
This is on my 'wish list' since the longest time...
One fine day, I would really-really like to check it off my list!
Until then...this view via Celine's ride in Canada
would have to do just fine...
This is such a perfect way to view the Autumn leaves, no?!
Instead of flying, I plan to drive to the country side and view
the Autumn wonderland this weekend...yesssss*
Anyone been on an air-balloon? Do tell...I'm nosy like that!
" Have a LOVEly* Weekend Everyone! "
-Pics via her lovely Blog*~thank you Celine!


  1. I wish I had the courage:-( I am afraid of heights and although I can handle most high places I cannot bring myself to get in a balloon. I will do it one of these days and just get over it!

    LNM- Have an amazing weekend!

  2. Thank you sweety!X:)
    Never been in one but get all excited if I ever spot one!!...OOO BAALLLOOOONN!!!!! X;0)

    Fabby weekend to you

  3. I was able to ride in a balloon once during the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Clark Air Base Philippines. Out of the hundreds of photographers present, I was chosen because of my size. According to the organizers, my weight won't be an added bulk to the balloon where there were already two big men from Hungary.

    The ride was exciting except for the part when the balloon landed. Since I had two Hungarian men with me and they don't speak English, I wasn't able to get their instructions on what to do during landing. I hit my head in the gas tank while trying to save my camera. But nothing serious though, it was a memorable experience.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I've missed, missed, missed you!
    Oh this is so lovely and I want to go on one but seriously I'm not sure I could actually handle it...I don't know. If you come visit Canada - please see me :)

    Happy weekend, love! xx

  5. My father-in-law used to go up in his friend's balloon, but as for me, no, but maybe someday.

    I hope your wish comes true.

  6. WHEW, I am WAY to wussy for that. It does look lovely though.

  7. What a beautiful perspective from which to view the glorious autumn color! I've never been in a balloon before. I think I'd be a wee bit afraid. Enjoy your weekend my dear girl!

    P.S. If you get a chance, pop over to D&OC. Christina is hosting a giveaway from my shop!:


  8. Love the Merc in your header, Lee- Lee and it's my fave colour too!

    We get lots of these hot air balloons going over in our area. I don't think I'd ever do it though—too afraid of heights.

    Don't watch the movie, "Enduring Love" with Daniel Craig, if you're thinking of doing it. Just don't.

    Have you seen my new haiku blog?


  9. this is on my "bucket list"! so wonderful!

    have an amazing weekend!

  10. I'm scared of heights so I don't think that it is for me!

  11. What a gorgeous view!!! Autumn arial views are the best... wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend dearest Lenore!♥♥

  12. I have been on a balloon ride! It was a glorious treat! Perched atop the city of Albuquerque I had a bird's eye view for a brief moment in my life. We rode with a french fellow who celebrated our lost virginity (in balloon riders tongue) with a toast of french sweet wine. I will never forget that moment.

  13. I've always sort of wanted to skydive, but now that I have kids I feel it a tad irresponsible. Or maybe I'm chicken and just using that as an excuse. A hot air baloon might be the perfect solution! and in fall definitely.

  14. That would be amazing!Yes, definitely the best way to see the foliage...although it does look nice contrasted against the sky as well :)

  15. I haven't been up in one myself - I'm wondering wether I would be OK or not. Part of me would love it but I might suddenly get the heebeegeebies being up so high with no visible signs of support! Hmmmm...you should treat yourself Lenore! I'd love to see your photos! Have a lovely weekend! XX

  16. omg, I've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon too. But at the same time I'm kind of afraid of heights, so I don't know how that would work haha.

  17. i am sure glad to be here, whew! take me up there with you, lenore girl!

  18. OH! Go for the air balloon, you'll never regret it! :)

  19. Your blog is so full of inspiration- all, what a woman`s heart want! It`s such a shame, that I just descovert it! (I didn`t saw your sweet comment on my blog :-( ).Btw. It`s a very honor to be on your blogroll! Thanks for that.

    Have a great day,

    Fräulein F.

  20. I haven't (Oliver was too young when we were in Napa and they wouldn't let him go ???) We did get some gorgous pictures of the hot air balloons literally in our back yard, in the trees taking off it was stunning. I have done zipline/canopy tours in Costa Rica and am hoping to fly with a top gun one of these days!!
    Beautiful images, have a great weekend..can't wait to see images of your foliage.

  21. Have a wonderful week end!

  22. what a spectacular view! i've never been but my boyfriend wants to take me one day, but i'm scared!

  23. Your blog is fantastic! Thanks for leaving me a comment so that I could find this fabulous blog of yours.

  24. *sigh* when will i be able to look at an old school flying device and NOT think about balloon boy? Oh the innocence of two weeks ago!

  25. Just unbelievably stunning! I will go and add it to my "Must do list" as well. And what a great time of year to go up, while the leaves are turning. I've missed you sweetie...

  26. ooooo. i want to go too!

  27. I've always wanted to, there is something so romantic about it. The leaves right now where I live are so majestic, I would kill to see it from above like that,breathing in the crisp autumn air..would have to bundle up though..
    have a great weekend lenore!

  28. This is one of my dreams, too! Wanna hop on a balloon with me, my friend?! xo

  29. Beautiful picture! I could never do that though - I would be too scared!

  30. Yup. That's gorgeous! I love the fall...

  31. Thank you everyone!
    Will share/post my photos
    of 'Fall Foliage' next week okie*

  32. that has been on my wish list as well, but it's so expensive! one day, one day.

  33. I would do it in a heartbeat! :)

  34. My husband actually bought me a hot air balloon ride once, but we kept postponing the date (mainly because of work schedules and bad weather) and in the end the validity of our ticket expired :/ But it's definitely still on my wish list. I can only imagine how amazing and exhilerating it must be to see the world from up there but not be hidden behind machinery!

  35. Taking a hot air balloon ride is on my list of things I want to do before I die. Heehee...
    Looks so beautiful.

  36. I'm sure it would be quite lovely, but the height thing creeps me out...and the small little basket.
