Newspaper Today~

The Hotel where I'm staying in Singapore,
provides the guests with newspaper
which they deliver to our rooms every morning...
Well everyone, this morning
I noticed this Ads for an insurance company
and was really fascinated by the image~
This girl has a cute smile I thought...
...Then I looked closer !
and closer...
...and even CLOSER &
That girl was created by using
...guess what ?!
~WOW*...amazzzzing huh?!
as a child, I remember doing finger-painting in kindergarten
errr...but nothing this good though! ~again, wowww!
{ click the above image to enlarge & view the details }
" and warm greetings from Singapore! "


Bob said...

That is fantastic!

Laura Trevey said...

Wow... think of the time it took to create this beautiful image!

Hope you are having fun :)
xoxo Laura

Lola said...

Wow! How fascinating! Some DNA thumb print evidence there!

Have a great week,


Anonymous said...

Super cool!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Amazing! Kids do not attempt this at home I mean kids (of all ages) attempt this at home! (Just not on mommy's clothes)

C'est La Vie said...

wow, that is incredible...i don't remember making that in kindergarten

Christina said...

whoa, definitely not the normal kind of finger painting. very cool!

Sarah said...

omg, incredible!!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Woa I've never seen this thumbprint art!! I like it!!!

Iva Messy said...

WOW!! that is totally awesome! Pretty sure my finger paintings didn't look like this ;)

Jan said...

Wow! AND Woah !
Interesting find.

emily said...

how creative! i love it.

Yelena R. said...

Wow, that's true talent!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Amazing. It makes me want to try doing it, but then I think my finger paintings now would still look pretty much like my finger paintings from kindergarten! xo

The Snarky Narwhal said...

wow that is so creative, I love that!

Saving Capulet said...

oooohh thats sooo amazing!!!! O.O

Kay said...

That's really cool...I could totally do it! :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

you go girl!
liking your confidence~

Thank you everyone!

Tiffany Kadani said...

That's awesome. Equally awesome is that you have the eye to look a little deeper and see what it is.

Jodi Kendall said...

that's awesome! good eye for catching that. amazing.

Taylor said...

I remember making "fuzzies" in class; creating them with our thumbprints. I gave them arms and legs. So fun that an ad would get through to us this way.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

That is so cool! Wow! :)

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

wow amazing! great photos!

Homemaker Man said...

It's amazing that one can find that kind of artistry in a newspaper ad for insurance in Singapore. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like that here. Except maybe for those colorful graphs in USA Today.

Couture Carrie said...

Very cool!


Anonymous said...

Now that is AMAZING! Takes finger painting to a whole new level :)

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...


Anonymous said...

this is the type of art I like :)

Sam said...

So clever! Print ads can be a revelation sometimes! XOXO's

J said...

that's really cool. :)

Rosa said...

Wow that's amazing, the artist must be incredibly talented. making sure the tones and shades of the pictures work out :O

Erin Wallace said...

Wow! So cool!

SabinePsynopsis said...

That's genius! I really have to work on my fingerprint technique.

SabinePsynopsis said...

That's genius! I really have to work on my fingerprint technique.

amourissima said...

I just love it! Oh yes, and I saw in the paper yesterday that it is super balmy in Singapore. Hot stuff!

Bathwater said...

So were any two finger prints the same?

Anna White said...

Wow..awesome...so very very clever..love it..great that the daily paper provided some inspiration...makes a nice change from the dreary news. Great post x

Susan said...

Curious to know whose thumb prints those are? Not yours Lenore?? x

April said...

I have some thumbprint note cards that I sent out to people. I should start making pictures like this though!

Diana said...

So creative!

Glad to be back from a long week of no blog reading or blogging! :)

Mel said...

Haha that's so cool!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, that is way cool! Artistic talent amazes me. Maybe because I have none. Ah ha ha

Elizabeth Marie said...

This is so cool!! Enjoy Singapore!

abigail said...

And I thought the little thumb print bunny ornaments I made as a kid were cool!
Amazing. Such a great idea.

maddy said...

Your blog is absolutely amazing! This post is fantastic, who would've thought an insurance company could've created such a cute/creative ad!?
I'm following! ;D

stay classy.


leila brewster photography said...

this is soo unique and cool! ps i LOVE your header!

English Muse said...

eee!! amazing!!

Schnappy said...

oh, very amazing! :)

Melissa Blake said...

Wow, that is quite fascinating. Thanks for sharing! xoxo

Cindy said...

it's as fantastic as you noticing how it was created!

bananas. said...

That's pretty awesome right there. I swear people are so darn talented. What a creative ad.

Karen said...

Wow is right! If only I could create such beautiful paintings with my thumbprints.. well thanks for sharing & hope you're having a good time in Singapore!

www.janetteria.com said...

Just incredible!

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

love that image! such talentotally!

Phoenix said...

That's very cool! The power of we, indeed! Looks like everyone contributed to making that adorable little girl :)

Awesome catch, Lenore!

Ela said...

That is amazingly creative I love that!

Jill said...

Very cool! I've so enjoyed your journey in Singapore...thanks for sharing...and thanks for the birthday comments!

Dream Sequins said...

Wow- that is really something. I LOVE IT. By the way, how was Singapore? Sorry been MIA- in recovery. And constantly feeling BEHIND in everything. xx

Anonymous said...

ah! so cool, i love thumb print art. so much identity, and undertones created by the unique lines that are grafted onto your finger tips, line that are different then any other lines, and then to use them to apply paint?! so cool.