
Yes, Happy Monday to you
as well... errr...could you cancel all
my morning appointments?
errr...errr...on second thought darling,
...cancel morning-afternoon-evening...
I can't go to work... my CAR
was broken* into..."
Aren't they{car-desk] adorable? My younger brother who
collects car-models would certainly like to have one!
Anyway, do you enjoy the above 'little dramatization'?
just to be clear~No...My car is just fine today!
But sometimes [...here goes another confession!!!]
~I wish I could lie like that- to avoid
going to work... Some of you might already know by now
LENORENEVERMORE dislikes Mondays...
(border-line-hate! grrr...) But you know what...
I am NOT a hater!...I am a LOVErrr... ~hee*
~Wishing everyone a SAFE &
PS: Thank you everyone for all your kind words on the
previous post... I told my dear mom (the 'artist wannabe'!)
that she has a few new fans & appreciates your sweet compliments
...so does Dash (her furry companion) Another thing~ enjoyed myself
at the beach over the weekend...shall share the photos this week okie*
-Pics Via Quality-1st,Gizmodo,Technoblog,Motortopia,Photochonica Com


  1. Oh no was your car really broken into?
    Mine was broken into a few months ago but nothing was taken (weird)
    They destroyed the lock though GREAT!
    I'm super excited about going to another auction, although I will be sitting on my hands and not wearing a hat haha.
    I love the butterflies! They're the best bit!!
    Hope your day gets better

  2. Trishhunterfinds,

    NO sweetie-darling...(read the fine prints...)My car is just FINE!
    Sorry that yours was broken into, the world isn't so safe anymore!...sigh

  3. Happy monday - dear. Some day you might like them as I do. It is the fresh start on a hole new beautiful week ;-)

  4. Last photo is really flower power bomb! J'adore! Lovely post...

    Happy sunny Monday too darling...

  5. Like the boy's toys.
    Tuesday will be here before you know it (although that's not much of an improvement on Monday usually)
    Happy Friday in advance then ! x

  6. I just returned from a little vacation up in Saratoga and Monday is going to be a long long very busy catch up day!! Your last post was a riot, I think I'm a lot like your mom and I can only assume one day my kids will have some fun posts of me to share with all...Have a lovely Day!!!

  7. i love the flower powered car!

  8. What a lovely blog! I've really enjoyed my visit and thanks too for popping over to my place last week!

    Look forward to seeing you again soon!

    xxLOL LOLA:)

  9. Your sense of humor is a ray of sunshine to any Monday! I'm not a big fan of Mondays either. Enjoy! xoxo

  10. What fabulous photos! I don't have a car or a desk so I could get one of those babies and be all set!

    Hope you had a fabulous weekend, darling L ~ happy Monday to you!


  11. I was away for a few days and missed your lovely blog!!! I too used to hate Mondays...actually Sundays were pretty bad cause in the evenings I would have near anxiety attacks dreading Mondays.
    These car desks are so cute!
    I hope you have a fab week!!!

  12. oh...I was just about to say "so sorry!!" but I'm feeling like I want to cancel today and just enjoy the gorgeous weather...stretch the weekend out a little:)
    hope you have a great week!

  13. have a great monday. those are some pretty amazing desks, but it still does not entice me to work on Mondays. lol. Hope Tuesday hurries up for you.

  14. Hope you had a good monday! :D

  15. AnonymousJuly 13, 2009

    Hah! I was close to concocting a Monday morning lie myself, doll. So hard to haul back into work after a lovely weekend ...

  16. AnonymousJuly 13, 2009

    I'm here.... at my desk....at work....Your post is something I look forward to, so I can get thru a Monday ;)

  17. Be glad your car wasn't broken into! It's a crappy feeling - very violating. It's funny how we all think up these fake things that could get us out of work, but if they actually happened, we would wish we were at work!

  18. Your blog never fails to cheer me up :) even on a dreary Monday like this, without enough sleep... I recently saw a pin-on button that said: "Please... do me a favor and steal this car!"


  19. I should have read your today's blog much earlier. My Monday was over. Sigh. It's Tuesday now. Time difference!! Thanks anyway. Wish me Happy Colorful week!

  20. I wish I was this creative! You crack me up, have an awesome week! Mondays go by so fast look forward to Wednesday when you can meet friends for a drink.

  21. i've come up with some pretty good excuses to miss work, including blaming bad things on the dogs. i do not lie.
    ha! hope yours is bearable.

  22. Does knowing that the weekend is only 4 days away help?

    Happy Monday fabulous you!

  23. Wow, the orange car garden is awesome! Have a fantastic week my darling girl!

  24. You just brought a smile to my morning grumpy face! I was planning on being grumpy for at least another hour hahaha. Well I'm glad your car is safe and sound and you my dear are going to have a great Monday.

    Yep, tell your mom she has quite a fan club. :)

    kisses! XO

  25. Awww haha, I so want a Mini desk!! They all look so creative :) And the arm chair car is amazing. Hope you're well dear :)

  26. Love these. Would it make Monday's any more bearable? Maybe not. But I'd be willing to try anything.

  27. the car in the last pic looks cute x

  28. I do hope your Monday has been a good one. I don't even go into work until the late afternoon. Take care. I wish Friday was here already.

  29. Thanks for such a sweet comment on my blog. I love these pictures. I love your blog. And I hate Monday's too. (Sometimes I wish I could just call into work with the excuse of Eh.. I would rather stay home today. :)

  30. haha, these are great!!! Love them. Have a wonderful Monday love!


  31. god, how do you find this stuff!!! insane!!! so funny! i am dying!!!!! a hahahha

    YOU ARE A WONDER!!!!!!!! i heart lenorenevermore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. A desk made out of a mini! WOW!!!

  33. ha! those are crazyyyyyy!

  34. That mini-desk is great for writers who lack drive! Mwah-ha-haaaa!xo

  35. I'm with you on Mondays. If not for the little man I would stay under the covers!

  36. Hilarious! I know some men that would loooove those desks!

    Happy Monday!

  37. omg. so at first I was all thinking to myself 'ugh I hate car trouble'. but then.wait. another "BAM" moment by you.AMAZING. those are really great. I have no idea how that even came up, but they are fabulous lol. Its almost tuesday, almost, I know not soon enough..but we are getting there slowly but surely :) hilarious! great post. hope today flies by for you!

  38. haha, I've lied about "car problems" to avoid work once or twice. Bad I know...but worth it! :)

  39. You had me feeling bad for about a second, but all the err's gave away the lie :) Glad it's not true and I wish my desk chair was a little car so I could zip away home right away... I too hate Monday's.xxoxo

  40. Love the cars.....and how they became something useful. I wish they are airplanes part instead..hehe

  41. Mondays's aren't that bad...just another four days till Friday!

  42. I'm not crazy about Mondays either.

  43. I want the white car-desk! Happy Monday to you too!

  44. you are such a funny girl!!! xoxox

  45. Of course I'm partial to the Mini Cooper. Do you have it in silver with black racing stripes?


  46. Lenore, you have the most creative mind. Love those car desk! Hmmm...wonder if I could make one...and wonder if I could find room in my house??? NOPE.:( Love all these pics you have posted! It's Tuesday night now, almost Wednesday - My gosh, where does time go?

  47. i love the chair-car! sign me up!

  48. those are so clever! i really love the photo of the car with flowers growing out of it, though !
