
I was inspired to make this art-work last night...colorful enough??!
Well...I was a little stressed out from work yesterday and needed a heavy dose of colors!
I was quite proud of myself because I stayed away from the usual expen$ive retail therapy...instead headed straight home pronto... As usual I relied on my fabulous lady, Carmen Miranda ~the Queen of Carnival for some colorful picker-upper! So I did some Youtube click-click-click and found some of the fabulousss musicals ever! ...and not to mention a large dose of visual delights...here are also some visual snippets ~enjoy Darlingsss...

she is still fresh & delicious...

deLIGHTful !!!
(I want to go on this ride...one day, YES!)

"oooh...I need to do poses like this at work...
I might get a BIG rai$e!" ~hee*

Her iconic image has inspired many...

Look at the fabulous fruit glorious fruitsss...
told ya'...she was juicy-tutti-fruity!

makes me want to dance again
...even with blisters still on my feet!

contagious SMILEsss....
Fashion glorious Fashion...
did I mention FABulous already???
(well...worth repeating!)

Should check out her fabulous body of works...

I think Holywood should make her facinating life
into a movie soon...guess who would be perfect to play her
...hmmm??? What do you think?
smiling* dosage has not worn off...
Deliciounesss + Smilesss !!!
~So tell me Darlings...where do you 'escape'

when you need some 'colors' back?

...curious LENORENEVERMORE (who had officially fired the 'retail therapi$t') got to know ~DO SHARE...

-Pics Via Procorbis.com, Brazilbrazil.com, Altfg.com,Trendhunter.com, GuardianUK.com


  1. I love those photos!!
    I always escape into Painting, Painting, Painting.... and you know I love COLOR :)

  2. they did a carmen miranda shoot last week on America's Next Top Model. :)

    great happy colors

  3. This is major pick me upper! The colors are beautiful and i love the photos you chose to display how you feel!

    i love your new heading!

  4. I always go outside. I did my escape to a park downtown this weekend. It was great and we also got candy.

  5. Carmen Miranda was an icon with those fabulous hats she could pull off! Love the colors!!

  6. you are so fun and funny!!! carmen miranda!??!?!?! love it! you must be a fireball of FUN!

  7. I've always been a sucker for that exotic fuit head ladies.
    nice artwork.

  8. You did a good rendition! I took one look and knew it was Carmen Miranda.

  9. What a great post. I'm now a fan. Char is right about the Carmen shoot on ANTM last week. I love your artwork so beautiful.

    Where do I escape? It's been so long I can't remember. I guess the movies.

  10. WOAH so coloourful these are! I really want to eat some bananas now haha. Thanks for the award a few posts back too! :D Sexy blogger? moi? awww shucks :P



  11. I'm Chiquita Banana and I'm here to say...

  12. Laura Trevey,
    You & me darling..we'd be happy & gay in the rainbows...

    Tyra & I are like twin sisters, but she has the fame & fortune, me got this BLOG to run...hee*

    Thank you, glad you like colorful flamingo birdies header...I still wonder how they can stand on those thin-skinny legs...hmmm???~let me google it!

  13. Anna G,
    I enjoy the outdoors too...nature is always a blessing! Candy on the other hand can be quite dangerous, got to watch my belt hole- if you know what I mean...carrots & celery for me...with lots of cream cheese!!! ~hee*

    I agree- this iconic lady was all about 'head dressing'...but I'm pretty sure she took them off during her beauty sleep...It's all about her 'stage' image!

    Thank you darling...I'm not only FUN, I also have other great qualities- ehem-ehem*

    Thanks dear! Exotic is definitely the key word here!

    Thank you, I'm glad you saw it...because it looks a little like SADE when I squint my eyes...

    A great Movie is truly an escape... My all time fave movie happens to be BRAZIL by Terry Gilliam! Must see & escape darling...

  14. I simply love this.

    I escape by going to your blog (big smile). Here is so much fun and I simply love colors.

    xxx JM

  15. oh! you make me so happy!

  16. The Carmen Miranda photoshoot on ANTM didn't turn out nearly as cool as any of these pictures of the real thing. I love these ;)

  17. aye aye aye aye aye aye I like it verry much!

  18. Did you know that she was originaly portuguese and was little when she went to Brazil?

    So can I be channeling her with my love for colours???? LOL

    Luv, dear


  19. Oh and I forgot to say... Gorgeous header!!!!


  20. First, I love your new heading...
    Second... Lenore, you are so funny. If I ever will feel sad, I will visit your blog instintly.

    xxx JM

  21. Awww I love Carmen Miranda!! We had to learn about her in seventh grade history class for some reason and that's one of the only few things I actually remember from middle school because she was so fab. Hehe.

    And your artwork is amazing....sigh. ;)

  22. Love your escape,I will have to try it! It is definitely more rewarding and not just for you but for others as well! I love me some Carmen, even if you are down her smile picks you up.

    I try to knit mostly but on real stressful days it's Net-a-porter or Couture Lab:-( Shameful, I know.

    ( I have missed you these last few days!)

  23. I love these pictures. I could definitely see Penelope playing her. Have a great weekend. Cheers!

  24. AnonymousMay 01, 2009

    Penelope would be PERFECT! Well spotted, Lenore.

  25. totally in love with this post! I'm a great fan of salsa, rumba, merengue and all latin dancing music! hope you have a fabulous weekend, darling!

  26. OK I feel compelled to wear fruit on my head, but to also eat it too!
    Have a brilliant weekend ;)
    PeAce & Bows...
    PrettyneOns X

  27. I love your painting! Its awesome...I love to go for walks in the forest or a beautiful flower garden when I want happy...i love the smells and the gorgeousness of the colors.

    I wonder if that fruit tray on her head is heavy...teehee. I would totally be grabbing fruit from it and munching all day..I'd have to replenish often!!! or are they wax??...i hope not. :P

  28. I love it! I've always loved Carmen Miranda.

  29. I adore your painting and your inspiration, darling L! The photos are all fabulous! Thanks for the dose of color on this dreary day!


  30. Eeli,
    haha...that right darling, this blog does that sometimes...dangerous ha?!

    MT Days,
    Chiquita? well, now you've just reminded me of one of ABBA songs! ~hee*

    Jeanette &
    Tina & I Like Stuff,

    Ladiesss, such SWEET compliments, thank you darlings!!! Made me so very happy that you ladies appreciate my 'labour of LOVE' ~KISSes to all!

  31. I love this post....so fun!

  32. Ahhhh a good dose of colours is always a pick me up :) And yum, I'm craving a fruit salad now lol.

  33. That art is gorgeous! I love the colors.

    And that hot air balloon is the cutest.

  34. Your art is beautiful! I love the bright colors! (Your ispiration was definitely a picker-upper.)

  35. Each time I drop by on your blog my eyes and my heart just tremble of joy:)
    thank you for your lovely comment and for joining vogueicon!
    you have a great weekend as well!


  36. These are awesome pictures. I'm so ready for a fruit headband.

  37. Cool. I love these. And I like that you chose this escape rather than shopping. I'm starting into a two-month shopping hiatus (nervously biting nails). Lovely colors!

  38. I love color too and could always, always use more in my life.
    I escape to books. I get completely lost in them and I love that.

  39. LOVE Carmen Miranda!!! I was her for halloween once!
