UP in the ATTIC*

.....So glad the long Memorial Day weekend is finally here!
Planning to organize the storeroom a.k.a attic... Not really looking forward to this task, but I am going to force myself & drag myself up there... It's either this weekend or NEVER! I've been postponing this labor of 'un-Love' since March of this year... "I must-must-MUST !!!"
errr...errr...just hope that I won't find any skeletons up there... BOOH!!!
Actually my friends are willing to help...but I'm quite embarrassed to let them see all the junks I've been collecting throughout the yearsss... Do you know that I've been collecting dust and spider cobwebs too??? (I'm dangerous like that!)...Ewww-Yuck !!!
~My 'store-room' should look more like these...
[One day...perhaps-perhaps-perhaps*]
Some le sigh* ATTIC inspirations - take a tour...

~I've noticed that most people have converted their attic space to a guest bedroom or a family den...Aren't they dreammmy...
...le sighhhh* ~INDEED!
Well, wish me all the best...and I would come back down
in one piece! ~"errr...spiders please be nice to moi please???"
I better wear my Ninja Costume up there! ...hmmm? Come to think about it, I might actually find some lost and forgotten treasuresss...perhaps-perhaps-perhaps!!!
" Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend Darlingsss..."
~PEACE* !!!
-Pics via Cig Harvey, ApartmentTherapy, Shellterrific & DecorPad.com


  1. Good luck in your endeavors!! May God protect you from the spiders. Those bedroom/attics are TOO charming!

  2. I wonder if any *real* people actually have rooms like that.

  3. I wish I were there to help you. I could use the distraction from my own cluttered-up life.:) Will you show the finished creation? I want to see. Seriously, take your friends up on helping you!!!!

    Love all the photos!

    I could hibernate in any one of those rooms, except for the bathroom and I don't want to hang out there. I kind of wish I had an attic to store the junk I have collected, that I now need to rid my life of. I am wondering, what the hell was I thinking when I thought I had to have this stuff? Oh yes, it was a bargain at the time. And I have decided that from now on I will no longer be the romantic when I am looking at things at thrift stores, yard sales, etc. and think of a most impossible story to go with the item and therefore, needing to rescue it and make my home its home. Nope, no more creating stories to go with things that will attach me to them for all eternity.

    OK, can you tell I need a vacation from myself!?!

  4. Hey hun, I'm in a race to get somewhere soon so this will be re your comment although these interiors are looking rather spiffy lol ;)

    Ze template is actually one of the default ones that blogger have presented us. Its called MINIMA STRETCH and I've just manioulated the best I could :) Just remember to save your previous template before you change THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! Trust me from who had to learn TOO many times haha!

    Have a fab sat night hun :) Good luck with it!


  5. the 4th photo, the simplistic white room, is really close to what I kind of imagine my "get away room" to look like.

  6. I feel like seeing you in a Ninja costume :)Well our old house has one like an attic and it's been awful. I've kept saying "someday, someday" and it hasn't come yet for these 25 years.
    I really wish you a good luck!
    but don't forget to enjoy your holidays.

  7. i want to crawl into that attic feather bed and sleep for a year!

  8. Good god! I wish MY
    attic looked like any
    of those you featured
    here! I'd never want
    to come down!

  9. O.K., I am officially experiencing 'Attic Envy'! For yours AND all of the great ones you chose to share with us. My husband and I live in a little 2-bedroom, single-story duplex. And we only have a tiny 1-car garage, which is used for storage! Needless to say, it's NOT enough space!
    So, either we need an attic, or we need to start chucking the tchotchkes...

  10. The white room are the best. I love the one with the mattress on the floor with the net around it. I hate cleaning. I'm really good at it though. I work fast so I can sit around and enjoy my clean house.

  11. What wonderful looking attics!! So so charming and some of them actually seem comfortable!

    But for cleaning it up ----- I am no one to counsel on that issue. I have been putting off some office type work that has been around for months.............

    Let's have a race. Your attic and my office with all the mail that hasn't been opened yet or filed.

  12. i hope you get the energy you need for your big attic cleanup and these are some inspiring photos! have a great weekend!

  13. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    Sweetie Darling,

    Let me give you a tip that will change your life!
    "If you havent used an item for a year, get rid of it!"
    Go crazy have a garage sale.
    Have a lovely and tidy Memorial Day Weekend!

    xoxo M

  14. Good luck!

    Beautiful imagas as always!


  15. Happy Memorial Day to you dear Lenore! Have to tell you that the spiders sound REALLY scary... but your inspirations are lovely. Lots of positive thoughts heading your way :) xo

  16. Good luck and I hope you find a treasure or two up there. I love the attic redo's pictures. Have a fab long weekend.

  17. Maybe I should sent Spiderman to save you from all the spiders?

    Love JM ;-)

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog. Those Attics are inspiring - love 'em. Hope you enjoy your long weekend

  19. Wonderful, wonderful interiors!
    Wish you a great time!


  20. ohh... I want my attic to look like your first photo with the bright colors!!
    Happy weekend to you!!

    xo Laura

  21. Omg, goodluck w this huge task ahead. I too am planning house cleaning and renovation this long weekend. Beautiful selection of attic photos. I truly can't pick a fave. They're all so lovely. I suggest ur attic needs a little raven to keep the scaries away.

  22. Happy Memorial day to you too! Those attics are LOVELY!

  23. Beautiful inspirations all. There really is something so appealing about an attic room! Good luck with your spider web and clutter tackling activities - be brave, it'll be worth it! And who knows what forgotten treasures you might unearth... :)

  24. Oh wow, if I only I could have an attic like one of those! I wish. Our weekend is full of cleaning and sorting also, and like you said, if I dont do it this weekend I never will! At least we have beers...

  25. Good luck!

    Wonderful photos


  26. beautiful spaces - good luck with getting the task done

  27. these attics are amazing ...I've stayed in some creepy ass attics before ..never the likes of these ...I think you may have inspired a post. :) thanks.

  28. Enjoy the weekend. Good luck with the clean-up and thanks for the inspiration.

  29. those are all great. I love the idea of an attic bedroom/room of one's own. have fun decluttering, how therapeutic!

  30. those attics are amazing!!! i hope you are safe cleaning yours! bring matches, bug spray, and a bat. and a man if you can.

    good luck, and hope you have a great weekend!!!!

    and don't put any of that fake snake venom on yer face. ladies are out of control with this aging stuff. sheezus!

  31. ooo, these are all so beautiful! in many different ways.

    i hope you're being productive! unlike.. ehem, someone else i know... /:

  32. Perfect project for a long weekend, darling! Good luck and may spiders beware!

    Love all the attic spaces you pictured and those antique trunks!


  33. good luck in the attic and i hope the spiders are nice to you:)

  34. did you get to any organizing today?

    Smiles :)

    xo Laura

  35. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    I wish my attic look like one of those. I've been saying I'd clean my attic out for years now :( Good luck on getting to yours!

  36. if you have time, i tagged you in a little something on my latest post :)

  37. an attic like those would be amazing!!

  38. hey babes!! i came acrossd your blog accidentally and i totally adore it!! it's so unique! the post your put are so intresting and new. hahhahhah adorable adorable..

    would u like to link one another? i would love to keep myself updated with your blog!!

  39. those attic pictures are gorgeous!

  40. "Hello, I have a singing-telegram for a Ms. Lenorenevermore...

    Love, exciting and new
    Come aboard. We're expecting you.
    Love, life's sweetest reward.
    Let it flow, it floats back to you.

    Love Boat soon will be making another run
    Love Boat promises something for everyone
    Set a course for adventure,
    Your mind on a new romance."

    Hee-hee! I HAD to do it, Lenore! It's just my way. Go ahead and sing it for your 8-legged friends, it might just send them packing!

  41. nice post & blog! my attic was actually remodeled to be a living space/storage(my idea and i was 13 at the time- i'm just proud of myself lol) anyway you can buy trampolines online at about 100 bukos (which i think is really cheap)

  42. I loved the contrast between second and the rest of the pictures. Those should give you enough inspirations (O: I hope you made a good start! Have a lovely Sunday.

  43. Oh what I'd give to have an attic
    I guess I'd probably just fill it with more junk rather than convert it though.
    One can never own too much storage space.

  44. Oh Goodness...I hope everything went well,sorry for my later than late comment.

    I loove attics but they are indeed creepy so definitely try and have a buddy. Hope you brought tissues for the dust ATCHOO's.

    Those attics make me want to have an attic so bad, I loove the angles of them. They are all wonderful..it'd be oh so cozy on a rainy day, with a book and some tea..ooo...or some du vine.

  45. Oh, organizing! I'm still doing that after our move a few months later. I wish you luck!

    These attics are dreamy...

  46. I have always wanted to live in the attic! But my grandma rented it out :(

  47. Wow some of those attic rooms are amazing!! I would love to live in the attic if it looks like that!

  48. Good luck with all of the organising! I think I should probably sort out my closet properly this long weekend. I do wish my attic was a cosy space to escape into, but alas, it is just boxes of long forgotten items and random suitcases.

  49. If those pictures don't inspire you, NOTHING will!

  50. What a cute new hearder, dear.

    And beautiful spaces pictures.
    Good luck for you :)



  51. This must be fun...I love reorganizing and refurnishing rooms...and attics are spaces that allow you to be more creative than a regular room. Maybe you'll post some pictures at the end, so we can see what you have done:)

  52. These images are so beautiful! Gorgeous blog xx

  53. These attics are amazing! I have always wanted to finish an attic space and make it a special hideaway. Truly inspiring!

    Good luck on the attic project. I hope you're having some fun this weekend too!

  54. I adore those bright attics with their slanted roofs.

  55. Lenore, I will keep my fingers crossed that you will emerge safely and that some loving soul/ghost will contact, While you were out or Nate Berkus, and someone will transform your now clean attic into a gorgeous and peaceful oasis. OMG...How about a "blogging Suite ala Martha Stewart circa your post 20090423? I'll start my prayers, chants, begging..

    HUGS I send you some lots of moral support to make your task lighter.

  56. i love the bed that takes up the entire attic.. that would be so neat! good luck with the spiders..eek!

  57. Ohhhhhhhh. That first pic is heavenly. I just want to curl up on that bed! Good luck with your endeavor!

  58. they are all so gorgeous....I would love to have a functional attic!
