Orthorexia Nervosa ?!

" WHAT ???!!! "
~Yes, it's Orthorexia
...definitely a NEW word for me too...
Let's find out a little bit more, shall we...
anorexia nervosa : under eating

bulimia nervosa : overeating

orthorexia nervosa : healthy eating???
...so what's wrong with that?!
.....Taken from the Greek “ortho” (meaning correct/true), this term was first coined by a Californian doctor, Steven Bratman, to describe a “fixation on righteous eating”. Orthorexia, often begins with someone’s simple and genuine desire to live a healthy lifestyle. The person may choose to stop eating red meat, but eventually cuts out all meat; then all processed foods, and will eventually eat only specific foods that are prepared in very specific ways... ~Well-well-well, certainly learn NEW things everyday!
People suffering from this obsession may display these signs :
-Spending more than three hours a day thinking about healthy food
-Planning tomorrow’s menu today
-Feeling virtuous about what they eat, but not enjoying it much
-Continually limiting the number of foods they eat.
-Experiencing a reduced quality of life or social isolation (because their diet makes it difficult for them to eat anywhere but at home)
-Feeling critical of others who do not eat as well they do Skipping foods they once enjoyed in order to eat the “right” foods.
-Feeling guilt or self-loathing when they stray from their diet.
-Feeling in “total” control when they eat the correct diet.
" What are your thoughts on this guysss? "
~eventhough this is a 'serious+sad' topic......
LENORENEVERMORE would still like to end with something cute!
errr...perhaps this might ease certain issues/obsessionsss ???


  1. This is totally interesting but does there really have to be a NAME for everything? ...I wonder if they just "diagnose" people with "diseases" so they can prescribe medication for their "disorder" ...which means more money for the doctors and the pharmaceuticals. Life is hard. People are weird. Jeesh. lol.

  2. love Maegan,
    ...very good point! The GREED for money is the root of all evil! I feel that this kind of 'problem' only occurs in developed nations...??? I believe our biggest enenmy is FEAR- which is the opposite of love~

  3. I blame the media (I blame them for pretty much everything though)

  4. Oh, Lenore. I think it is so hard for these girls. And it makes me sad, that people don´t love them selves and that other people earn their money on the behalf on this unhappines.

    Love/light from JM ;-)

  5. sad pic. all chasing an image that always seems to slip from their fingers, never believing how special they are.

  6. For real? What will the doctors come up with next! It seems that everyone wants to have an "issue" to deal with...does that make them more worthy?... and the medical profession is happy to comply.

  7. ummm, wow...i can't tell you how many times i've felt "righteous" for eating a salad at dinner but totally wanting a burger, so now i just eat the burger, and it's all better:)
    i guess all people on the raw food diet would have this diagnosis? i'm allergic to soy so i have to think about what i eat A LOT and it get old. the first photos are so sad.

  8. Wow, I didn't know there was a name for it, or that is was a "bad" thing... but I guess anything good taken to its extreme (I'm thinking of exercise bulimia and such) can be a negative...

    Interesting post, L!


  9. I feel sorry for anyone who suffers from any sort of eating disorder. We live in a culture that's so fixated on weight.

  10. wow, this is truly something I never would have thought of. Maybe it's a bit of a stretch, because I like to eat healthy and sometimes exhibit some things on that list, but I'm not obsessed. I think when anything becomes an obsession, it's unhealthy. But does this one really need its own name, or is it just one of the other "-rexia's" wearing a different costume?

  11. thanks for sharing. it was interesting to learn about it, but like you said, it's definitely a problem only present in a developed nation. i cannot believe they even have a name for it. but i do like the ad with the chanel compacts and fast food, very striking.

  12. Wow...I want to try to eat healthy so bad just for the benefits of my body, but i think moderation is the key to everything. I could NEVER go without the odd cheesecake or chocolate treat that i oh so greatly love.

    There are so many extremes of everything as far as "diseases" go, and I agree about the whole money, fear and meds stuff, i like learning about the corruption,its all a bummer but i'm glad i'm aware of it..but i suppose like they say ignorance is bliss.

    that kitty pic is very cute and made me snicker...mmmm....snickers.

  13. AnonymousMay 22, 2009

    Friend of ours have this and their kids are also being brainwashes into HEALTY eating with capital letters!

    When ever they visit Jack&Me are always stuffing their kids full with chips, chocolate, ice cream and candy ;)

    You can go overboard with HEALTHY eating, one piza wound kill you!
    All that talking about foods makes me wanna get a BIG CHOCOLATE CAKE :)

    Have a FAB weekend!

  14. AnonymousMay 22, 2009

    hm. Interesting. Definitely a new word/concept for me too... something that starts out with good intentions and turns into an ugly obsession.

    Those photos at the top almost don't even look like real women. I mean, I know they are, but it's just hard to believe anyone could become so obsessed and not realize the damage they're doing to themselves.

  15. I agree with Maegan but it is sad. Love the kitten quote at end, love how you end on a light note. Have a great weekend.

  16. shocking skinny girls! But I do love love love that Chanel menu!!

  17. I cannot get over the anorexia pic... good god.

    Hmmm, I have no such preoccupation with healthy eating. Excuse me while I help myself to a slice of cake for breakfast.

  18. I totally agree with love Maegan here. when you have too much is sometimes worse than when you have too little. anyway, you made me laugh with the kitty pic! have a wonderful weekend, darling!

  19. ah yo from sleazy to healthy hee hee more under...where??/posting please...LOLLL

  20. i love that channel french fries/meal pic. Love it! got me thinking... is fashion the HEALTHIEST motivation to losing weight?....


  21. btw, i think i was thinking of my media job too much and wrote channel instead of CHANEL. *Embarrassing :)

    forgive a girl who hasn't had coffee this morning?! ha xo

  22. wow i plan out my meals ahead but for health conditions and this actually sounds like everyone! :P

    that second shot of the really thin girl is intense!

  23. Anything eating disorder related hits far too close to home for me, so I'm not going to elaborate more on this comment,
    other than to say,
    thanks for raising awareness.

  24. This is a good one. Something new to obsess over and to give stress over. Give the old I'm better than you one up thing. Interesting post.

  25. Wow that first image of the anorexic girl made me put my chocolate bar down. So horrible.

    Crazy but I suppose healthy eating can become an obsession for some...

  26. I'm not sure that the Doctor did a good thing by naming it as an eating disorder. The idea of a balanced diet, where you can eat everything in moderation should be taught, so people aren't scared into eating wrong because they think it is 'right'. But I don't think classifying it his way is a positive step. Eating disorders are a very complex and difficult issue, and I think that 'orthorexia' if developed further, actually comes under the realm of anorexia. I think education about food is the key, scaring people in different directions is never a good idea.

  27. well i SURE AS SHIT don't have this disorder!!!! i loves me some food!

  28. Everything in moderation... The pendulum will always swing back and forth, but it wants to remain in the middle. I think the secret is focusing on that balance.
    Sad pic of the anorexic model (?), but you lifted us again with the adorable kitty! See, that's balance.

  29. interesting. i am into healthy eating but try not to obsess about the whole deal. ps. love the kitty image. how true....

  30. I know all of the rules but I do no have the discipline to follow them. One thing is sure: I am a meat and potatoes kind of gal, and if there is no meat, I get light headed.

    I would love being a vegetarian if only I could enjoy it, but that will never happen and I am too old to put myself through Hell :-) :-) :-)


  31. huh, that doc just wanted to sound all smart like.

  32. that's horrible!

    I most certainly do not have this problem...I think about what and where I am going to eat next the moment I am done eating lol!

  33. thanks for posting to my blog. i don't know how you found me, but i am glad you did. your blog is hilarious!

  34. It's quite a shocking fact. I'd never heard of "otrhorexia". Since my digital dictionary didn't have this word, I searched in Wikipedia. Even Wikipedia, they don't yet have a Japanese translation! Quite a study. Anyway, running to extremes always causes a problem. But once you get involved in seriously, how can we get rid of it? We have to see a doctor in the end and are you saying some doctors are trying to use this phenomenon as a business chance? If it is so, too sad. Thank you for giving me a chance to think about this. There must be some foundimental causes to go to extremes.

  35. hmm...this is FASCINATING...can't believe I haven't heard of it until now. But you know what, I KNOW people like this and it DOES seem like a disease... a bit overboard, you know? I hate to judge, because perhaps they're much healthier than I? But I'm certainly happier!!!

  36. How sad are those pics!!!! I love the kitten quote - too cute!

  37. My thoughts are that some drug company is going to make a lot of money once they come up with a 'cure' for this disease. God, we're all so neurotic.

  38. I saw this on the show "intervention" she would eat but only a certain amount and times. It was freaky. She scared me a lot and her obsession over weight really was hard to watch.

  39. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    Anything that is taken to an obsession is unhealthy. Life needs to be experienced and enjoyed as a whole. One mustn't walk around with blinders on.

  40. Glad you ended your post the way you did!

  41. Hahah at the last cat comment.
    How graphic some of the anorexia images can be. Scary!!
