Sunday Best*

For God has not given us a spirit of fear...
but of power & of love & of a sound-peaceful mind. ~2Timothy1:7
" ~I Lurrrve it & crave them! "
-Cartoonist Roald Dahl -Verse commentary click here


  1. Power, love and a sound mind. Even God may struggle with the sound mind part!

  2. I think I know what this means in regard to my appearance. And it's not good.

  3. Yes. I crave them, too. xxoo

  4. I'm pretty sure the cartoonist is Raold Dahl of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fame. The book that page is from is called "the Twits." A great book.

  5. Secretly, I think this is everyone's goal in life - particularly the sound peaceful mind part - *sigh* - hope you're having a good Sunday dear Lenore. XX

  6. Homemaker Man,
    Thank you so much, I'm impressed!

  7. it does look like roald dahl. I've read all his books as a kid!

    and this is very true!

    Have a lovely sunday!

  8. Oh yeah, love the verse too.

  9. Man, those Roald Dahl books were amazing. :)

  10. I agree....

    I love the sktches, they are really strong and powefull, look at the last bad & ugly face, she is TERRIBLE and scaaaaary!

  11. Hey there. Happy Sunday to you. I hope you've been enjoying the weekend. Take care. Good luck with the week ahead. Cheers!

  12. i just adore roald dahl and i LOVE this post. good reminder.

  13. it is good

    and i like all post ,
    and beautiful images

    have a great week end

  14. Very cute! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. :)

  15. love Dahl. love that post.

  16. Oh I do agree! I find that it's good to have a good dose of sarcasm and humour along with the good thoughts!

  17. oh no! looking at the progressively ugly picture instinctively made me pull an ugly face myself. it's just like grandma always said: make that face enough and it's going to get stuck like that!

  18. excellent post !!!
    so good !

  19. Reading this, Lenore, and showing my teeth, gums and all! Here's to gums!! ox

  20. So much truth in that.
    Oh dear Monday looms (again)
    hope you can get through it by thinking lovely thoughts.
    You are 'lovely Lenore' anyway though - so you don't have to.

  21. good thoughts, always have good thoughts, good thoughts, always have good thoughts.

    this will be my new mantra!

  22. LOVE this post! Totally believe it is true.

  23. Yes, this is very true and it's so encouraging. Inner beauty.

  24. Aww thank you dear.. I love fusion food as well! I recognized the drawings from Roald Dahl as soon as I saw :P I used to read his books when I was little.. good message though! I def. would rather have good thoughts shine out of me like sunbeams.

  25. That is a very inspiring quote. Thanks for encouraging us to always be optimistic.

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  26. I certainly don’t want to be ugly and uglier every year of my life. Thanks for the reminder.

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  27. hahahah..I totally needed that in so many ways. This will make me think twice when I have ugly thoughts..they do tend to creep up though, don't they. I need to shoo them away from now on.
    This makes me want to read a Roald Dahl book...I used to like crazy when a kid. He has such a great way with words.

  28. oh, i choose to leave my comment here for you because this post is so true and one must practice every day..so smile on.

    hola lenorenevermore: thank you so much for swingin' by my blog, i am rather new and already have felt like just quit doing it, but when i get commnents like your it just makes me wanna stay on board even longer, so thanks again.

    loving your blog, cute photos/graphics and funny comments on your right column. i am definately following you. cheers to you! hope you had a lovely weekend.

    oxo, liz

  29. As beautiful as it is true.
