
My best friend & I went for a Japanese dinner last night~
Haven't seen each other for a while...he had just
returned from a Mexico Cruise with his family.
He shared fun stories & amazing vacation photos...
" anyone been on a cruise before? "
Anyway, always enjoy a good company & Japanese food.
Must also say that I always like the idea of the mix&match
dishes...so preeeetty~certainly so much more interesting!
It's not so much of a trend, the Japanese has been
doing it for centuries...
~okie*time for more visual delightsss...
washing hands stereoview
Animated stereoview of old Japan --
Animated stereoview of old Japan --

Animated stereoview of old Japan --

Animated stereoview of old Japan --

In the late 19th and early 20th century,
enigmatic photographer T. Enami (1859-1929)
captured a number of 3D-stereoviews depicting life in Meiji-period Japan.
...such visual delights*

sorry guys, some of you informed me
that you can NOT view
the above animated images...
not really sure why...errr???
Just click below if you encounter the problem=

- Special thanks to my brother for the link*


  1. I'm not sure, something seems to be wrong with my browser, I can't seem to see the lovely visual delights! :(

    a lovely meal with a best friend is something so very beautiful. I love spending quality time with my best friend. So many laughs and always beautiful memories!! I am so glad that two of you got to catch up over sushi!! YUM YUM YUMMY!!!

  2. Great post! Look at those 3D images! I've never seen anything like these before! Amazing. Lenore, you know lots about my country than I do. Thank you!

  3. Oh I love these 3rd photos! To think they were done in the early 20th century! Amazing!

  4. p.s. I love your new header :)

  5. Good for you...dinner with your best friend...so very nice, indeed.

    My husband, son and I will be eating in a Japanese restaurant tomorrow evening. Can't wait!

  6. I can't see the visuals either, but the shot of that Japanese food makes me want to get sushi this week. MMMMM ;)

  7. Oh sounds like a fun dinner, always good with some great stories and company.

    Mmm no visuals here either honey.

  8. the food looks great but I can't see the other visual delights. Although as I write this comment I can see your wool clad feet from the last post. So I guess I have that going for me . . .

  9. I couldn't see the other visual delights either:( But the first photo totally makes me homesick.. It captures the delicacy of Japanese food...

    Thanks for posting this!

  10. Oh, darn! I, too, am unable to see the animated images. I'm on a Mac.

  11. Sorry about the 'glitch' guys,

    I guess it all depends on the prog you use?! google chrome & internet explorer seem to work fine!

  12. YUM!
    Thanks for sharing this!
    I have no problem seeing the animations at all-I'm the lucky one?

  13. Lenore! thank you so much for the update! I can see the first one and its truly something else! I am so glad I got a chance to see it! I will check again tomorrow from work and see if I can catch a glimpse of the rest! I would never want to miss something like this!! thank you so so so much! very lovely indeed!

  14. um, I think I'm experiencing my past life. whoa. ;-)

  15. although they're making me a little bit sea sick ;), i love the last one in particular. so cool.

  16. Lenore, I can see it now on my mac and I also clicked onto the link...absolutely glorious images!

  17. I can see the 1st one...
    very cool ~~


  18. I can only see half the post, but gorgeous none the less.

  19. you just made me hunger for good food and friendship...mmmm....nothing better!

  20. those images are amazing even if the vibration makes me a tad dizzy. yes, i've been on a cruise. i felt sea sick the whole time but it was still fun!

  21. Something wrong with my browser too - but the food looked spectacular!!

    x LOLA:)

  22. Seriously...I could eat Japanese food like several days a week. SO good!

  23. Love Japanese mini buffets!! The food is always so delicate and, as you say, pretty!

    The image of Geishas is divine!! I too can't get the others but shall click on the link - thank you!! XXOO's

  24. Oh yum yum Japanese is one of my faves! Tempura never gets old. :) Hmm maybe on the menu for dinner now, thanks alot. ;)

  25. can't see. But I love Japanese food. Drooling!

  26. Dangit. I'm having pancakes for dinner. This looks so much better.

  27. yummm...i can taste and smell the japanese feast now. i find when i eat japanese food I feel really peaceful..it sounds strange but its true,must have something to do with the tea.
    And i loove these japanese photographs. i love their ancient culture so much, so intriguing.

  28. Looks and sounds like a lovely dinner! I adore Sashimi... my brother-in-law says he feels like a bear when he eats it, which I think hilarious since he's usually eating it delicately with chopsticks :)

    Also, I love the 3D images of old Japan. Completely mind blowing!

  29. Thank you guys!
    sorry I won't be able to reply...busy sand-bagging!

  30. Catching up with friends over sushi is always a fun time :)

    And thanks for the cool photos - I can't believe even way back then people still were able to make things 3D :)

    As for being busy sand-bagging - oh no :( I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything is okay weather-wise!

  31. A lovely dinner with a dear friend! Here's to more nights like this soon, I hope the storm troubles end soon, love.

    Oh and yes, we've been on 2 cruises, love it!!!
