TGIF ~weee*

....Yesterday I shared one of my graphic illustration, today is my photography, tomorrow...who knows??! ...perhaps my Ice Sculpture skills??? ~hee* ...I took this photo of one of my beloved Pugs...sleeping soundly & SNORing-ly... Pugs are famous for their loud snoring! Since I have 5 pugs, you should hear them snorrring all at once... sound like a choir!!! By the way, their first (music/snoring) CD is coming out in the nearest store near you by Christmas! This talented snoring group is called "The ZZ Pugs" ...make sure you buy their debut album darlingsss ~hee*

This is the diva in the group, TeeNee*
Her real name is actually a humble-simple 'Tiny'...but like any typical celebrity, she changed it! (shhh...please don't tell... keep it between us okie! She also has been practising her paw-autograph lately...she knows she is going to be a star, that bitch!) This picture was taken by my niece...who is also a diva wannabe (oooh...I'm telling ya'...there are too many divas in this family!!! I need to skip town sometimes!!!) My niece on the other hand, is planning to be a famous shoe designer... That's why I treat her with my very extra-extra special love & attention (Hey! it could happen!) ...I want her to send me FREE fabulous shoes darling! Finally...my very FIRST photo of myself in the BLOGsphere...ready???...here:
...BAM!!! Woo-Hoo... This is me* (I know-I know...headless!!! I feel like that sometimes anyway...errr most of the time??!) ...here with the ZZ Pug gang...just chillin' at home... Sorry darlings...but still can't simply expose my 'gorgeous-flawless' face though...I am still under a very STRICT Witness Protection Program! Anywhooo enough of me* and move on to more visual delightsss, shall we...
The lovely Caroline at Absolutely Unique posts the most charming four legged BFF pictures in her blog every weekend. Here are just some of them... ~Thank you Caroline, they never fail to make me smile ear to ear! If you adore fabulous fashion+jewelry+adorable pooches, visit her lovely blog...
" wooooo......"

" weeeee..."

" Yeee-Peeeeee ..."

Aren't they adorable?!
I think they truly captured the essence of
T.G.I.F :
Thank GOD It's FRIDAY + Major SMILEs !!!

Well...wishing you all
a HAPPY* WEEKEND Darlingsss!


  1. they ARE adorable!!! TGIF to you too :)

  2. cute doggies! happy weekend to you as well!

  3. I can't believe that you have 5 little puggies! They are such wonderful dogs:)

  4. Oh your pups are so... cute! I bet they can start their own bell choir with their snorts. My friend has one and I smile everytime I hear her snorting away.

    Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  5. :) Couldn't not smile at this one. I love pugs!

    (I was perusing your site when you comment came through to mine. Funny.)

    Have a good weekend!

  6. I love love love love love love love the pix of your dogs. I have a yellow labrador retriever who makes me laugh constantly.........'

    I distrust people who hate dogs.

  7. OH CUTIES!!!! I want dogs that snore, that way my husband can blame his inability to sleep on the dogs and not me. Hah! have a wonderful weekend darling!! love you!

  8. I LOVE YER DOGS!!! so cute. wah. SO CUTE!!!!! and you have FIVE of 'em?!?!?!??! lucky lucky you!

  9. Hanako66,
    Thank you dear...believe it or not I used to have a total of 8! Sad to say 3 have gone to doggy-heaven ;(

  10. How many cute doggies can one person post in a day? You won the prize. I love Tee Nee. That girl's got attitude.

    love, sallymandy

  11. Joyce,
    I know their snore & have no manners but can't help myself from loving them... Don't forget to buy their debut CD darling! ~hee*

    Thank you, we should continue to use our facial muscles & SMILE more...

    I agree darling- how could anyone hate these fun-loving-loyal creatures!

    I thought I was the clown here... you are to funny dear! ...I don't snore but I grind my teeth when I sleep! That's worst than snoring... (shhh... don't tell my potential husband okie!) ~hee*

    ~Thank you ALL & have fun loving weekend!!! I'm going to grind teeth pretty soon...nightie night*

  12. Lovely dogs. Happy weekend! xxx JM

  13. omgggg too cute! i cant look at dogs without melting.. :(

  14. AnonymousMay 02, 2009

    Dogs are amazing! Cheers for the kind words. x

  15. beautiful photos! i love pugs!

    xx, Geri

  16. These pups are all so fabulous, and so are you, L! Enjoy le weekend!


  17. Weakness for cute doggies.... have a great weekend.

  18. cute puppies! Is that a black lab? I love love love black labs. They have the cutest stare when they look at you. And aww we want to see more pics of you :D Have a great weekend hun~

  19. OMG L* you're so funny... I like the 'Witness Protection Programme' thing... LOL LOL
    And those cute little things are fab!!!

    Love the pictures, cute anad funny :)

    Have a fabulous weekend darling


  20. Ha, paw-togragh. A friend of mine has one...li'l pupper guy. Great demeanor...

  21. Oh Pugs...I just want to smoosh them...love them. I adore their funny little arf arf's...funny little voice barks. Do yours howl? I used to work in a doggie daycare and some would howl quite a bit. I love their wrinkled expressions, from sad, to complete and utter glee to oh so worried!!! haha...sweetest things ever.

    p.s.- thanks for sweetheart comment, made my day..i'm glad to make you smile..you make me crack my face in smiles, constantly or belly laugh.

  22. Too cute! My 12 son(who desperately wants a dog) was totally overjoyed by those shots! They do make for a fab weekend. Nothing like starting a weekend with 3 happy people. Thanks Sweety and Have a fab couple of days!

  23. thank you for the sweet comment on my page! i never thought of the picture like that but that must be why my eye was so drawn to it! i love your blog by the way, i may have to include some pics of my puppy on my blog to share :) have a beautiful weekend.

  24. AnonymousMay 02, 2009

    *hugging the computer screen*
    Your dogs are cute!!!
    THNX for the comments! I am much funnier when i take my meds ;)

  25. oh, how funny and cute. i didn't realize pugs snored in their sleep (whenever i see one playing at the dog park, i think it's going to die!)

  26. 5 pugs! My god, you're just like Valentino. Which reminds me, i need to go see that documentary about him stat. I heard it was amazing! Happy weekend!

  27. These were so much fun. I love your sweet pugs. And 5! You are a better woman than me.

  28. Adorable! Those pictures all make my heart warm and smile. Glad you posted them. Thank you. Have a nice Sunday.

  29. All the photos are great, but that bottom one is divine. Love it!

  30. Your dogs are adorable, and your photographs are actually very good. Keep up the good work.
    Thank you for your sweet comment. xo

  31. love the air born dog photos. my job is designing newsletters and such for humane societies...so i get to look at lots of puppy photos. these are great ones.

  32. aww... those pictures are so cute! I love the flying puppies the best! Haha xD

    and puppies!!!

  33. i want a pup too. Your's look just adorable.. look at those puggies:) thanks for stopping by my blog. Appreciate the love

  34. SOOOO cute. They are sooooo cute!

  35. Oh so gorgeous blog...and these dogs are adorable. Great post.

  36. TeeNee and the rest of the ZZ Pugs are adorable, also so happy that I tuned in just in time to see the first self portrait!

    Your blog is great, it's going in my most favorite places link list.

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.xxoxo

  37. haha, that last picture is the best. so cute.

    Oh, and Queen´s day is the celebration of the birthday of our previous queen. I think you´re confused with Queer day. :)

  38. Thank you very much for your kind comment on my blog!
    What a super cute post, all the photos are so adorable :)
    I'll add you on my blog list.

  39. Haha, no way! Five pugs? I'm so jealous. I just want one. I love their smushy faces. I have a shih tzu, and he definitely snores as well.

  40. Awwwwww, cuteness overload haha! Your pugs are so adorable :) Oh and I'll totally have to keep an eye out for your niece once she's an amazing shoe designer.

  41. What a lovely shots :))
    Soooooooooooo Adorable,
    I love it !!

  42. yeah I heard that pugs are snorers! Cute photos.

  43. i've recently fallen in love with pugs, they're the cutest thing ever!!!

  44. thanks for the comments, dear!

    I LOVE DOGS. so, therefore, i love your blog.

  45. Those pups are so adorable. I hope you've had a great weekend. Take care.

  46. Adorable - look at that cuteness!

  47. So adorable...love the pups.

  48. i heart dogs toooooo, nice illustration :o]

  49. I hope your weekend was lovely.

    You have cute dogs. Look at all these little doglets - and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic with the toy dog jumping out the door over the real dog. How cute.

  50. Your doggies are the bomb. If any of them need a portfolio for updating gigs, give me a ring. I prefer diamond, but any gem will do. hehe

  51. Your dogs are so adorable - I love little pugs. These images all make me smile.

  52. ohhhh my dearest Lenore, what a beautiful surprise! thank you for this lovely post! I had a pretty busy week and couldn't stop by your wonderful blog until now! you can be sure YOU are the one who always make me smile :)

  53. Oh my! They're so sweet! Hugs for puppies!



  54. awesome pics, always such a treat to visit you.
