Mountain & Valley

As promised, another photo sharing
from my trip to the country side last weekend...
...oooh how time travels so fast...
weekend is now approaching once again!
~enjoy the mountain & valley Darlingsss...

.... What does it mean to "walk through the valley"? Dictionary defines a valley as, “An elongated depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains.” In this world we all shall have tribulationsss…a.k.a the grrr-grrr valleys! Some of us may get ‘stuck’ in our valley though, and even set up camps there and stay too long & getting too cozy. In a way getting distracted from the destination; a better location or situation- where we are truly supposed to go... Valleys of life are really inevitable- BUT it’s comforting to know that we are just passing through! Webster’s dictionary{ehem-ehem...) also defines a valley a ‘low point or condition’ - Another “depression” which is open on both ends - something we enter (walking through) and then exit… ~Very comforting & encouraging to know, isn’t it?!
" Have a Lovely* Weekend Everyone !!! "


drollgirl said...

peaks and valleys, babe. peaks and valleys. let's hope we hit some peaks soon, no?

have a fab weekend!!! :)

Ela said...

Definitely look forward to what comes after the valleys, but I'm also grateful for them. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? xx

suzi whitaker said...

Oh Gawd, I have the same feelings...I need some peakzzz...

modediktat said...

love all the pictures.... they're sooo dreamy and warming! thank you!
yep - i second drollgirl's comment - peaks and valleys... looking for a peak as well... :)
enjoy the weekend!
xoxo sofie

Unknown said...

OH.MY.GOD. so, I'd love to stay and tell you how fabulous these photos are and how much I love your blog but I simply cannot bc I am IN LOVE with your new blog header photo. I'm dying over the chunkiness of those cheeks and those baby blues!! CUTE!!!

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous post and photos, darling L ~ love the quality of light, and your dictionary definitions :)


poet said...

The pictures are so beautiful I don't think you are truly stuck in a valley :). Apart from that, let's hope things go upwards again soon, right? (Oh, all the up and down metaphors...)


Sam said...

Very lovely photos Lenore! I think it a necessary evil: the valleys of life - they help you sort out the wood from the trees and provided you don't stay too long in the valley, it can be quite an exhilarating experience when you eventually climb out of them!! Have a superb weekend you wonderful blogger you!

Emmy said...

Beautiful pictures! And beautiful words. And it really turned out quite timely for me as toady ended up being quite a bad valley day.
Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Great metaphor for the valley of the earth and the valley of the soul. Here's to the mountains!

Terrific weekend, my dear!

Karen said...

The lighting and scenery are so beautiful!! That is a good interpretation of walking through the valley.. like a roller coaster fall but not at the speed of wind. haha

Phoebe Limanta said...

the scenery is so beautiful! i hope you're enjoying your weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful views! If we didn't have the valleys in life then we wouldn't appreciate the highs of life :)

Kwana said...

Beautiful pics and post. I've had plenty of valley moments and I'm sure plenty more to come. It's so life.

Iva Messy said...

your photography never ceases to amazing me! my jaw is just totally on the floor! valleys pass and take us to our peeks :) you are one fabulous lady! I wish you an amazing weekend! :)

Gabbi said...

Such gorgeous views Lenore... I'm with you, valleys are ok as long as there's some valleys here and there to make them bearable :)

Speaking of gorgeous views, I love the country dress photo! Terribly elegant...xo

Mary-Laure said...

Oh, the LIGHT in these pics is just divine! Love it.

debra@dustjacket said...

Those pictures are really dreamy, love them.

Have a great weekend,

Stephani Bryant said...

Great pictures! They are beautiful! Also, thanks for the lovely comment!
-Steph B

Lola said...

What superb photography - so ethereal & dreamlike!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


clo said...

thanks for your visit and kind comment..really happy to discover your blog...beautiful shots..
have a nice weekend too...:)

www.janetteria.com said...

All of photos are gorge! :-)

Have a lovely weekend!

Sarah said...

comforting indeed my dear. brilliant post and such lovely photos. happy weekend lenore, and thank you for your terrific blog posts!

Haute World said...

These are gorgeous images.... thanks for sharing! They have this dream-like romantic quality. Nature does just offer some of the most beautiful imagery...

S.Elisabeth said...

You take such beautiful pictures =)

And on a side note your header made me laugh. The baby is so funny!

Cindy said...

your photos are lovely and we seem to be looking down into the valley. but, are we entering it or have we just left? enjoy your weekend!

Angela said...

beautiful photos. have a great weekend my dear.

erin's art and gardens said...

a valley can be cozy, nestled-in...as long as you have a view out. i love the backlighting in the photos. all the best.

Rachel Follett said...

These are lovely. The lighting is amazing!

Shining Windows said...

I love love love the idea of walking through the "valley" but not lingering too long and getting distracted from our true destination. how beautiful and thanks for sharing! have a great Sunday..

gh said...

Great sentiment. The journey up is usually the best part and what brings us character and moulds us into who we are.
I love your photos as you have captured the wonderful ehtereal lighting that one usually finds in the early morning hours.

schnitzerPHOTO said...

Looking at that stunning first image, I see both eyes and spirit that can't help but look up. Hope your weekend is terrific...

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Beautiful photos! Gosh, I think you just may be a photographer IRL.:)

I admit it, I hate the valleys in life. My valleys have always been very deep and hard to crawl out of - But then my mountain tops are very, very high - perhaps it all balances out. Still, I prefer to have more mountain top experiences than valley lows.:)

You're a sweetheart! xoxo

apparentlyjessy said...

Beautiful photos! I love the countryside for the greenery, its a mood lifter for sure!

Aline said...

it is so beautiful!!! did you take the puggies with you??!!