
" I would really-really like to
ride on this big humongous cock !!!
Oh dear...that doesn't sound right at all?! "
[ blush-blush* ]

Marnie Weber is the talented Los Angeles artist behind this whimsical image. She has spent the last 20 years with her series of photography, art performances, videos, collages, sculptures and music inspired by the classic folklore tales...where she shares the sometimes dark wonderland of the subconscious... -Click HERE for her website. PS: Hope Everyone is enjoying the 'Animal Planet Theme Week' so far...~More to come darrrlings! ~XOXO*


www.janetteria.com said...

whimsical & cool... love this photo!

Madeleine Miranda said...

Hehehe :) Fun photo, and erm, commentry :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

You are a funny girl! Great photo love all the bright color!

Callie Grayson said...


Manju said...

lmao this is really cool xD

Kwana said...

You are so cheeky! Love it. So much fun. Thanks for the smile.

Christina said...

bahahahah, oh i so knew where that was going!

Jan said...

Imagine the noise that would make in the morning.
cock a doodle doo !
Liking this theme :)

sofiasophie said...

whimsical and....weird......

Bunny said...

Oh You are a Funny and Naughty Girl...looks like fun fun fun!!!
Love the colors

Anonymous said...

Nothing like riding a big cock all the way to the county fair!! I hope you win the blue ribbon!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Oh to visit your blog is like a breath of fresh air or a trip to a comedy club. Did I tell you how I love that you change your header photo. They are always terrific. "Inspiring" post Lenorevermore!!

Amy said...

OMG! You're the best!!!
I am really loving this photo, too!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Naughty, naughty girl! Thank you for my morning laugh, sweetness!!! xoxo

poet said...

Hahahaha...! What a fun picture!

Oh hey. What with me not being a native speaker and not always up to date on English slang words, a few years ago I was writing a term paper in English together with a friend who had spent a year at an American high school. One of our example words (we're linguists) was the Russian word for the animal depicted. She admonished me to definitely gloss it as rooster... that's when I realized :)


Anonymous said...

LMAO! I have a friend who collects "cocks" in her kitchen ;) Visited her website and that woman floating under water reminded me of a horror movie...now trying to remember the name. Probably will remember it when I'm in bed tonight.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Wait a minute.....

I needed to pick myself up off the floor! You are just way too funny...I needed that morning laugh!

Cassaundra said...

you are hilarious! looks like fun!

Sierra said...

Oh my gosh you crack me up - nice photo and hope you have a wonderful week too!

Aline said...

that photo is amazing!

Gabbi said...

Gorgeous work and hilarious commentary dear Lenore!!! :)

nora said...

Ahahahahaha :D

Thx for the smile you put on my face :D I really needed it today... =)

Helen said...

Haha nice caption!

Unknown said...

Funny intro. LOL!

I'm likin' the animal theme...and that header, too. :)

Couture Carrie said...

So fun!!


P.S. Great spotting on the Chambord Castle having my initials, darling L!

drollgirl said...

SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was just going to do another post on her. b a h. you beat me to it!

Angela said...

very cool image. i like your new header. : )

bananas. said...

YES! i love a dirty dirty mind.
that picture rocks!

Cheryl Peters said...

That's the biggest "rooster" I've ever laid eyes on.

Kitty Stampede said...

bahaha! I adore her!

Kitty Stampede said...

and you!

trishie said...

You're CHEEKY!!!!!!!!!!

Sam said...

This animal planet theme is totally putting a spring in my step sweetie - especially when you come out with pearlers such as "I want to ride...!" Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that otherwise it would've come out my nose!!