 18, Judith Peto became the first woman accepted into the Hungarian handbag-maker's guild. During her apprenticeship, she mastered every aspect of designing and constructing a handbag - from making a pattern and frame to hand-tacking and sewing.

~While she was learning her craft. the Nazi's were invading town after town(bad Nazi…bad-bad Nazi!!!). In 1945, she met Gerson Leiber, a Signal Corps sergeant in the United States Army in Budapest. It was love at first sight for both of them and they spent their free time together indulging their mutual love of art. They married in 1946 and returned to Gerson Lieber's home town - New York City. She worked for a number of handbag companies before launching Judith Leiber, Inc. in 1963. Leiber created her first minaudière in 1967, when a shipment of handbag cases were erroneously painted with green spots. Leiber resourcefully covered the areas with crystal rhinestones…thus, ‘mistakes’ sometimes leads to something FABULOUS! Yet another great reminder- we shouldn’t be afraid of mistakes darlings!

~Her first design was in the shape of a chatelaine/drawstring bag …remained popular till today. The majority of the 100+ parts of each bag are made and hand assembled in the factory in New York City's Garment District. The beading of a bag takes up to five days to complete, with 10,000 to 18,000 crystals applied by hand(does someone really count them...really?! ...hope noone goes BLIND in the process...) Her design ideas have come from a wide variety of sources reflective of her personal interests and those of her friends - from New York's architecture to a frog and a violin. Art has been a strong influence, particularly Asian art, which she collects, and her love of gardening led to asparagus, tomato, watermelon and flower handbags…(no worm…errr NOT YET?! Eeeck!!!)

~More than just utilitarian objects, Judith Leiber's whimsical works of art inspire conversation and delightsss… It’s not just glitzy bagsss… It’s also about a LOVE story! Just like my parents…they do certainly fight hard but they always LOVE hard too… ~Update: My mom is doing well, the nurse only comes to serve her ‘Penicillin cocktail’ (yeah…let's call it that!) once a day now instead of 4 times… luv-luv-LOVE that!!!

" psst...I want to wear this to my dentist appointment
& scare the dental hygienist! I'm dangerous like that!! "

Well-well-well...~Hoping for another fabulous week darlingsss... For me it's going to be the usual busy-busy week... including a dentist appointment (ouch!!!) ...also hope that my dentist would be more gentle with me...errr and as tall-dark-handsome (hmmm..ala George Clooney-ish!!!) as I remember him to be six months ago... Psst! I know from a reliable source that he's still VERY single & ready to mingle...blush*-blush* I shall flirt while I scream!!! if that's ever possible! ...I'm such a slut...oops I mean BABY when it comes to pain! well... we'll see if an appointment with Vera Wang is needed pretty soon for my wedding gown... LENORENEVERMORE Mrs Dentist*.COM ...hee*~stay tune darlingsss...blush*-blush*...AGAIN !
new* errr... & painless week to all !!!

- Source & Pictures Courtesy of JUDITH LEIBER -Bunny Comic found via MoxiephotoanddesignBlog thanks Leah!


  1. Hehe such a cute bunny illustration:-)

  2. i love this post, it's glam:)
    thank you dear for joining my site, hope you liked the concept and you will post some of your articles there,i want the best bloggers be active there and everybody loves your amazing ideas and creativity!


  3. Oooo...I'm not usually into super bling and sparkles but those are really quite cool looking! Hope your mother is feeling better real soon and your dentist trip is fantastic...haha if thats possible!

  4. Wow, Judith Leiber's story is a fascinating one! Thanks for sharing it, Lenore.

  5. Love those purses- just right for playing dress-up!
    I didn't have a chocolate bunny.... but the whoopee-pie cupcakes and the bourbon bread pudding has caused me to plan a long, brisk walk later today-followed by a good work-out tomorrow!!!

  6. Ha ha darling, you always make me laugh SO much! Lovely way to start my day!
    I hate going to the dentist too! But mine is not tall-dark-handsome I'm afraid. No incentive!

  7. Love the bunnies! I adore museums. The Met is my fave. All the best to your mom. I hope she is well.

  8. wow,those purses are immense:)

  9. her creations are amazing!

  10. That cartoon is hysterical, L!

    And the Leiber bags are divine...

    Hope your Easter was super-sweet, darling :)


  11. I love the flowered clutch and the polar bear!

    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog :)

  12. Awww haha that first picture is too cute! And WOW, blingtastic!!! They all look so pretty :) Hope you're Easter is going well dear, and good luck with the dentist ;)

  13. hahah those bunnies are funny.

  14. I'm glad your Easter was nice.

    I love JL bags! They are not only colorful, but whimsical. Very nice!

  15. oooh shiny!! The rose purse is too cute :)

  16. look all those glittery things!! i love the sparkles!! i did the new header.

  17. That bunny comic is always funny, and hope your dentist appointment isn't too awful... I used to hate, I mean HATE the dentist, so much I couldn't even sleep the night before in dread, and then I finally found a dentist who was just chill and relaxed (and who did not do awful fluoride treatments haha) and gave me nothing to worry about. He also always has feel-good oldies playing on the radio too, I actually kind of like going to dentist now haha.


  18. sparkle shimmer and SHINE!! these are amazing!

    good luck with the dentist. wink wink.

  19. Those bags are insane! Imagine hauling one around town; you'd need a body guard!

    And good luck on your appointment. I've been avoiding my dentist like the plague.

  20. totally into museums, in fact, we spent easter day at the museum listening to jazz and browsing the exhibits. super fun :)

  21. judith leiber is great. i can't help but laugh out loud looking at the first image.

  22. I've enjoyed catching up with your previous posts. so glad you are back!

  23. Chocolate bunnies. Penicillin coktails. And then there's that added Judith Leiber spark... honey, you make me smile.

    Yep, you sure do! xxx

  24. the polar bear is calling my name!

  25. those are exquisite! and my oh my i do love the dolphin ;]

  26. Love that comic! I hope you had a great Easter weekend!

  27. That comic is awesome!

    Re: Judith Leiber. I think a lot of it rides the line between classy and over the top. That dolphin, for example? Too much for me. Isn't it a Leiber that Big gave Carrie when she told him she loved him? Like she said - it was just wrong for her. Nice, but not her. Kind of like me :)

  28. The bunny cartoon is super cute. As are those bunny cupcakes below.

  29. My fave illustration is first. LOL! :D

    Oh, what a beautiful accessories. *SIgh*!

    xoxo: Janet

  30. Thankyou sp much for your sweet easter comment on our blog. Yes we had the best hollyday hope the same for you.

  31. Lovely Lovely!!! I always thought bedazzling things would automatically render them 'cheap looking' but in this case they don't They look positively opulant!!!!

    Thanks for the suggestion lol but i tried and they'd told me it was a night time search for Easter eggs haha. No lights just a whole bunch of people crawling on the floor, up bannister, ontop of each other in the daark trying to find those scrummy eggs haha.

    Eeli xx

  32. Great pictures and info on Judith Leiber. your blog is amazing!!

  33. And what will you say to the dentist? "I lost a big filling?"

    I would alter your admonition of the SS to "Heinous Nazi, Genocidal Nazis etc." (we wouldn't want to make light of their mass murders).

    Your posts are always enigmatic, unpredictable and completely addictive. I'm hooked!


    Trying the "following" button again. Look for me!

  34. hey hey I'm into museums toom I love all this stufff, magical indeed,
    i like the dolphin.
    and that bunny was hilarious

  35. i don't know where you find all of these amazing images... they are great!

  36. The animal shaped ones are quite funny. I prefer the normal clutch shaped ones...more classic!

  37. a little tacky...but in this case i like it!

  38. Thank you for sharing the history about Judith Leiber and her sparkling creations.
    Good luck at the dentist )O:
    I hope the cocktail is still doing its good work for your mother!

  39. divionLOVed that you stopped by!! Will visit again and again...Beautiful Post.

    Warm Wishes,

  40. Hehe I love the first cartoon!

  41. Those bags are beautiful! The cartoon was a kick :0

  42. That is one ugly handbag!
    I'm loving the polar bear though.
    I'm sure I heard somewhere that the creation of cornflakes was another of those fabulous mistakes. I think someone was trying to make special cornbread in the toaster... Of course this could be another urban myth.
    Very fabergé-esque.
    Belated Happy Easter!

  43. I love the bunny joke...I am still laughing!
    Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a message.
    Have a great day!

  44. I love museums too - here in LA I love the Getty Villa and the LACMA.

  45. that bunny illustration cracked me up!!!

  46. Haha, let us know how it goes! you may get free dental work for life if it works out!

    and thanks for sharing the history of the artist behind these beautiful pieces!

  47. judith leiber's bags are BEAUTIFUL!! and her story is just as well. i want that first one! i'll need to save A LOT!

  48. I love the flower one. Her purses are gorgeous and out of my price range.
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
