What Bathtub...

The adorable Rubber Ducky* knows no frontiers, doesn't discriminate and doesn't have a political connotation. The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has some kind of 'healing' properties: SMILEsss...


Anonymous said...

AT first I thought this was photoshopped, but it's real! How can we NOT smile at a Rubber Ducky :D

Angela said...

LOL.... what a big ducky!

Melissa Blake said...

Those are so precious!

Phoebe Limanta said...

what's weird is that i've never had a rubber ducky in my whole life! lol :P

great photos as always :)

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

I love it! Just looking at it makes me feel better.:)

See you over the weekend, darling! xoxo

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth Marie said...

I just smiled...and I WASNT smiling before!

thanks darling! XO

TheBeautyFile said...

This is amazing! I want to go on a duck ride!!

Amy said...

that's awesome! i want one!

Gabbi said...

He's soooo cute!!!

www.janetteria.com said...

OMG! So funny! I love this! :-)


Dream Sequins said...

This made MY day.

Amelia said...

These are so fun and whimsical. I love oversized props.

Jeannette Mariae said...

He looks like my little duck, when I was a child (big smile...) ;-)

Couture Carrie said...

Love it!
Very Claes Oldenberg!


Simes. said...

Hey! funny pictures, loved your blog. take a look at ours whenever you want, we invite you to follow it.

Amy said...

That ducky is preposterous! Bahahahaha!

drollgirl said...


seriously! love it!!!!

Haute World said...

So awesome! Do you know where these pics were taken? I have a small collection of rubber duckies, but they are the regular-sized version of course. Not sure if a big one would even fit in the apartment. I guess I could place it outside, just to annoy the neighbors ;-)

poet said...



Micaela said...

omg, these made my day.
made me smile big! :) thank you!!!


Unknown said...

this is fabulous! what a clever idea...and also so random.

Nubiasnonsense said...

This is so adorable, I never had a rubber ducky now I suddenly want one

Brian Miller said...

big smiles. was wondering where i left him...

Iva Messy said...

LOL !!! LOVE the gigantic ducky!! I have to make sure NOT to let my son know there is a ducky that big! :) He'd love it too!

Gabby said...

Oh this made me SMILE and I needed that!

Kwana said...

Thanks for the smile!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

THAT is fantastic! I do so miss my rubber ducky from the days of old...

Toothfairy said...

ah super cool! and I immediately thought that it looked like the Netherlands, and then I noticed it's a dutchy's work! haha...


Jan said...

So Cheerful !

Aline said...

that is so cool!

Sam said...

How incredibly cheery! I'd love a big fella like him in Sydney Harbour - he'd really put a smile on everyone's dail!

Christina said...

hahaha, the "little" rubber ducky isn't quite so little, is he?

Cheryl Peters said...

If that doesn't put a smile on everyone's face, nothing will.

Thanks for the gift of a grin.

Ela said...

You. Make. Me. Smile :)

Keith said...

Wow! That's one big Rubber Ducky.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Now I have the rubber ducky song stuck in my mind!! Rubber ducky your my pal....lalalala! Have a great day!

. said...

ahhh, giant rubber ducky!! hehe

trishie said...

OMG, that's too cute and brought a big smile to my face.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Love the rubber duck! Still take a bath with mine to this day!

sofiasophie said...

this is amazing!
I was dumbfound ....

Thanks for sharing this post!

debra@dustjacket said...

He looks so happy and content :)

Lola said...

Just stopped by to say have left a little something for you on my site.

Great post as always!

Have a wonderful day & see you again soon!


Sarah said...

Lenore, you know exactly what to post to cheer me up. You are the best!

kendalee said...

This made me SMILE!!! Adorable duckiness! Thank you :) x

daisychain said...

dude I want to plant one of these in the harbour here.

Fifi Flowers said...

That's one BIG duck!!! FUN!

Kitty Stampede said...

CA-YOOT!!!! Love that wubber ducky madnes!

Kay said...

I am sure you have heard it....but here goes mine....



me melodia said...


That's all my mind can muster up right now.
How are you doing dahlin?

Jo said...

I LOVE this!! I have such a thing for rubber duckies! (I made a "do not disturb" sign featuring a rubber ducky....for bath time.) This is great!! :)

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

I've got to show this to my little one. I love it.

oyu said...

ohhhh!love it!

Denise Kiggan said...

I want one like that - perhaps a little smaller - for our swimming pool!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

That rubber ducky made me laugh out loud! Too much fun...

Diana said...

As adorable as this is, someone can have nightmares about this duck :D

Waxy said...

I love this!

Krysta Marie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Great photo, made me smile all day. I have to share!

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