Style & Elegance...errr???

Welcome to my parent's home-sweet-home...
visited them last weekend and did some click-click-click on my camera
and as promised~ simply had to share them...
Quite a reflection of style & elegance...
(but- shhh...wait for the little surprise* later!)
Their beautiful house was even published
in the local lifestyle magazine
(~wahhh... quite impressive!)
Beautiful Tasteful Art pieces...
That reflect their sense of style!
wait a minute...NOT So Fast Darlingsss...
style & taste ???
as usual get ready
for another 'BAM!' moment...
...errr-errr -READY ???
whahaha... Let's get to know more about
my eccentric family...shall we?!
(errr...eccentric is the polite word, some may simply
call us ...crazzzzzy !!!)
Well-well-well...these are my mother's latest 'creations'
Told ya' ~she is an artist wannabe!!!
Take a closer look at her latest 'collage?':

What else can I say...errr-errr???
"She certainly has been very-very busy lately?!"
....busy cutting & pasting quirky animals on my father's
art collection!!! All my father can do is just
shaking & scratching his head...and says, "errr...???"
(poor daddy...the wife always wins in this household!)
that's right..."errr-errr?" definitely runs in the family as long I can remember!
This priceless art piece was given by
my father's important business associate...
But like I said...my dear mother has been very busy indeed!
errr-errr... "Meowww...?!"
(her choice of materials...old Pet magazines & double sided tapes!)
"mom I love you...BUT
what the heck is this??? "
Whahaha...she is such a hee-heelarious animal lover!
& art lover too?!...errr???
This is Dash,my mother's faithful companion
he is also another 'eccentric' member of the family!
He thinks that camel is his best buddy...
Hmmm...? is he part of the 'ART' installation too???
Another confession by LENORENEVERMORE:
I used to be so embarrassed by my family's 'eccentricitiesss...'
But now I try to embrace it more & more...
Does this mean I'm finally all grown up & getting matured???
...more on that next time darlings...All I know my family has taught me
a very important lesson...LIVE-LAUGH-LOVE !!! ~Amen*
Anyway, have a Fabulousss Weekend* Everyone!
"BIG Yayyyyy...Weee..."(yeah right~great sign of maturity Missy!
...all grown-up huh?!...whateverrr!)


  1. The animal heads add to the charm.
    Love it.
    Happy weekend!

  2. happy wife, happy life as they say. their home is really elegant and i love her animal graffiti. it keeps it from being too serious. why so serious? happy weekend!

  3. ya know, your last comment about embracing your family's eccentricities is right on the money...i am the same way.

    i think your mum's art is so cute!

  4. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Eccentric parents, I introduced you to my Dad ;D Then we embrace it because....dare I say it? We may becoming eccentric ourselves?

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow, love their home, and those animal heads are hilarious.


  6. Beautiful house.
    I love the animal collages, that is too funny.

  7. Beautiful house. (Did you grow up there?)
    Love the way your mother has placed her 'personal stamp' on the art works (which are not to everyone's taste anyway)
    Happy weekend Lenore x

  8. Will your parents adopt me? Beautiful home and being eccentric is the best!

    Love all the doggies!

  9. ha ha! stunning home, darling! now I understand why you are crazy about pets! I love them too :)
    have a wonderful weekend, darling! xo

  10. I am laughing my ass off. I really am. I LOVE how their house is soooo beautiful, but then quirky! Ahahaha I really love it!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. Oh my goodness that is adorable! Your family seems like a good time! Love it darling kisses! XO Happy Weekend!

  12. I can't breathe. Gorgeous and giddy at the same time! This is about the best post ever!!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. omg! its absolutely beautiful EVEN the doggies and the kitties!! seriously you guys look like a great family! Have a great weekend!


    and don't kill me, but i am cracking up!!! h ahahahahahhahahahhHAHAHAHAHAHHH1AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

    i love it! ha hahahahah!

    I AM STILL LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Drollgirl,
    you are too funny Darling...
    Are you sure we are not related?! Perhaps we should share a prescription or something...whaha-hee-hee*

  16. Beautiful home, BUT...I'm with you, your mother's "creations" are something else!


  17. thank you for visiting my site - you are way more elegant than I am. ;-p (PS - Cat appreciated the comments as well.)

  18. This little insight to your parents is... interesting. Your dad has some nice art pieces in his collection, and I'm sure your mom's "personal touch" only increases their value! :)

    Very beautiful home, btw. And Dash is SO cute, even if he thinks he's a camel...

  19. I started how with a huge chip of envy on my shoulder (parents home is stunning) & then ended with a huge chuckle. The exquisite piece of art with the kitty heads was what tipped me over the edge. I adore eccentric people; never can call them boring. I'm still jealous!

  20. Your parents' home is gorgeous, but your mother's collages ROCK!!

  21. your parent's home is quite beautiful. and all i can say to your mothers artwork is... 'err' ahhah. but i love it. she seems like quite a cool lady (:

  22. omg your parent's home looks really nice! but those pictures of cats and dogs! haha it's funny, but it's special. i wish my family wasn't so boring and bleh.

  23. OMG!!!! I am speechless after viewing such beauty. Would your parents be wanting to adopt a daughter??? I am up for adoption...yes, really I am.:)

    I love their home. I can feel the love and joy that surrounds you...such a lucky and blessed lady you are!

    Your mom's art is...quite lovely, I say.

    Have a beautiful weekend darling lady!

    And thanks for sharing your world.


  24. seriously, WOW!

    your parents have divine taste! :D

  25. This is a sweet post. I get a kick out of the dog laying next to the camel. Made me smile. Isn't it funny how we learn to enjoy the moments that we use to want to crawl under the bed and die. Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  26. I'm an animal lover too, but it never crossed my mind to do what your mom has. I think I will be going through some magazines this weekend and doing a little cut and paste myself. Absolutely hilarious, and good for you for being able to embrace their eccentricities.

  27. I love your mother's sense of humor (it *is* her sense of humor, isn't it?). It wouldn't do to take such a 'Home and Gardens' pad as that, seriously, now would it?

  28. The house is beautiful, the artwork is... err... nice?

  29. that was a great post.

  30. oh my g-d you have my laughing so hard I'm almost crying...that's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I can totally appreciate your mother's quirky sense if humor and find it 100% amusing...please let her know she has a major fan in me!

  31. A divine home. I think your mothers creativity is so funny.
    Love, love, love...
    Happy weekend, sweet Lenore ;-)

  32. ha it's hilarious. i love it.

  33. That's so curiously cute! A home isn't authentically stylish unless it's lived in and loved like this x

  34. haha HAPPY TGIF to you too! But its approaching Sun here now lol.

    Your parents live in a home I would be absolutely floored living in. So much character and WARMTH exuded from all the furnishings. Whyever you chose to leave is insane!!!! haha


  35. please say to your your mum she did a great job :))lovely

  36. Lol... I love the dachshund sticker... And that is seriously an amazingly beautiful home

  37. oh my, your mom kind of remind me of my mom. my mom is/was an artist though but has gotten more and more out there with decorating the home. the collages look familiar to me except hers were of her children's heads (ummm, weird?!)
    anyway, i gotta love it, right?

  38. Your house is so gorgeous! Love the animal homage too ~ adorable pup!


  39. Wow, awesome! So you've grown up here surrouned with so many wonderful arts??? How nice! Have a nice weekend! And thank you for dropping by. I'm really happy that you are kind enough to leave a comment for me.

  40. DIVINE!

    Have a great weekend!

  41. hardeehar. your post made my day! :)

  42. they're marvelous. so glamor and pretty!

  43. Ah so nice! But so many animals!

  44. OMG...that is TOOOO FUNNY. The kitty one made me laugh out loud. You set that story up quite well.

  45. divine room. i am with you about embrace the family's eccentricity too.

  46. As a card carrying member of menopause, I salute your mother. As least she's not breaking things. The dogs are totally hilarious.

  47. AnonymousJuly 11, 2009

    their house is beautiful! bt I must say, as open minded as I am towards art, I'm not quite sure about these...collages...=)

    thanks for visiting my blog, lovin the artsy stuff here!

  48. Wow, your parents have great taste. I live with mine in their house, ours is very simple. I have some crazy, odd family members, they love to drink, not to excess but they do/say some crazy things.

  49. Ummmm, wow. You're parents house is amazing!

  50. totally fun! I love eccentricity!
    love, laugh, live--what else matters?!

  51. What a beautiful home!! And I think your mom's latest art creations are a hoot! And the pic of Dash and the camel is priceless too! What a fun post!

  52. I love your parents home, little Dash and your mothers collages! They're really sort of adorable don't you think? Especially the small cat theme... thank you so much for sharing! :)

  53. I love your mum's pet collages. I am inspired now, to do some for my pet clan ...

    Arty peope are always classed as eccentric ... aren't we lucky! lol

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, by the way, I am glad I made you laugh. :)

  54. Stunning & Divine! Your parent has a gorgeous taste!


  55. A new art movement! neo-kitsch classicism :)

  56. oh my GOD! how cute the animal photos!

  57. Love the pooch and camel!

  58. oh my goodness ! this post cracked me up !! seriously ?? that is so funny !!

  59. honey have i ever mentioned 2 u you always have the best posts with the best pics. want to do a guest post for me????

  60. Wow! That is such an incredibly beautiful home. Great photos. Thanks for sharing those with us. Hope you've had a nice weekend.

  61. AnonymousJuly 13, 2009

    your parents house is beautiful indeed but you mothers art is fantastic hahaha !!!

  62. this house is absolutely stunning! ermmm the animal heads are a bit....kooky?!

  63. Your familial home is fabulous! I grew up with plastic slipcovers :-o
    I now understand your wonderful sense of humor:-) I love it...your house your rules. She is the queen of her castle! Hugs

  64. what a beautiful home and I love that you are all so much fun! you clearly picked up your love of animals from your mom!

  65. AWESOME post! I love it and I think I am in love with your family! AS I was scrolling down all I could say was WOW amazing, elegant, stylish and then like you said "BAM!" what happy surprises. Your Mom sounds so adorable. thanks for sharing.

  66. wow.....love the house....wish I am there now....Love the animals too...and the dog is so ccuuttee

  67. Wow - their place is amazing! But my fave part has to be the little shih tzu! Looks just like my little boy :)

  68. Hahaha this post made my night.
