
....Well-well-well... there is the difference between being childlike and childish I think. errr-errr...I'm still a little bit of both! (alright-alright...a lot!) We all were childlike once and having the wondrous qualities like unconditional love, trust, playfulness...simplicity! Somewhere along the road to adulthood we have somehow shed these childlike virtues and adopted fear, mistrust, doubtsss... Not only have we forsaken childlike virtues, we have also started looking down upon them as being immature and not grown up... Sometimes I feel that children should still be the 'role models' for all of us adults...hmmm??? ~Got to ponder more on this... Yesss, while licking on my sweet lollipop okie* ~XOXO*
-Photography by ©Claire Wilson & Graphic by Andy Smith via ffffound


  1. Children are definitely the better role models! The adults are what taint them...sad, but true!

    Here's to lollipops and laughter!

  2. Lenore, who the heck wants to be an adult? Not me!!!:) I'm a child in an adult body. Let's rebel against growing up, it doesn't look like fun to me.

    Pass me the lollipop! Sound pretty yummy to me, and...can we have a pillow fight with that lollipop?


  3. I wish I could be a kid again!! Children know what's up...appreciate the small things, see the world through BIG eyes (or glasses that picture is adorable)

  4. You're the best! Still having a crud day...then I saw you posted and what do you know...a post to make me smile. You're the best! Did I say that already? Sorry it's 1:27am and I'm never up this late...

    I do think children are examples. They're super forgiving, don't hold grudges and love unconditionally and funnily enough always have the right thing to say. Enjoy your lollipop :) xx

  5. That Margaret Atwood quote is exactly how I feel! Love this post! You made me laugh after a crummy day. Thanks.

  6. How cute is she?? I agree. There definitely is a different between childish and childlike!

  7. i love this little girl. she has the glasses gene! haha

  8. You're right Lenore.
    I think today I will embrace my inner child for a change.
    Which is something men do on a regular basis I've found.
    Or is that just me ?

  9. Love your post... Children are the wise ones... Love JM ;-)

  10. Totally agree with you, even more sometimes when I am facing a tough decision I ask to myself what would I decide if I was 8 or 9... most of times like that I find what makes me feel happier..

    Great Blog, Good Job!

    Graffitis, Street Art and Me

  11. Nice post!! Especially being as I am one adult who is proud of my immature title...Long Live the Lollipop XD

  12. sounds good to me. she's so cute and i love the quote. i'll have to use it now and then. enjoy our weekend!

  13. Yes there is really diffrent between
    there is the difference between being childlike and childish

  14. I agree with Ela. U are the best. What great photos. Adorable little model! :-)


  15. Watching life and living life through the eyes of my children, especially my four year old keeps me both young at heart and physically young. I laugh a lot and run around after him a lot. A lot of good endorphins around this house!!

  16. never more true, darling! those pics are sooo adorable! yes, sometimes I let the child in me peep out... but not so often as I should! have a wonderful weekend! xo

  17. AnonymousJuly 31, 2009

    I love those photographs! They are great! And I promise, I am not an adult in disquise.

  18. Very true words Lenore.

    Lollipop please :)

  19. AnonymousJuly 31, 2009

    I am convinced that it is Husband Mike's unquashable immaturity that keeps him looking so young. And I adore him for it. ;)

  20. What a wonderful quote!

  21. So true...I look to them for sincerity and their ignorance of the crap parts of the world, i long for.
    hehehe...kids are so great. they really put things into perspective sometimes!!
    Have a Wonderful weekend!!!!xoxo

  22. You nailed it today Lenore!!! Well, you always get it right, but, ohhhh...you know what I mean. :)

    I adore you my dear, and to show you my gratitude for your blog and especially for you, I've given you an award over on Dayspring.

    I LOVE the pictures of the little girl. A-dorable!

    XOXOXO x 1000

  23. I think we all have this in us...it just sometimes gets lost with the craziness and speed of life...but it's in there. I know it:)

    this is such an amazing quote and such a wonderful collection of photos.
    happy weekend!!

  24. The older I get, the younger I feel.

  25. Love it...you are so right! I am an elementry school teacher and I love the fact that I have never had to grow up!!!! I adore the wonders of Childhood...great post! Love your blog...thank you for leaving a comment on mine...off to visit some more of your lovely posts!

  26. Smile... very cute. I hope your weekend is sweet one! xoxo

  27. Love this! The thing I miss most about being a child is my ability to dream and have an imagination! It seems like the older we get, the more jaded we become. Great post! Hope you have a great weekend :) XO

  28. the cute little girl totally made my friday!!!! sooo cute

    and such a thing to ponder.

    xo darling

  29. I could not agree with you more. :)
    I love that quote. Thanks for sharing!!

  30. I fully agree. childlike and childish are two separate things. You are so great. I really love this post. Its very true. Children are great role models..so honest, so true, so genuine. They say things from the heart, just straight..no thought, no hidden agenda..they just feel and love. So beautiful. YOU are beautiful. I hope you have a great weekend.

  31. I can't believe I am an adult sometimes. I feel like a child and not 28! I want a lollipop too!

  32. I feel the same way, darling! Love these pics and the quote!


  33. Children are better than adults. It's amazing how much more they can pick up on. :)

  34. well i love this picture!

    and i must admit that i do not necessarily act my age. OH WELL! :)

    hope you have a fab weekend, my darling!!!!! :)

  35. i think this is why i miss work with children so much...they made me a better person.
    happy weekend to you!

  36. I still don't really feel like an adult (and I'm 35!). I even feel like I'm just "playing grown up" now that I'm married. Perhaps I should stop wearing my hair in a ponytail every day ;)

  37. I definitely know some grown ups who are more childish than wee ones.

  38. Who says children can't be fearful, mistrustful, and riddled with doubts? I know I was. LOL

    I love the pictures of the girl with the glasses though. She's a peach!

  39. Hey there. You definitely give me a lot to think about. Great post. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!

  40. I love this article and love the pictures. I wish I could be a child again! Lots of happy things and no worries!

  41. I'm so immature. It's so uncool how I act. Today for instance, I was wandering around campus and one woman ask me if I was lost. I wasn't just walking and kind of staring out there.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I love Andy Smith's graphic! That's how I feel most of the time... as if any moment I'll be discovered as a fake :D

    Very much agree with you about insecurities we develop as adults. I always think it has to do with being rather naive in my youth. Naive and optimistic. I miss it. Hoping it's just a phase of sort... a 30something phase?

  44. I don't think I am childish, but I like to think I am able to be child-like at times. : )

  45. Love that Margaret Atwood quote! I liked being a kid but it was kinda scary too sometimes, no? The big people had all the control. Guess nothings changed much in that respect huh? But yes, I like their take on life and how they navigate through it! Love that little gal - great set of expressions!

  46. This is sweet. It's true. Seeing the world through my kids' eyes is good for me sometimes.

    Yum! Lollipops!

  47. I agree with you, and the feeling only intensifies the older I get. If we/I don't regain more of that simple appreciation for life and joy and wonder, it's going to be a long and depressing second half of life! Great post and photos; I loved them. xo

  48. Margaret Atwood is my hero!

  49. so so cute, and i agree with you whole-heartedly! :)

  50. The photos are beautiful! Such a wonderful philosophy to carry around with you, too. That and the philosophically inspiring culinary musings of Nigella Lawson. So important.

  51. I love her expressions!

    Yes, children sure could teach us adults a thing or two - love without abandon, stop and explore the world around us, and always laugh from the bottom of your belly.
