Smell Nice*

....Woke up this morning & 'sniff-sniff' something really sweet and nice! It's the smell of weekend! ~Woo-Hoo!!! Should really bottle that SCENT! As promised, more photo sharing... Took these pics last weekend after that 'Jerk' stood me up from our first date episode! ...remember my sob-sob story?! ~My dear friends & their two strong strappy dogs were my heroes that day...they saved me from the usual 'pity-party'! They had to drag me out of my bed & took me for a nice late brunch...and after that we were off to the beach! We were actually training the dogs to attack Mr 'Jerk' !!! " Go, ATTACK...!!! Yes, good doggy...Go for the balls guys! bite the balls!!! [whahaha...just kidding* I'm not that cruel you know...] "...hmmm??? my teeth are actually quite sharp..." If they can't do it, I would grrrrr...one ball or both?! [I'm dangerous like that! ~whahhh*]
" Have a Ball This Weekend* Everyone..."


  1. dogs scare me! eeek.
    i know, i know. there is something wrong with me :)

  2. awww i love dogs! no one can love you more than your own dog :D i know now that no other guy can love me as unconditionally as my pup can :) he will always be there for me, he always enjoys a cuddle and he's perfect! don't worry about mr. jerk hun! :D chin up dear!

  3. looking at these photos make me smile :) so btf
    have a great weekend

  4. i want to live by a beach :(

  5. I love that smell... of the weekends...
    Have another great one!


  6. May your weekend be deliciously aromatic ! x

  7. Hayppy weekend to you, my dear friend. The pictures are great ;-)

  8. What sweet dogs..I'm off to play with our 5 little babies now!!
    Lenorenevermore when you are in the NYC area email me we'll have someone pick you up and you can meet my one of my bf's. I can't promise you the fairy tale with him But I can promise you one heck of a good night. (check him out on my Bunnyland the house of style and fun post, he's the one hiding in the pool behind a beach ball)
    Have a lovely weekend

  9. Oh I like this set of photos a lot! So lovely: the sea and beach and friends and big bouncing enthusiastic puppy dogs - the perfect antidote for someone being careless with our feelings.

  10. Dogs! So adorable...

    Have a great weekend!


  11. Awwwww, puppies are the best. So loyal, so loving. I love these pictures Lenore.

    Mr. Jerk can bite me. He's an idiot. A flat out idiot. Did he miss out on something great or what? I say bite, bite, bite away my dear!!


  12. hahahahaha, that was hilarious. ^. ^

  13. Those dogs look like attack dogs! They look like they would lick you to death LOL!

    Time by the water is so exhilarating, hope you get a chance to get back there this weekend for some better memories.

  14. I love good friends that won't let you wallow!

  15. I love dogs! What a great pic you took! My dog is afraid of beach and he doesn't go near the water.

  16. Awwwww!!! You bite those balls darling lol! Mr Jerk is really not the sharpest tack in the box...he's going to end up alllll alone with no balls! :)

  17. Yay for the weekend, hope you're having a lovely one dear! That last photograph is so beautiful :)

  18. Loving the pups - Dangerous is not just for dogs! Sometimes we need to be ruthless. To better weekends ahead!

  19. What great friends you have! Love these photos, and I hope you have a great weekend. xoxo Gigi

  20. Dogs and freinds...good!
    Man Jerks....bad!

  21. Lovely photographs and cute pups, but I won't even touch the whole 'balls in mouth' mental pic you just gave!... Lenore... too funny... :D

  22. (((LOL))) You crack me up! Just what I needed to read, some of your wit, to bring cheer and laughter to this crappy weekend. I know, you love the weekends!:)) I'm thinking we shouldn't have days, weeks, or months...what the hell, I want to just hang out in some oblivious state...:) Some might say I do that as it is.

    Sweetie, I'm thinking you are lucky mr. jerk stood you up and you should be counting your lucky stars. You wouldn't want to get to know this guy!!! He's a jerk!!! Mr. Right will come along...at the right time.

    OK, I am stressed this weekend, so I hope the letters of the alphabet I have put together...make some sense to you.

    We all love you very much! What else could you want, darling!!! (((LOL)))


  23. Oh, great photos btw! Great puppies! They really are a man's best friend!


  24. Love the photographs, as usual. As for the balls thing... don't go too crazy on us now.

  25. I'm so happy that you have friends who dragged you out for a good time instead of letting you sit around feeling bad; that's so easy to do.

    I've a couple nice sharp teeth if you need any help! I'm ferociously angry at that major jerk for being such a jackass.

    Keep smiling and picking yourself up when things don't go well.

    We all love you dearie.

  26. Did you take those photos, right?The dogs are running towards you!
    You were safe, weren't you----cause you have sharp teeth!
    Love your post every time.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  27. what beautiful photos! your friends are great! ....and the doggy friends too :) Mr. Jerk can be allll alone.....ehh he doesn't even deserve bites....thats too much attention :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  28. Great photos! Hope you have a Ball of a weekend too!

  29. I adore dogs. I might not like a guy if he doesn't like dogs.

  30. Happy weekend to you too, my dear blogpal!

    So pleased you liked all the party fun over at my place - and what you plan doing to Clive - well, I won't even go there!! lol

    Love the smell of the beach, dogs - everything! Great post - will be back again soon!

    xxxLOL LOLA:)

  31. Teefs are not just for eating and brushing dahlink...heehee, they could rip balls to shreds if need be...oh my...hahaha...teasing woman! You got me started..hehe.

    Those are gorgeous pics...cute poochies who look like so much fun!!
    Hope your weekend has been a great one!!!

  32. I love your beach pictures. They are brilliant. I am sorry about the jerk. So many of them are! Crossing my fingers you will meet a nice one soon!

  33. Ha ha, you crack me up and glad the dogs came to the rescue! Hope you find your prince. XOXO
